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XMPP Intermediate IM Server 2008 This document defines the XMPP Intermedate IM Server 2008 compliance level. &LEGALNOTICE; 0216 Proposed Standards Track Standards XEP-0212 XEP-0016 XEP-0045 XEP-0054 XEP-0163 N/A &stpeter; 0.1 2007-04-20 psa

Initial published version.

0.0.1 2007-05-11 psa

First draft.

The &XSF; defines protocol suites for the purpose of compliance testing and software certification. This document specifies the XMPP Intermediate IM Server 2008 certification level.

The XMPP Intermediate IM Server 2008 certification level is defined as follows:

Specification Requirement Level
&xep0212; REQUIRED
&xep0016; REQUIRED
&xep0045; REQUIRED *
&xep0054; REQUIRED

* It is an implementation decision how support for multi-user chat is enabled, e.g., directly or by means of an external component (see &xep0114;).

This document introduces no additional security considerations above and beyond those defined in the documents on which it depends.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

This document requires no interaction with the ®ISTRAR;.