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Message Tone A proposal for including the sender's tone in messages. &LEGALNOTICE; 0014 Rejected Standards Track Standards JIG Mike Mintz psicoder@yahoo.com mikem@jabber.org 0.2 2002-01-16 psa First release to CVS, including editorial changes and assignment of number. 0.1 2001-11-17 mm Initial version.

When people speak to one another, they use various tones of voice and body language to express themselves. When communicating online, people have no easy way of expressing themselves clearly. By incorporating message tones into Jabber, people will be able to convey tones such as anger, sarcasm, and confusion.

Tone can be added only to messages, and it is added as an <x> tag inside a message. The <x> tag will look something like this:

<x xmlns='jabber:x:tone'>angry</x>

The specified tone is included as CDATA within the <x> element.

Here is an example of a message with a tone:

<message to='mikem@jabber.org'> <body> Why the hell did they reject my idea? </body> <x xmlns='jabber:x:tone'>angry</x> </message>

Tones are not meant to be sent with every message. They should be used only in cases where a tone dramatically applies. The overuse of tones will cause them to lose their effect.

Because tones are abstract and not clearly defined, there is no standard list of tones. Clients should receive the tone as it is and display it as plain text, in such a way that it is linked to a specific message. Clients may want to have a specified list of tones that a user can select from when sending a message.

Tones should be short and simple. Here is a list of good tones: