<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE xep SYSTEM 'xep.dtd' [ <!ENTITY % ents SYSTEM 'xep.ent'> %ents; ]> <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='xep.xsl'?> <xep> <header> <title>Software Version</title> <abstract>This specification provides canonical documentation of an XMPP protocol extension for retrieving information about the software version associated with another XMPP entity.</abstract> &LEGALNOTICE; <number>0092</number> <status>Draft</status> <type>Standards Track</type> <sig>Standards</sig> <dependencies> <spec>XMPP Core</spec> </dependencies> <supersedes/> <supersededby/> <shortname>iq-version</shortname> <schemaloc> <url>http://www.xmpp.org/schemas/iq-version.xsd</url> </schemaloc> &stpeter; <revision> <version>1.1</version> <date>2007-02-15</date> <initials>psa</initials> <remark><p>Per a vote of the XMPP Council, changed from Historical and Active to Standards Track and Draft; recommended use of Entity Capabilities instead of Software Version when presence information is available; added proviso to security considerations regarding disclosure of operating system information; added section on Service Discovery.</p></remark> </revision> <revision> <version>1.0</version> <date>2003-10-08</date> <initials>psa</initials> <remark><p>Per a vote of the Jabber Council, changed status to Active.</p></remark> </revision> <revision> <version>0.1</version> <date>2003-05-22</date> <initials>psa</initials> <remark><p>Initial version.</p></remark> </revision> </header> <section1 topic='Introduction' anchor='intro'> <p>The Jabber protocols have long included a method for discovering version information about the software running at another entity's JID. This method makes use of the 'jabber:iq:version' namespace and has been documented variously in Internet-Drafts and elsewhere. Because this protocol is not required by &rfc2779;, the 'jabber:iq:version' namespace was removed from &xmppim;. This specification fills the void for canonical documentation.</p> <p><em>Note Well: The jabber:iq:version protocol SHOULD NOT be used to determine the identity of entities from which an application receives presence (e.g., contacts in a user's roster and certain kinds of gateways); &xep0115; SHOULD be used instead. However, the jabber:iq:version protocol MAY be used to determine the identity of entities from which an application does not receive presence (e.g., servers and many kinds of components). The jabber:iq:version protocol MAY also be used to determine information available only via jabber:iq:version (e.g., operating system information) for contacts from which a user receives presence, but only if the user specifically requests such information for a particular contact.</em></p> </section1> <section1 topic='Protocol' anchor='protocol'> <p>The 'jabber:iq:version' namespace provides a standard way for Jabber entities to exchange information about the software version used by the entities. The information is communicated in a request/response pair using an <iq/> element that contains a <query/> scoped by the 'jabber:iq:version' namespace. The following children of the <query/> are allowed in an IQ result:</p> <ul> <li><name/> -- The natural-language name of the software. This element is REQUIRED in a result.</li> <li><version/> -- The specific version of the software. This element is REQUIRED in a result.</li> <li><os/> -- The operating system of the queried entity. This element is OPTIONAL in a result (see also the <link url='#security'>Security Considerations</link>).</li> </ul> </section1> <section1 topic='Examples' anchor='examples'> <example caption='Querying Another Entity for its Software Version'><![CDATA[ <iq type='get' from='romeo@montague.net/orchard' to='juliet@capulet.com/balcony' id='version_1'> <query xmlns='jabber:iq:version'/> </iq> ]]></example> <example caption='Receiving a Reply Regarding Software Version'><![CDATA[ <iq type='result' to='romeo@montague.net/orchard' from='juliet@capulet.com/balcony' id='version_1'> <query xmlns='jabber:iq:version'> <name>Exodus</name> <version></version> <os>Windows-XP 5.01.2600</os> </query> </iq> ]]></example> <p>The standard error conditions described in &xep0086; apply (e.g., service unavailable if the entity does not support the namespace).</p> </section1> <section1 topic='Determining Support' anchor='disco'> <p>In order for a requesting entity to determine if a responding entity supports result set management, it SHOULD send a &xep0030; information request to the responding entity:</p> <example caption='Requesting entity queries responding entity regarding protocol support'><![CDATA[ <iq from='stpeter@jabber.org/roundabout' to='conference.jabber.org' id='disco1'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/> </iq> ]]></example> <example caption='Responding entity communicates protocol support'><![CDATA[ <iq from='conference.jabber.org' to='stpeter@jabber.org/roundabout' id='disco1'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'> ... <feature var='jabber:iq:version'/> ... </query> </iq> ]]></example> </section1> <section1 topic='Security Considerations' anchor='security'> <p>Revealing the application's underlying operating system may open the user or system to attacks directed against that operating system; therefore, an application MUST provide a way for a human user or administrator to disable sharing of information about the operating system.</p> </section1> <section1 topic='IANA Considerations' anchor='iana'> <p>This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.</p> </section1> <section1 topic='XMPP Registrar Considerations' anchor='registrar'> <p>The 'jabber:iq:version' namespace is registered in the protocol namespaces registry maintained by the ®ISTRAR;.</p> </section1> <section1 topic='XML Schema' anchor='schema'> <code><![CDATA[ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' targetNamespace='jabber:iq:version' xmlns='jabber:iq:version' elementFormDefault='qualified'> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> The protocol documented by this schema is defined in XEP-0092: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0092.html </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:element name='query'> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence minOccurs='0'> <xs:element name='name' type='xs:string' minOccurs='1'/> <xs:element name='version' type='xs:string' minOccurs='1'/> <xs:element name='os' type='xs:string' minOccurs='0'/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema> ]]></code> </section1> </xep>