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OAuth Over XMPP This specification defines an XMPP extension for delegating access to protected resources over XMPP, using the OAuth protocol. In the language of OAuth, a User can authorize a Consumer to access a Protected Resource that is hosted by a Service Provider; this authorization is encapsulated in a token that the User requests from the Service Provider, that the User shares with the Consumer, and that the Consumer then presents to the Service Provider in an access request. This specification assumes that OAuth tokens will be acquired via HTTP as defined in the core OAuth specification, then presented over XMPP to a Service Provider. The Protected Resources accessible over XMPP might include groupchat rooms, data feeds hosted at publish-subscribe nodes, media relays, communication gateways, and other items of interest. &LEGALNOTICE; 0235 Experimental Standards Track Standards Council XMPP Core NOT_YET_ASSIGNED &stpeter; 0.5 2008-08-07 psa

More clearly specified access request format; corrected examples to incorporate nonce, timestamp, and version; modified request URL syntax to follow XML canonicalization order; changed HMAC-SHA1 from MUST to SHOULD.

0.4 2008-08-07 psa

Incorporated consensus reached at XMPP Summit #5: narrowed the scope to cover OAuth only, specified that HTTP is used except for sending the access request via XMPP, corrected signature generation algorithm, specified security considerations, and removed invitation and account registration use cases.

0.3 2008-03-31 psa

Changed data forms usage to semantic XML format (except for in-band registration).

0.2 2008-03-27 psa

Generalized to cover authorization tokens; added use cases for pubsub node subscriptions and XMPP account registration.

0.1 2008-03-05 psa

Initial published version.

0.0.1 2008-02-20 psa

First draft.

Although authentication is required in order to access the XMPP network, in some situations it is desirable to require authorization in order for an authenticated entity to access certain resources on the network. For example, authorization may be required to join a &xep0045; room, subscribe to a &xep0060; node, or to access other resources of interest (such as a media relay or communications gateway).

Dedicated technologies exist for authorization. One such technology is &oauth;, as defined at <http://oauth.net/core/1.0/>. In the language of OAuth, a User can authorize a Consumer to access a Protected Resource that is hosted by a Service Provider; this authorization is encapsulated in a token that the User requests from the Service Provider, that the User shares with the Consumer, and that the Consumer then presents to the Service Provider in an access request.

This specification assumes that OAuth Access Tokens will be acquired outside the XMPP (i.e., via HTTP as defined in the core OAuth specification) and merely presented over XMPP when sending a protocol-specific access request.

The typical scenario is for a Consumer to request the authorization to act as a delegated authority on behalf of the User to access a Protected Resource owned by the User at a Service Provider. For example, the owner of a pubsub node could allow a remote entity to publish to that node (the single lines "---" show protocol flows over HTTP and the double lines "===" show protocol flows over XMPP):

| | grant the Request Token | |<----------------------------| | | | [Consumer redirects User | | to Service Provider] | | | | request an Access Token | |---------------------------->| | grant the Access Token | |<----------------------------| | access Protected Resource | |============================>| | | ]]>

Before presenting an access token to a Service Provider in a protocol-specific access request, a Consumer SHOULD verify that the Service Provider supports this protocol, as described under the Determining Support section of this document.

Consider the example of a User (say, <world-traveler@example.com>) who wishes to authorize a Consumer (say, an application called FindMeNow as represented by the JID <travelbot@findemenow.tld>) to access the User's geolocation feed at a Service Provider called WorldGPS (as represented by a publish-subscribe node of <feeds.worldgps.tld/world-traveler>). The order of events might be as follows.

  1. WorldGPS and FindMeNow have agreed upon a certificate and secret for FindMeNow to use when communicating with WorldGPS.
  2. WorldGPS maintains a feed for the User's location data in an XMPP PubSub Node.
  3. The User visits FindMeNow.tld and requests real-time updates from his WorldGPS feed.
  4. FindMeNow, over HTTP, requests a "request token" from WorldGPS's pubsub service, signing it with the agreed-upon certificate and secret.
  5. WorldGPS, if the signature was valid, sends FindMeNow a "request token."
  6. FindMeNow then redirects the user to a WorldGPS webpage.
  7. On the WorldGPS webpage, the User logs in (or is already logged in) and is then asked whether to approve of FindMeNow having read-only access to his geolocation information.
  8. The User approves the request and WorldGPS redirects the User back to FindMeNow.
  9. FindMeNow, over HTTP, requests an "access token" (again signing it) and now using the "request token" approved by the User.
  10. WorldGPS, if the signature is correct and the request token was approved, replies with an access token.
  11. FindMeNow, over XMPP, subscribes to the User's pubsub node using the access token.

As a result, FindMeNow gets updated every time the User publishes items to his geolocation node at WorldGPS.

Steps 1 through 10 occur via HTTP. Step 11 occurs via XMPP.

The access request MUST include the following parameters:

An example follows.

0685bd9184jfhq22 4572616e48616d6d65724c61686176 wOJIO9A2W5mFwDgiDvZbTSMK%2FPY%3D HMAC-SHA1 1218137833 ad180jjd733klru7 1.0 ]]>

When sending an OAuth access request over XMPP, the signature method SHOULD be HMAC-SHA1. The Signature Base String SHALL be constructed from the following items:

As an example, consider the following stanza:

0685bd9184jfhq22 4572616e48616d6d65724c61686176 wOJIO9A2W5mFwDgiDvZbTSMK%2FPY%3D HMAC-SHA1 1218137833 ad180jjd733klru7 1.0 ]]>

The Signature Base String would be as follows (where line endings have been added for readability and are denoted by the "\" character):

Assuming a consumer secret of 'consumersecret' and a token secret of 'tokensecret', the signature will be:

If a service provides and accepts authorization tokens, it MUST advertise support for the 'urn:xmpp:tmp:oauth' namespace in its disco#info replies (if provided) its &xep0115; notations &NSNOTE;.

Signatures generated according to the signature generation algorithm might be subject to replay attacks. However, inclusion of the XMPP "from" and "to" addresses limits these attacks to compromised servers or client-to-server connections. In addition, inclusion of the nonce value also helps to prevent replay attacks.

OAuth tokens SHOULD be sent only over TLS-encrypted client-to-server connections, and all server-to-server connections SHOULD be TLS-enabled. Additional security can be provided using appropriate methods for the end-to-end encryption of XMPP traffic, such as &xep0027;, &rfc3923; &xep0116;, or &xep0246;.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

Until this specification advances to a status of Draft, its associated namespace shall be "urn:xmpp:tmp:oauth"; upon advancement of this specification, the ®ISTRAR; shall issue a permanent namespace in accordance with the process defined in Section 4 of &xep0053;. The permanent namespace "urn:xmpp:oauth" will be requested, which is thought to be unique per the XMPP Registrar's requirements.


The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of Blaine Cook, Leah Culver, Kellan Elliott-McCrea, Seth Fitzsimmons, Nathan Fritz, Evan Henshaw-Plath, Joe Hildebrand, and Ralph Meijer to the content of this specification, as provided during the XMPP Summit held in Portland, Oregon, on July 21 and 22, 2008. Thanks also to Dave Cridland and Pedro Melo for their comments on an early draft.