<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd'> <html> <head> <title>XMPP Extensions</title> <!--#include virtual="/includes/head.txt" --> <h2>XMPP Extensions</h2> <p><a class="standardsButton" href="atom.xml">ATOM</a> <a class="standardsButton" href="rss.xml">RSS</a></p> <p>The <a href='/xsf/'>XMPP Standards Foundation</a> (XSF) develops extensions to <a href="/">XMPP</a> through a standards process centered around XMPP Extension Protocols (XEPs). The <a href="xep-0001.html">process</a> is managed by the <a href="editor.shtml">XMPP Extensions Editor</a> and involves intensive discussion on the <a href="http://mail.jabber.org/mailman/listinfo/standards/">Standards mailing list</a>, formal review and <a href="/council/votes.shtml">voting</a> by the <a href="/council/">XMPP Council</a>, and modification based on implementation experience and interoperability testing. All documents in the XEP series are available under a liberal <a href="ipr-policy.shtml">IPR Policy</a> for wide implementation. Submissions are <a href='submit.shtml'>welcome</a> (see also the <a href="/extensions/inbox/">"inbox"</a>). Changes are tracked via a <a href="http://www.jabberstudio.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xmpp/extensions/">CVS repository</a> (see <a href='http://www.jabberstudio.org/cvs.php'>instructions</a>), <a href="/extensions/attic/">old versions</a> are available, and IETF-style <a href="/extensions/refs/">XML reference files</a> are provided.</p> <p>This page lists approved XMPP extensions as well as proposals that are under active consideration. A <a href="all.shtml">list of all XEPs</a> (including retracted, rejected, deprecated, and obsolete XEPs) is also available. Good places for developers to start are the <a href='xep-0073.html'>basic</a> and <a href='xep-0117.html'>intermediate</a> protocol suites.</p> <p><em>Note: The following table is sortable, just click on the headers (click twice to reverse the sort order).</em></p> <table border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' class='sortable' id='xeplist'> <tr class='xepheader'> <th align='left'>Number</th> <th align='left'>Name</th> <th align='left'>Type</th> <th align='left'>Status</th> <th align='left'>Date</th> </tr> <!--#include virtual="/includes/xeps-default.txt" --> </table> <!--#include virtual="/includes/foot.txt" -->