%ents; ]>
Delayed Delivery This specification provides historical documentation of the jabber:x:delay namespace, which has been deprecated in favor the urn:xmpp:delay namespace defined in XEP-0203. &LEGALNOTICE; 0091 Deprecated Historical Standards Council XMPP Core XEP-0203 x-delay http://www.xmpp.org/schemas/x-delay.xsd 2008-12-31 &stpeter; 1.3 2007-03-29 psa

Per a vote of the XMPP Council, deprecated in favor of XEP-0203.

1.2 2004-08-17 psa

Specified that the timezone is to be understood as UTC; specified security considerations; corrected several small textual errors.

1.1 2004-02-24 psa

Corrected several small textual errors.

1.0 2003-10-08 psa

Per a vote of the Jabber Council, changed status to Active.

0.1 2003-05-22 psa

Initial version.

Note: This specification has been deprecated in favor of &xep0203;.

This document provides canonical documentation of the 'jabber:x:delay' namespace, which was long used by Jabber applications to mark message or presence stanzas as delivered with a delay. This document is of historical importance only, since it has been deprecated in favor of XEP-0203.

The 'jabber:x:delay' namespace is used to provide timestamp information about data stored for later delivery. The most common uses of this namespace are to stamp:

Information about the delivery delay is communicated by adding to the <message/> or <presence/> stanza one and only one <x/> child qualified by the 'jabber:x:delay' namespace. This information is added by the server or component that delivers the information. The following attributes are allowed on the <x/> element:

In addition, the <x/> element MAY contain XML character data that provides a natural-language description of the reason for the delay.

O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard. Being in night, all this is but a dream, Too flattering-sweet to be substantial. Offline Storage ]]> anon! xa 1 ]]> By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. Open, locks, Whoever knocks! ]]>

&xep0082; defines the lexical representation of dates, times, and datetimes in Jabber protocols. Unfortunately, the 'jabber:x:delay' namespace predates that definition, and uses a datetime format ("CCYYMMDDThh:mm:ss") that is inconsistent with XEP-0082 and &w3xmlschema2;. Because a large base of deployed software uses the old format, this document specifies that applications using 'jabber:x:delay' SHOULD use the old format, not the format defined in XEP-0082. The timezone is be understood as UTC.

Data qualified by the 'jabber:x:delay' can expose information about the sender's presence on the network at some time in the past. However, this introduces no new vulnerabilities, since the same information would have been available in real time.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

The 'jabber:x:delay' namespace is included in the protocol namespaces registry maintained by the ®ISTRAR;.

The protocol documented by this schema is defined in XEP-0091: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0091.html NOTE: This protocol has been deprecated in favor of the Delayed Delivery protocol specified in XEP-0203: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0203.html ]]>