%ents; ]>
User Tune This specification defines a payload format for communicating information about music to which a user is listening, including the title, track number, collection, performer, composer, length, and user rating. The payload format is typically transported using the personal eventing profile of XMPP publish-subscribe as specified in XEP-0163. &LEGALNOTICE; 0118 Draft Standards Track Standards XMPP Core XEP-0163 tune http://www.xmpp.org/schemas/tune.xsd &stpeter; 1.2pre1 2008-01-23 psa

Added rating element.

1.1 2007-06-04 psa

Removed non-PEP examples; added uri element.

1.0 2004-11-12 psa

Per a vote of the Jabber Council, advanced status to Draft.

0.10 2004-10-29 psa

Added example with URL.

0.9 2004-10-27 psa

Changed recommendation to not include the <length/> element if the track time is unknown.

0.8 2004-10-26 psa

Added implementation notes; clarified nature of <source/> and <track/> elements; if length is unknown, set to zero.

0.7 2004-05-20 psa

Changed <length/> datatype from xs:duration to xs:unsignedShort.

0.6 2004-04-25 psa

Corrected several errors; added reference to XEP-0033.

0.5 2004-02-19 psa

Reverted from infobits to tune elements.

0.4 2003-12-14 psa

Slight modifications to track changes to infobits specifications.

0.3 2003-10-23 psa

Replaced tune elements with infobits.

0.2 2003-09-10 psa

Added "stop" function via empty <tune/> element.

0.1 2003-09-08 psa

Initial version.

This document defines a protocol for communicating information about the music to which a user is listening. Such information may be seen as a kind of "extended presence", and users may want to communicate such information to their contacts on the network as a fun add-on to traditional IM applications or to provide integration with common music-player applications.

Information about tunes is provided by the user and propagated on the network by the user's client. The information container for tune data is a <tune/> element that is qualified by the 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune' namespace. The tune information itself is provided as the XML character data of the following children of the <tune/> element:

Element Description Example Datatype
artist The artist or performer of the song or piece Yes xs:string
length The duration of the song or piece in seconds 686 xs:unsignedShort
rating The user's rating of the song or piece, from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). 9 xs:positiveInteger
source The collection (e.g., album) or other source (e.g., a band website that hosts streams or audio files) Yessongs xs:string
title The title of the song or piece Heart of the Sunrise xs:string
track A unique identifier for the tune; e.g., the track number within a collection or the specific URI for the object (e.g., a stream or audio file) 3 xs:string
uri A URI or URL pointing to information about the song, collection, or artist http://www.yesworld.com/lyrics/Fragile.html#9 xs:anyURI

NOTE: The datatypes specified above are defined in &w3xmlschema2;.

Tune information SHOULD be communicated and transported by means of the &xep0060; subset specified in &xep0163;. Because tune information is not pure presence information and can change independently of the user's availability, it SHOULD NOT be provided as an extension to &PRESENCE;.

Yes 686 9 Yessongs Heart of the Sunrise 3 http://www.yesworld.com/lyrics/Fragile.html#9 ]]>

The tune information is then delivered to all subscribers:

Yes 686 9 Yessongs Heart of the Sunrise 3 http://www.yesworld.com/lyrics/Fragile.html#9 . . . ]]>

In order to indicate that the user is no longer listening to any tunes, the user's client SHOULD send an empty <tune/> element, which can be considered a "stop command" for user tunes:

]]> . . . ]]>

To prevent a large number of updates when a user is skipping through tracks, an implementation SHOULD wait several seconds before publishing new tune information.

If the length is unknown (e.g., the user is listening to a stream), the <length/> element SHOULD NOT be included.

A typical interface for user ratings is to show one to five star icons such as ☆☆☆☆☆. If this interface is used, the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 should be mapped to one, two, three, four, and five stars respectively, and odd numbers should be mapped to half stars (e.g., the number 9 would be mapped to four-and-a-half stars).

The publication of user tune information is not known to introduce any new security considerations above and beyond those defined in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

The ®ISTRAR; includes 'http://jabber.org/protocol/tune' in its registry of protocol namespaces.

The protocol documented by this schema is defined in XEP-0118: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0118.html ]]>