%ents; ]>
Reminders This specification provides a way to set up reminders. &LEGALNOTICE; xxxx ProtoXEP Standards Track Standards Council XMPP Core XEP-0082 NOT_YET_ASSIGNED Marcos De Vera Piquero marcos@tenak.net marcos@tenak.net 0.0.1 2020-02-17 mdvp

Initial version

It is sometimes useful, while reading some conversations, to be reminded about it at some point in the future. This specification proposes a mechanism to allow clients to set up such reminders.

An automatically generated message addressed to an entity sent at a given time. Its goal is to remind the creating entity about something.

This protocol requires handling of dates and times, as such it conforms to &xep0082;.

An entity may wish to discover if a service supports the Reminders feature; in order to do so, it sends a service discovery information query to the server..


If the server supports the Reminders feature, it MUST specify the 'urn:xmpp:reminders:0' feature in its service discovery information features as specified in &xep0030;


For end users, this provides a way to be reminded about stuff while being in a conversation, without the need to leave it and go to some calendar application or similar and create a full event there. By setting a reminder, a user will be notified by the server at whatever given time the reminder is created with and with whatever the description was set for such a reminder.

A user wants to create a new reminder. For creating a reminder, an entity MUST send an IQ stanza with the 'type' attribute with a value of "set" and a direct <reminder/> child qualified by the "urn:xmpp:reminders:0" namespace.

2020-02-19T23:41:00Z Please go sleep before it's too late ]]> 2020-02-19T23:41:00Z Please go sleep before it's too late ]]>

Whenever the reminder's data sent by a client is not complete or in an invalid format, the server MUST send an error stanza of type 'modify' and a 'bad-request' condition.

Tomorrow at noon Lunch at Romeo's ]]>

In the event of a client trying to set a reminder in the past, the server MUST send an error stanza of type 'modify' and a 'gone' condition.

2000-01-01T00:00:00Z New Year's party ]]>

Whenever the time for a reminder arrives, the server MUST send a message with the reminder to the creating entity.

2020-02-19T23:41:00Z Please go sleep before it's too late ]]>

After sending a reminder, the server MAY choose to delete it from its storage.

There may be the case where a user wants to cancel an already set reminder. To do so, the client MUST send an IQ stanza of type 'set' with a 'reminder' child containing the 'id' attribute of the reminder to be deleted, without any additional child.

]]> ]]>

As stated in the requirements, the 'date' element MUST contain a valid &xep0082; DateTime value.

This document introduces no additional security considerations above and beyond those defined in the documents on which it depends.

No interaction with &IANA; is required as a result of this document.

This specification defines the following XML namespace:

Upon advancement of this specification from a status of Experimental to a status of Draft, the ®ISTRAR; shall add the foregoing namespace to the registry located at &NAMESPACES;, as described in Section 4 of &xep0053;.