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Reachability Addresses This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about how an entity can be reached using methods other than the entity's normal JID. &LEGALNOTICE; 0152 Proposed 2013-03-19 Standards Track Standards Council XMPP Core XMPP IM reach &stpeter; &hildjj; 0.4 2013-02-05 psa

Updated to reflect new XMPP RFCs; strengthened security considerations.

0.3 2008-10-06 psa
  • Modified namespaces to incorporate namespace versioning.
  • Removed IQ request-response method.
  • Corrected PEP examples.
  • Corrected XML schema.
0.2 2006-09-17 psa

Defined PEP transport.

0.1 2005-06-16 psa

Initial published version.

0.0.1 2005-06-07 psa/jjh

First draft.

Sometimes it is desirable to augment instant messaging (IM) with another real-time communications medium, such as a voice conversation conducted over the traditional public switched telephone network (PSTN) or more recent Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications. In order to facilitate this functionality, a user needs to advertise the address(es) at which they can be reached. There are several possible ways to do this:

This document addresses the following requirements:

The following is an example of the data format for reachability addresses:


When publishing reachability addresses, the <reach/> element MUST contain at least one <addr/> element. Each <addr/> element MUST possess a 'uri' attribute, whose value MUST be the Uniform Resource Identifier (&rfc3986;) or Internationalized Resource Identifier (&rfc3987;) of an alternate communications method for reaching the user.

The <addr/> element MAY contain one or more <desc/> children whose XML character data is a natural-language description of the address; this element SHOULD possess an 'xml:lang' attribute whose value is a language tag that conforms to &rfc4646; (although the default language MAY be specified at the stanza level; see &rfc6120;). In order to preserve bandwidth, the <desc/> element SHOULD NOT be included when sending reachbility data via presence broadcast, but MAY be included when using directed presence or the personal eventing protocol.

New conference room number My softphone ]]>

This document specifies two methods of advertising reachability addresses:

This document does not recommend one transport method over the other.

In addition, a contact MAY request a user's reachability addresses in an XMPP &IQ; stanza of type "get" and a user MAY send reachability addresses in an XMPP &MESSAGE; stanza. However, the presence and PEP transport methods are preferred.

To broadcast reachability addresses in presence information, a user's client includes the <reach/> element in the &PRESENCE; stanza it sends to its server:


The user's server then broadcasts that presence stanza to all entities who are subscribed to the user's presence:


Naturally, a reachability address MAY alternatively be included in directed presence.

To publish reachability addresses via the personal eventing protocol (XEP-0163), the entity publishes data to the "urn:xmpp:reach:0" node.

My mobile number My softphone ]]> My mobile number My softphone ]]>

If an entity supports reachability addresses, it MUST advertise that fact by returning a feature of "urn:xmpp:reach:0" &VNOTE; in response to a &xep0030; information request.

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In order for an application to determine whether an entity supports this protocol, where possible it SHOULD use the dynamic, presence-based profile of service discovery defined in &xep0115;. However, if an application has not received entity capabilities information from an entity, it SHOULD use explicit service discovery instead.

To preserve network bandwidth, the sender SHOULD NOT include the <desc/> element unless that information is deemed necessary to enable communication.

A recipient SHOULD attempt communications with reachability addresses in the order that the <addr/> elements appear within the <reach/> element.

If included, the <desc/> element SHOULD possess an 'xml:lang' attribute specifying the language of the human-readable descriptive text for a particular address.

Security considerations for XMPP presence and PEP publication are described in RFC 6120, RFC 6121, XEP-0060, and XEP-0163.

Advertising a telephone number, SIP URI, or other real-time communication address to one contact or to multiple contacts introduces the possibility of information leakage and subsequent attacks (e.g., unsolicited phone calls). Clients are advised to appropriately warn users about the dangers of such attacks.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

This specification defines the following XML namespace:

  • urn:xmpp:reach:0

Upon advancement of this specification from a status of Experimental to a status of Draft, the ®ISTRAR; shall add the foregoing namespace to the registry located at &NAMESPACES;, as described in Section 4 of &xep0053;.
