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Pubsub Subscription This specification describe a method that allow a user to share a list of nodes on which it is Pubsub registered &LEGALNOTICE; 0330 Experimental Standards Track Standards Council XMPP Core XEP-0001 XEP-0163 XEP-0060 NOT_YET_ASSIGNED Christine Ho nodpounod@gmail.com christine.ho.dev@gmail.com Timothée Jaussoin edhelas@gmail.com edhelas@movim.eu 0.1 2013-06-11 psa

Initial published version approved by the XMPP Council.

0.0.1 2013-03-04 psa

First draft.

&xep0060; nodes are commonly used by XMPP users to subscribe to news feeds. This document describe a way, for them, to share some of the nodes to which they have subscribed with other users.

The list of &xep0060; subcribed nodes is stored on a classic &xep0163; node qualified by the 'urn:xmpp:subscription' namespace. If an entity wishes to make pubsub subscriptions publicly available then the entity MAY publish them on this node. The entity SHOULD ensure that this information is kept up to date.

Information about the subscribed node is provided by the user client. The subscription container is defined as a classic &subscription; element with theses specific constraints :

Name Type Description Support
server attribute Any server's address REQUIRED
node attribute REQUIRED
title node OPTIONAL

The aim of this XEP is to handle a list of subscriptions. To simplify the managment of this list the ID of the &xep0060; items MUST be generated according to the following method :

  1. Initialize an empty string S
  2. Append the name of the server, followed by the '<' character
  3. Append the name of the node, followed by the '<' character
  4. Append the jid of the current account
  5. Compute the ID by hashing the S string using the SHA1 algorythm
  1. S = ''
  2. S = 'pubsub.montague.lit<'
  3. S = 'pubsub.montague.lit<party'
  4. id = de6c6772ff43d9a604ea78e51ce28b63ab8692eb

The motivations for this document are to :

Personnal Eventing
A simplified subset of Publish-Subscribe for use in the context of instant messaging and presence applications, whereby each IM user's JID is a virtual pubsub service; for details, see Personal Eventing Protocol.
]]> Party at the Capulets ]]> ]]> Party at the Capulets [canceled !] ]]>

The title element of a &subscription; item SHOULD be in the same language as the contents of the node in question.

The publication of user tune information is not known to introduce any new security considerations above and beyond those defined in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

The ®ISTRAR; is requested to issue an initial namespace of "urn:xmpp:pubsub:subscription".

REQUIRED for protocol specifications.