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Bookmarks This specification defines an XML data format for use by XMPP clients in storing bookmarks to mult-user chatrooms and web pages. The chatroom bookmarking function includes the ability to auto-join rooms on login. &LEGALNOTICE; 0048 Deprecated Standards Track Standards Council XMPP Core XEP-0060 XEP-0223 XEP-0402 bookmarks http://www.xmpp.org/schemas/bookmarks.xsd Rachel Blackman rcb@ceruleanstudios.com sparks@jabber.org &pgmillard; &stpeter; 1.2 2020-08-04 XEP Editor (jsc) Deprecate in favour of XEP-0402 1.1 2007-11-07 psa

For security reasons, actively discouraged use of the password element; specified use of publish-subscribe private information nodes as the preferred storage mechanism; cleaned up the text and examples.

1.0 2003-10-08 psa

Per a vote of the Jabber Council, changed status to Active; also added XML schema.

0.3 2003-05-13 rcb

Re-focused to document only the existing protocol in use.

0.2 2002-10-03 pgm

Typos, etc...

0.1 2002-10-03 pgm

Initial version.

For ease-of-use in a Jabber client, it is desirable to have a way to store shortcuts to various services and resources (such as conference rooms and web pages) as "bookmarks" that can be displayed in the user's client. Several Jabber clients have already agreed on and implemented a method to provide this service; that informal agreement is documented and expanded upon in this document. In particular, we introduce the <storage/> element (qualified by the 'storage:bookmarks' namespace) as a container for this sort of this data. While bookmarks data can be stored using any XML storage mechanism, this document recommends one method that is specific to XMPP.

A storage element qualified by the 'storage:bookmarks' namespace may contain a collection of child elements, each representing a bookmark to be displayed in a client. At present, only two sub-elements are defined: <conference/> for bookmarking of &xep0045; rooms and <url/> for bookmarking of web pages.

All child elements allow a 'name' attribute, which is the friendly name by which they will be displayed in the client. If an element lacks a 'name' attribute, the client SHOULD generate an appropriate substitution based on the other available data.

A common use case is bookmarking of multi-user chat rooms. A room is bookmarked using the <conference/> child element. The syntax is as follows.

Element or Attribute Definition Datatype Inclusion
'autojoin' attribute Whether the client should automatically join the conference room on login. boolean defaulting to false &BOOLEANNOTE; OPTIONAL
'jid' attribute The JabberID of the chat room. string REQUIRED
'name' attribute A friendly name for the bookmark. string RECOMMENDED
<nick/> element The user's preferred roomnick for the chatroom. string OPTIONAL
<password/> element Unencrypted string for the password needed to enter a password-protected room. For security reasons, use of this element is NOT RECOMMENDED. string NOT RECOMMENDED

Note: The datatypes are as defined in &w3xmlschema2;.

Puck ]]>

This bookmark would be displayed as 'Council of Oberon' and, if activated, would attempt to join the conference room 'council@conference.underhill.org' with nickname 'Puck'.

Note: A bookmark set may contain any number of conference rooms.

The <url/> element is designed for bookmarking web pages, i.e., HTTP or HTTPS URLs. The syntax is as follows.

Attribute Definition Datatype Inclusion
'name' attribute A friendly name for the bookmark. string RECOMMENDED
'url' attribute The HTTP or HTTPS URL of the web page. anyURI REQUIRED

When the user chooses a URL bookmark, the client should launch an appropriate browser or load the URL directly in the client (if the client is a web-client or includes web browsing functionality).


This bookmark would be displayed in the client as 'Complete Works of Shakespeare' and would take the user to <http://the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/> when selected.

Note: A bookmark set can contain any number of URLs.

It is RECOMMENDED to use &xep0060; for data storage, specifically through the use of personal data nodes hosted at the user's virtual publish-subscribe service as described in &xep0223; and illustrated in the following sections.

Note: In the past, &xep0049; was the recommended method (see the archived version of this specification at <http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/attic/xep-0048-1.0.html>). In addition, other methods could be used, such as HTTP or WebDAV.

JC http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options true whitelist ]]> ]]>

The stored data is automatically pushed to all of the user's connected resources.

JC JC ]]>

In order to retrieve stored data without receiving notifications (e.g., upon initial login), the user's client sends a retrieve-items request as specified in XEP-0060.

]]> JC ]]>

Security considerations related to object persistent via publish-subscribe are described in XEP-0060 and XEP-0223.

Use of the <password/> child of the <conference/> element is NOT RECOMMENDED, since the password could be discovered by a third party, e.g. an eavesdropper (if channel encryption is not used) or a server administrator. However, the element MAY be used in suitably secure environments (e.g., where it is known that communications will not be sent over unencrypted channels and the server administrators are trusted). Clients SHOULD NOT default to storing passwords and MUST enable users to disable any password storage.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

No action by the ®ISTRAR; is required, since the 'storage:bookmarks' namespace is already included in the protocol namespaces registry (see &NAMESPACES;).

The protocol documented by this schema is defined in XEP-0048: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0048.html ]]>

Peter Millard, a co-author of this specification from version 0.1 through version 1.0, died on April 26, 2006.