#!/usr/bin/env python # File: lastcall.py # Version: 0.2 # Description: a script for announcing Last Calls # Last Modified: 2004-09-29 # Author: Peter Saint-Andre (stpeter@jabber.org) # License: public domain # HowTo: ./lastcall.py jepnum enddate dbuser dbpw # IMPORTS: # import glob import MySQLdb import os from select import select import smtplib import socket from string import split,strip,join,find import sys import time from xml.dom.minidom import parse,parseString,Document def getText(nodelist): thisText = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: thisText = thisText + node.data return thisText # get the seconds in the Unix era now = int(time.time()) # READ IN ARGS: # # 1. XEP number # 2. end date # 3. database user # 4. database password jepnum = sys.argv[1]; enddate = sys.argv[2]; dbuser = sys.argv[3]; dbpw = sys.argv[4]; jepfile = jepnum + '/jep-' + jepnum + '.xml' # PARSE XEP HEADERS: # # - title # - abstract # - version # - date # - initials # - remark thejep = parse(jepfile) jepNode = (thejep.getElementsByTagName("jep")[0]) headerNode = (jepNode.getElementsByTagName("header")[0]) titleNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]) title = getText(titleNode.childNodes) abstractNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("abstract")[0]) abstract = getText(abstractNode.childNodes) statusNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]) jepstatus = getText(statusNode.childNodes) typeNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("type")[0]) jeptype = getText(typeNode.childNodes) revNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("revision")[0]) versionNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("version")[0]) version = getText(versionNode.childNodes) dateNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("date")[0]) date = getText(dateNode.childNodes) initialsNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("initials")[0]) initials = getText(initialsNode.childNodes) remarkNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("remark")[0]) remark = getText(remarkNode.childNodes) # UPDATE DATABASE: # # number is $jepnum # name is $title # type is $jeptype # status is $jepstatus # notes is "Version $version of XEP-$jepnum released $date." # version is $version # last_modified is $now # abstract is $abstract # changelog is "$remark ($initials)" db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", dbuser, dbpw, "foundation") cursor = db.cursor() theNotes = "Version " + version + " of XEP-" + jepnum + " released " + date + "; Last Call ends " + enddate + "." theLog = remark + " (" + initials + ")" theStatement = "UPDATE jeps SET name='" + title + "', type='" + jeptype + "', status='Proposed', notes='" + theNotes + "', version='" + str(version) + "', last_modified='" + str(now) + "', abstract='" + abstract + "', changelog='" + theLog + "' WHERE number='" + str(jepnum) + "';" cursor.execute(theStatement) result = cursor.fetchall() # SEND MAIL: # # From: editor@jabber.org # To: standards-jig@jabber.org # Subject: LAST CALL: XEP-$jepnum ($title) # Body: # This message constitutes notice of a Last Call # for XEP-$jepnum ($title). # # Abstract: $abstract # # URL: http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-$jepnum.html # # This Last Call begins now and shall end at the close # of business on $enddate. # fromaddr = "editor@jabber.org" # for testing... # toaddrs = "stpeter@jabber.org" # for real... toaddrs = "standards-jig@jabber.org" thesubject = 'LAST CALL: XEP-' + jepnum + " (" + title + ")" introline = 'This message constitutes notice of a Last Call for XEP-' + jepnum + ' (' + title + ').' abstractline = 'Abstract: ' + abstract urlline = 'URL: http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-' + jepnum + '.html' schedline = 'This Last Call begins today and shall end at the close of business on ' + enddate + '.' #msg = "From: %s\r\n" % fromaddr msg = "From: XMPP Extensions Editor <%s>\r\n" % fromaddr msg = msg + "To: %s\r\n" % toaddrs msg = msg + "Subject: %s\r\n" % thesubject msg = msg + introline msg = msg + "\r\n\n" msg = msg + abstractline msg = msg + "\r\n\n" msg = msg + urlline msg = msg + "\r\n\n" msg = msg + schedline msg = msg + "\r\n" server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.set_debuglevel(1) server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg) server.quit() # END