-- XEP output format for pandoc -- -- Based on the pandoc sample.lua HTML writer -- -- Invoke with: pandoc -t 2xep.lua -- -- Based on `data/sample.lua` from pandoc. -- -- Modifications released under the MIT license. -- Copyright (C) 2021 Kim Alvefur -- luacheck: globals Blocksep Doc Space SoftBreak Str LineBreak Emph Strong Subscript Superscript SmallCaps Strikeout -- luacheck: globals Link Image Code InlineMath DisplayMath SingleQuoted DoubleQuoted Note Span RawInline Cite Plain -- luacheck: globals Para Header BlockQuote HorizontalRule LineBlock CodeBlock BulletList OrderedList DefinitionList -- luacheck: globals CaptionedImage Table RawBlock Div local escape_table = { ["'"] = "'", ["\""] = """, ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ["&"] = "&" }; local function escape(s, in_attribute) return (string.gsub(s, in_attribute and "['&<>\"]" or "[&<>]", escape_table)); end local sectionstack = {}; -- Helper function to convert an attributes table into -- a string that can be put into HTML tags. local function attributes(attr) local attr_table = {} for x,y in pairs(attr) do if y and y ~= "" then table.insert(attr_table, ' ' .. x .. '="' .. escape(y,true) .. '"') end end return table.concat(attr_table) end -- Blocksep is used to separate block elements. function Blocksep() return "\n\n" end -- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters: -- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table. -- This gives you a fragment. You could use the metadata table to -- fill variables in a custom lua template. Or, pass `--template=...` -- to pandoc, and pandoc will add do the template processing as -- usual. function Doc(body, metadata, variables) local buffer = { [[ %ents; ]>
]] } local function add(s) table.insert(buffer, s) end local header_schema = [[ (title , abstract , legal , number , status , lastcall* , interim* , type , sig , approver* , dependencies , supersedes , supersededby , shortname , schemaloc* , registry? , discuss? , expires? , author+ , revision+ , councilnote?) ]]; for field, r in string.gmatch(header_schema, "(%w+)(%p?)") do local v = metadata[field] or variables[field]; if not v then if field == "legal" then add("&LEGALNOTICE;"); goto next; elseif field == "supersedes" or field == "supersededby" or field == "dependencies" then add(("<%s/>"):format(field)); goto next; elseif r ~= "*" and r ~= "?" then io.stderr:write(string.format("Missing REQUIRED metadata field '%s'\n", field)); goto next; else io.stderr:write(string.format("Missing optional metadata field '%s'\n", field)); goto next; end end if field == "number" then assert(tonumber(v) or v == "xxxx", "Invalid XEP number"); if v ~= "xxxx" then v = string.format("%04d", tonumber(v)); end end if type(v) == "table" then for sk, sv in pairs(v) do add(string.format("<%s>", field)); if type(sk) == "string" then add(("<%s>%s"):format(sk, tostring(sv), sk)); elseif field == "author" then local first, last = sv:match("(%S+)%s+(%S+)"); -- Names are hard add(("%s"):format(first)); add(("%s"):format(last)); -- The values have already be converted to the output format. -- This means author entries with e.g. will already -- have been converted into by the -- Link() function. Hence this hacky parser to get back the original info. for typ, addr in sv:gmatch("%surl='(%a+):([^']+)") do if typ == "mailto" then add(("%s"):format(addr)); elseif typ == "xmpp" then add(("%s"):format(addr)); end end elseif field == "dependencies" then add(("%s"):format(tostring(sv))); elseif field == "revision" then for rev_field in string.gmatch("( version, date, initials )", "%w+") do add(("<%s>%s"):format(rev_field, tostring(sv[rev_field]), rev_field)); end add(""); for _, remark in ipairs(sv.remark) do add(("


