%ents; ]>
Chat Session Negotiation This document specifies a feature negotiation profile for initiating a one-to-one chat session. &LEGALNOTICE; 0155 Experimental Standards Track Standards JIG Council XMPP Core XMPP IM XEP-0020 XEP-0068 chatneg &stpeter; &ianpaterson; 0.10 2006-10-20 ip

Enhanced implementation notes; added AMP note.

0.9 2006-10-08 ip

Added language field; replaced secure field with security field; changed type of otr, XHTML and Chat State fields from boolean to list-single; added not-acceptable error; several clarifications.

0.8 2006-10-02 ip

Added continue field and optional terminate acknowledgement; specified renegotiation failure proceedure; added context to Introduction; changed unavailable presence handling; renamed logging field to otr.

0.7 2006-07-14 psa

Added secure field from XEP-0116.

0.6 2006-07-13 psa

Specified that a client must re-initiate if it receives presence unavailable; changed document type to Standards Track.

0.5 2006-01-24 psa

Added renegotiate use case.

0.4 2006-01-03 psa

Added terminate use case; further specified mapping to SIP.

0.3 2005-12-30 psa

Further specified use of id attribute and thread element.

0.2 2005-07-15 psa

Further described contexts in which chat session negotiation could be useful; added more examples; added reference to SIP RFC and explained basic mapping to SIP INVITE method; added XMPP Registrar considerations.

0.1 2005-07-14 psa

Initial version.

0.0.1 2005-07-12 psa

First draft.

The traditional model for one-to-one chat "sessions" in Jabber/XMPP is for a user to simply send a message to a contact without any formal negotiation of chat session parameters (e.g., see &xmppim;). This informal approach to initiation of a chat session is perfectly acceptable in many contexts, environments, and cultures. However, it may be desirable to formally request the chat and negotiate its parameters before beginning the chat session in some circumstances, such as:

This proposal defines best practices for such a negotiation, re-using the protocol defined in &xep0020;.

In order to initiate a negotiated chat session, the initiating party ("user") sends a &MESSAGE; The &MESSAGE; stanza is used because the user does not necessarily know which of the contact's resources is most available (or indeed if the contact is online). stanza to the receiving party ("contact") containing a <feature/> child qualified by the 'http://jabber.org/protocol/feature-neg' namespace. The &MESSAGE; stanza MUST NOT contain a &BODY; child element (as specified in &rfc3921;). The &MESSAGE; stanza type SHOULD be "normal" (either explicitly or by non-inclusion of the 'type' attribute). The stanza MAY include an 'id' attribute and MUST contain a &THREAD; element for tracking purposes (where the newly-generated ThreadID is unique to the proposed session). The data form MUST contain a hidden FORM_TYPE field whose value is "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg" and MUST contain a boolean field named "accept". &BOOLEANNOTE; The inclusion of "otr" and "security" fields is also RECOMMENDED. Note: The options within any 'list-single' fields SHOULD appear in order of preference.

Note: If the user is interested only in an immediate chat session then the user SHOULD instruct the contact's server not to store the message for later delivery using the &xep0079; protocol.

In the following example of a negotiation request, Romeo requests a chat with Juliet and also queries her regarding whether she wants to enable all message logging (see &xep0136;) A client MUST NOT set the 'otr' field to 'true' unless it has confirmed that its server will allow it to switch off Automated Archiving (see Message Archiving). and support the &xep0071; and &xep0085; extensions during this chat session. He also requires that they are both connected securely to their servers, and asks which language she prefers amoungst those he can write. (Note: These fields are examples only; a full set of chat session negotiation parameters will be registered as described in the XMPP Registrar Considerations section of this document.)

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg true false true true c2s en Can we talk? ]]>

The contact's server delivers the request to the contact's most available resource (which in the examples below happens to be "balcony").

In any response to the request, the contact's client MUST mirror any 'id' attribute and &THREAD; value so that the user's client can correctly track the response.

If the contact's client does not support one of the default values or if the contact has disabled its support (as for Chat State Notifications and XHTML formatting in the example below), and the client can still accept the request, then it MUST set that field to a value that it can support.

In the example below we assume that Juliet accepts the chat and specifies that she prefers to speak Italian with Romeo:

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg true false false false c2s it OK, but I'm too tired to practice my English! ]]>

If the contact does not want to reveal presence to the user for whatever reason then the contact's client SHOULD return no response or error (see Security Considerations). Also, if the contact is using a legacy client then it MAY not support returning any response or error. In both these cases the user MAY, proceed to send stanzas to the contact outside the context of a negotiated chat session.

