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File Transfer Metadata An extension to XEP-0096 and XEP-0234 to design a way of adding arbitrary data to file transfer offers. &LEGALNOTICE; xxxx ProtoXEP Standards Track Council Standards XMPP Core XEP-0096 XEP-0234 NOT YET ASSIGNED Jonny Lamb jonny.lamb@collabora.co.uk jonny.lamb@collabora.co.uk 0.0.1 2011-11-11 jl Initial version.

The current methods for file transfers include basic metadata about the file being offered such as its name, size, and date. There currently is no way to provide arbitrary details about the file being transferred. XEP-0264 starts to address this problem, but only includes thumbnails of transfers.

The design of this extension to file transfer offers is influenced by adding data forms to disco#info replies (as per &xep0115;) and by the design of &xep0264;

This document defines a way to include arbitrary data in a file transfer.

The arbitrary data added to the offer is incluced in &xep0004; which must be formatted according to &xep0128; to the root <file> element. There can be as many data forms under said <file> element as long as the FORM_TYPE field is different for each form.

example:dataform:exifdata 3872 2592 NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D80 ... ]]> 1969-07-21T02:56:15Z The wild party you should've been at thatwildparty.jpg 8492843 552da749930852c69ae5d2141d3766b1 example:dataform:exifdata 3872 2592 NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D80 ... ]]>

This document introduces no security concerns above and beyond those specified in &xep0004;.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

This document requires no interaction with the ®ISTRAR;; however, specifications following the best practices defined herein may register FORM_TYPEs and field values with the XMPP Registrar.