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Basic Filtering Operations A module that provides basic conditions and actions for packet filtering. &LEGALNOTICE; 0063 Deferred Informational Standards XEP-0062 None None Not yet assigned Robert Norris rob@cataclysm.cx rob@cataclysm.cx 0.2 2003-09-30 psa At the request of the author, changed the status of this document to Deferred pending development of an implementation; also changed the type to Informational. 0.1 2002-12-05 rn Initial version.

This document defines a module for &xep0062; that provides some basic conditions and actions to perform common packet filtering tasks.

This module operates in the "http://jabber.org/protocol/filter/basic" namespace.

This module defines the fullowing conditions:

]]> jabber:iq:version ]]> user@company.com ]]>

This module defines the fullowing actions:

]]> me@home.com ]]>

There are no security features or concerns related to this proposal.

This document requires no interaction with the IANA.

No namespaces or parameters need to be registered with JANA as a result of this document.