Editor Guide ============ The XMPP Extensions Editor (or, for short, XEP Editor) manages the XMPP extensions process as defined in XMPP Extension Protocols ([XEP-0001]). In addition, the XEP Editor functions as the XMPP Registrar as defined in XMPP Registrar Function ([XEP-0053]). Read those documents first, since this README focuses on mechanics instead of philosophy or policy. This is the entrypoint definitive guide for Editors. - [Using the repository](REPOSITORY.md) Information about how to build XEPs and how the repository is laid out. <!-- - [Tools](TOOLS.md) Information about tools provided with the repository which should help in your daily editor duties. --> - [Triaging](TRIAGING.md) Rules for labelling and guiding inbound Pull Requests (Merge Requests). - [Processing](PROCESSING.md) Rules and guidelines for processing inbound Pull Requests (Merge Requests) towards master/main. - [Moderation](MODERATION.md) Rules and guidelines for moderating the discussions in the PRs. [XEP-0053]: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0053.html