%ents; ]>
Dublin Core Infobits Mapping NOTE: This proposal was retracted by the author on 2004-02-19. &LEGALNOTICE; 0121 Retracted Informational Standards JIG JEP-0120 None None N/A &stpeter; 0.6 2003-12-15 psa Confined proposal to Dublin Core only. 0.5 2003-12-14 psa Added more vCard mappings; specified prefixes for some infobits; defined registry submission. 0.4 2003-10-23 psa Modified Dublin Core references. 0.3 2003-10-22 psa Updated to track changes in JEP-0120. 0.2 2003-09-28 psa Added several new info keys; further defined Dublin Core metadata elements; added internationalization considerations. 0.1 2003-09-23 psa Initial version.

&jep0120; defines a protocol for capturing granular information (or "infobits") about users, servers, services, rooms, nodes, commands, files, and other phenomena on the Jabber/XMPP network; however, that document defines the protocol only, not the infobits themselves. This JEP specifies how to encapsulate one sort of metadata in infobits: the common metadata elements defined by the &DUBLINCORE;. Note well that this JEP is decidedly not meant to provide an exhaustive catalog of possible infobits. Future registrations, whether in Jabber Enhancement Proposals or direct submissions to the ®ISTRAR;, will specify additional infobits.

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative defines a number of common elements and element refinements that can be used to specify metadata about entities (especially but not exclusively publications). The semantics of any Dublin Core term can be represented as a Jabber infobit, where the infobit keyname consists of the term name (not label) prepended by a 'DC' prefix and a '.' separator character. Thus "DC.creator" is a valid infobit name and can be used to describe, for example, an IM user's relationship to the URI identifying the user's homepage or weblog. Infobit keynames beginning with the 'DC' prefix are reserved for &dcmiterms; only (the canonical list of these terms is available from the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and is included here only for explanatory purposes).

The following example is borrowed from &jep0118;.

Yes Heart of the Sunrise Yessongs 3 P11M26S ]]>

The following is an example of metadata for a conference room.

jdev: Jabber Development Discussion room for Jabber developers Jabber XMPP ]]>

This JEP introduces no security considerations above and beyond those already defined in JEP-0120.

This JEP requires no interaction with &IANA;.

The following is a submission to the infobits registry called for by JEP-0120.
