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  <title>Generic Alerts</title>
  <abstract>A protocol for generic alerts (similar to .NET Alerts service).</abstract>
  <type>Standards Track</type>
  <shortname>Not yet assigned</shortname>
  <!-- firstname, surname, email, and jid are all MANDATORY per XEP-0001 -->
  <!-- include one author section for each co-author -->
    <remark>Changed element from x to alert.</remark>
    <remark>Initial version.</remark>
<section1 topic='Introduction'>
  <p>Generic Alerts is a way to extend headlines to allow functionality similar to .NET Alerts.</p>
<section1 topic='Requirements'>
  <p>The motivations for this document are:</p>
    <li>To allow services to send alerts to users, e.g. like an auction notifying you when you are outbid or that you have won</li>
<section1 topic='Use Cases'>
  <section2 topic='Generic Alert message'>
  <p>Generic Alerts extend headline messages to specify such things as a logo (32x32 png) and url to goto when the alert is clicked:</p>
    <example caption='Generic alert message'><![CDATA[
<message to='user@domain.com' from='domain.com' type='headline' id='alert1'>
  <subject>Auction Alert</subject>
  <body>You have been outbid!</body>
  <alert xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/alert'>
<section1 topic='Implementation Notes'>
  <p>The following guidelines may assist client developers.</p>
    <li>The existance of an alert element of the namespace 'http://jabber.org/protocol/alert' means this is an alert and not a normal headline.</li>
    <li>Alerts should be displayed differently, possibly in toast popups.</li>
    <li>The logo is an optional graphic to display representing the service being alerted on, e.g. ebay logo.</li>
    <li>When clicked on the users web browser will be opened to the specified url.</li>
<section1 topic='Security Considerations'>
<section1 topic='IANA Considerations'>
  <p>No IANA interaction required.</p>
<section1 topic='XMPP Registrar Considerations'>
  <p>The &REGISTRAR; will need to register the new namespace of "http://jabber.org/protocol/alert".</p>