However, if the contact simply prefers not to chat then the client SHOULD decline the invitation:

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg 0 Sorry, can't chat now! How about tonight? ]]>

If the contact's client does not support feature negotiation or does not support the "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg" FORM_TYPE, it SHOULD return a &unavailable; error:

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 ]]>

If the contact's client does not support one or more of the required features, it SHOULD return a &feature; error and SHOULD specify the field(s) not implemented in a comma-separated list in the XMPP <text/> element:

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 otr ]]>

If the contact's client supports none of the options for one or more fields, it SHOULD return a ¬acceptable; error and SHOULD specify the field(s) with unsupported options in a comma-separated list in the XMPP <text/> element:

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 security ]]>

At any time during an existing chat session, either party MAY attempt to renegotiate the parameters of the session. The requesting party does this by sending a new &MESSAGE; stanza containing a feature negotiation form and a &THREAD; element with the same value as that of the existing chat session.

Note: The "accept" field SHOULD NOT be included in a renegotiation form. The set of other fields in the form MAY be different from the set included in the initial session negotitation.

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg true Lets keep this private! ]]> ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg true Yes, the sys admin might tell our families! ]]>

If the other party's client does not support one or more of the required features, it SHOULD return a &feature; error instead, while if it supports none of the options for one or more fields, it SHOULD return a ¬acceptable; error instead (see Initiating a Chat). In either of these cases the existing negotiated chat session parameters are maintained. Either party MAY then terminate the chat session as specified in the section Terminating a Chat.

Either party MAY use chat renegotiation to attempt to continue the session using another of its resources. The requesting party does this by sending a feature renegotiation form with a "continue" field containing the value of the new resource:

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg PDA I am leaving the orchard. ]]>

The requesting party SHOULD NOT send stanzas within the session from either resource until the other party has accepted or rejected (with a &feature; error) the switch to the new resource.

The other party SHOULD accept the switch since the requesting party might otherwise be unable to continue the session:

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg PDA OK, hurry to me. ]]>

Once the other party has accepted the switch then all stanzas sent within the chat session MUST be to or from the new resource. Note: Both parties MUST ensure that they comply with all the other chat session negotiation parameters that were previously agreed for this session.

In order to explicitly terminate a negotiated chat, the party that wishes to end the chat MUST do so by sending a &MESSAGE; containing a data form of type "submit". The &MESSAGE; stanza SHOULD possess an 'id' attribute and MUST contain a &THREAD; element with the same XML character data as the original initiation request. The data form containing a boolean field named "terminate" set to a value of "1" or "true" and MAY also contain a "reason" field.

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg 1 Gotta go! ]]>

Both parties MUST then consider the chat session to be ended.

The other party's client MAY explicitly acknowledge the termination of the chat by sending a &MESSAGE; containing a data form of type "result", with no "reason" field and the value of the "terminate" field set to "1" or "true". The client MUST mirror the 'id' attribute and &THREAD; value it received.

ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866 http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg 1 ]]>

When mapping instant messaging flows to SIP, implementations SHOULD adhere to &xmppsimple;.

In addition, the following mappings apply to chat session negotiation:

A client MAY require a human user to approve each chat session negotiation request or MAY auto-accept and auto-reject requests based on some user-configurable policy (see Security Considerations).

If a party receives XMPP presence of type "unavailable" from the full JID (&FULLJID;) of the other party (i.e., the resource with which it has had an active session) during a chat session, the receiving party MAY assume that the other client will still be able to continue the session (perhaps it simply became "invisible", or it is persisting the state of the negotiated chat until it reconnects and receives "offline" messages).

However, if the receiving party assumes that the other client will not be able to continue the session, then it MUST explicitly terminate the session (see Terminating a Chat) - since its assumption could be incorrect. If after terminating the session the receiving party later receives presence of type "available" from that same resource or another resource associated with the other party and the receiving party desires to restart the chat session, then it MUST initiate a new chat session (including a newly-generated ThreadID) with the other party. It MUST NOT renegotiate parameters for the terminated session. (Note: This is consistent with the handling of chat states as specified in XEP-0085.)

If a contact accepts a user's chat session negotiation request or returns an error to the user, the user will effectively discover the presence of the contact's resource. Due care must therefore be exercised in determining whether to accept the request or return an error. For examples, the contact's client SHOULD NOT automatically (i.e. without first asking the contact) either accept the user's request or return an error to the user unless the user is subscribing to the contact's presence (and the contact's presence is not currently "invisible" to the user). Note: There should be no need for the contact's client to consult the contact's block list, since if the user is on the list then the contact would not receive any request messages from the user anyway.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

The ®ISTRAR; shall include 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg' in its registry of Service Discovery features.

http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg Support for Chat Session Negotiation and its FORM_TYPE XEP-0155 ]]>

&xep0068; defines a process for standardizing the fields used within Data Forms qualified by a particular namespace. The following fields shall be registered for use in Chat Session Negotiation:

http://jabber.org/protocol/chatneg XEP-0155 Forms enabling negotation of a one-to-one chat session between two entities. ]]>

This proposal re-uses the format defined in XEP-0020 and therefore does not require a separate schema.

Thanks to Thomas Charron and Jean-Louis Seguineau for their feedback.