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Incident Handling This specification defines methods for incident reporting among XMPP server deployments using the IODEF format produced by the IETF's INCH Working Group. &LEGALNOTICE; 0268 Experimental Standards Track Standards Council XMPP Core NOT_YET_ASSIGNED operators Artur Hefczyc artur.hefczyc@gmail.com artur.hefczyc@tigase.org Florian Jensen admin@flosoft.biz admin@im.flosoft.biz Mickaël Rémond mickael.remond@process-one.net mremond@process-one.net &stpeter; &mwild; 0.4 2012-04-17 psa

Changed the XML format from a custom schema to IODEF (RFC 5070); incremented namespace version from 1 to 2.

0.3 2009-11-17 psa

Added security considerations; defined schema.

0.2 2009-06-05 mw/psa

Added more detailed information about the solution element; removed the suggestion element since the solution element can be used by both reporting entities and receiving entities; added notes about processing of incident reports by receiving entities.

0.1 2009-04-30 psa

Initial published version.

0.0.3 2009-04-30 psa

Per Council feedback, moved server rosters to a separate specification.

0.0.2 2009-04-27 psa/fj

Refactored XML format; added elements for sub-categories, locations, related incidents, solutions, and suggestions.

0.0.1 2009-04-13 ah/fj/psa/mr/mw

First draft.

As XMPP technologies have been deployed more widely, the open XMPP network has become a more significant target for attacks. This specification defines ways for XMPP server deployments to share information with each other and therefore to handle such attacks in a more real-time fashion. In particular, it defines a way to use the IODEF format (defined in &rfc5070; and produced by the IETF's INCH Working Group) as the basis for sharing incident reports among XMPP server deployments. (For some related considerations, see &rfc2350; and &rfc3067;.)

This document defines several interactions (similar to those in &rfc6045;) between XMPP server deployments with respect to incident handling. These interactions are transported using the XMPP &IQ; stanza as described below.

  1. The <report/> element (contained in an &IQ; stanza of type "set" or, in response to an <inquiry/> element, of type "result") describes the nature of an incident and also flags the 'status' of the incident as "new", "updated", or "resolved"; it is sent from one server to another for informative purposes (sometimes in reply to the <inquiry/> element) but without requesting assistance (for which see the <request/> element).

  2. The <inquiry/> element (contained in an &IQ; stanza of type "get") asks for information about an incident; it is expected that the reply will contain a <report/> element.

  3. The <request/> element (contained in an &IQ; stanza of type "get") asks for assistance in resolving an incident.

  4. The <response/> element (contained in an &IQ; stanza of type "result") provides assistance in resolving an incident.

An incident report consists of an XMPP &IQ; stanza of type "set" or "result" containing an IODEF document. An example is shown below.

4BF5D2CE-7C90-4860-BEF2-43A7D777D5FF 2009-04-13T19:05:20Z 2009-04-13T19:27:22Z 2009-04-13T19:31:07Z lots of MUC spammers from abuse.lit! stpeter@jabber.org stpeter@jabber.org operators@muc.xmpp.org 133BCE2E-E669-4ECE-B0F8-766B9E65630D
muc presence long-messages

If the report is contained in an &IQ; stanza of type "set" and the recipient of the report is able to process it, it MUST return an &IQ; stanza of type "result". Error handling will be defined in a future version of this specification.

To follow.

To follow.

To follow.

The <jid/> element qualified by the 'urn:xmpp:incident:2' namespace is a "JID slot" as described in &rfc6122bis;.

It is RECOMMENDED for a server deployment to exchange incident reports only with peer servers that it trusts, for example peers that are in its "server roster" as described in &xep0267;.

This technology is designed to help mitigate attacks on the XMPP network. However, incident reporting is itself vulnerable to the following attacks:

Use of the XMPP channel is convenient for communication among XMPP servers; however, if a denial of service attack is severe enough then that channel itself might be unusable.

Unless explicitly configured to do so, a receiving server SHOULD NOT automatically modify its configuration based on receipt of an incident report, even from a trusted server, but instead SHOULD prompt the human administrators so that they can take appropriate action.

A receiving server MAY accept incident reports from peers that are not on its "trust list", but SHOULD treat such reports with caution and provide them to the human administrator(s) of the server.

A receiving server MAY forward reports that it receives to other servers it trusts.

This document might require interaction with &IANA; to register various IODEF extension attributes.

This specification defines the following XML namespace:

  • urn:xmpp:incident:2

Upon advancement of this specification from a status of Experimental to a status of Draft, the ®ISTRAR; shall add the foregoing namespace to the registry located at &NAMESPACES;, as described in Section 4 of &xep0053;.