"):format(remark)); end add("
"); else add(tostring(sv)); end add(string.format("", field)); end else add(("<%s>%s"):format(field, tostring(v), field)); end ::next:: end add("
"); add(body) for i = #sectionstack, 1, -1 do add(""); end add("
\n"); return table.concat(buffer,'\n') .. '\n' end -- The functions that follow render corresponding pandoc elements. -- s is always a string, attr is always a table of attributes, and -- items is always an array of strings (the items in a list). -- Comments indicate the types of other variables. function Str(s) if string.match(s, "^&[%w%-.]+;$") then return s; end return escape(s) end function Space() return " " end function SoftBreak() return "\n" end function LineBreak() return "
" end function Emph(s) return "" .. s .. "" end function Strong(s) return "" .. s .. "" end function Subscript(s) return "" .. s .. "" end function Superscript(s) return "" .. s .. "" end function SmallCaps(s) return '' .. s .. '' end function Strikeout(s) return '' .. s .. '' end function Link(s, src, tit, attr) return "" .. s .. "" end function Image(s, src, tit, attr) return "" end function Code(s, attr) return "" .. escape(s) .. "" end function InlineMath(s) return "\\(" .. escape(s) .. "\\)" end function DisplayMath(s) return "\\[" .. escape(s) .. "\\]" end function SingleQuoted(s) return "'" .. s .. "'" end function DoubleQuoted(str) return escape('"' .. str .. '"'); end function Note(s) return "" .. s .. ""; end function Span(s, attr) return "" .. s .. "" end function RawInline(format, str) if format == "html" then return str else return '' end end function Cite(s, cs) local ids = {} for _,cit in ipairs(cs) do table.insert(ids, cit.citationId) end return "" .. s .. "" end function Plain(s) return s end function Para(s) return "

" .. s .. "

" end -- lev is an integer, the header level. function Header(lev, s, attr) local ret = "" if sectionstack[1] and sectionstack[#sectionstack] >= lev then repeat ret = ret .. "" until sectionstack[1] == nil or sectionstack[#sectionstack] == lev -1; end table.insert(sectionstack, lev); attr.topic = s; attr.anchor, attr.id = attr.id, nil; ret = ret .. "" return ret; end function BlockQuote(s) return "
\n" .. s .. "\n
" end function HorizontalRule() return "
" end function LineBlock(ls) return '
' .. table.concat(ls, '\n') .. '
' end local function has(haystack, needle) --> boolean if type(haystack) == "table" then for _, v in ipairs(haystack) do if v == needle then return true; end end elseif type(haystack) == "string" then for v in haystack:gmatch("%S+") do if v == needle then return true; end end else error("unhandled haystack type "..type(haystack)) end return false; end function CodeBlock(s, attr) if attr and attr.class and (has(attr.class, "example") or has(attr.class, "xml")) then return "" else return "" end end function BulletList(items) local buffer = {} for _, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(buffer, "
  • " .. item .. "
  • ") end return "
      \n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
    " end function OrderedList(items) local buffer = {} for _, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(buffer, "
  • " .. item .. "
  • ") end return "
      \n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
    " end function DefinitionList(items) local buffer = {} for _,item in pairs(items) do local k, v = next(item) table.insert(buffer,"
    " .. k .. "
    " .. table.concat(v,"
    ") .. "
    ") end return "
    \n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
    " end -- Convert pandoc alignment to something HTML can use. -- align is AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignCenter, or AlignDefault. local function html_align(align) if align == 'AlignLeft' then return 'left' elseif align == 'AlignRight' then return 'right' elseif align == 'AlignCenter' then return 'center' else return 'left' end end function CaptionedImage(src, tit, caption, attr) return '
    \n\n' .. '

    ' .. caption .. '

    ' end -- Caption is a string, aligns is an array of strings, -- widths is an array of floats, headers is an array of -- strings, rows is an array of arrays of strings. function Table(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) local buffer = {} local function add(s) table.insert(buffer, s) end add("") if caption ~= "" then add("") end if widths and widths[1] ~= 0 then for _, w in pairs(widths) do add('') end end local header_row = {} local empty_header = true for i, h in pairs(headers) do local align = html_align(aligns[i]) table.insert(header_row,'') empty_header = empty_header and h == "" end if not empty_header then add('') for _,h in pairs(header_row) do add(h) end add('') else -- head = "" -- XXX What is this? end local class = "even" for _, row in pairs(rows) do class = (class == "even" and "odd") or "even" add('') for i,c in pairs(row) do add('') end add('') end add('
    " .. caption .. "
    ' .. h .. '
    ' .. c .. '
    ') return table.concat(buffer,'\n') end function RawBlock(format, str) if format == "html" then return str else return '' end end function Div(s, attr) return "\n" .. s .. "" end -- The following code will produce runtime warnings when you haven't defined -- all of the functions you need for the custom writer, so it's useful -- to include when you're working on a writer. local meta = {} meta.__index = function(_, key) io.stderr:write(string.format("WARNING: Undefined function '%s'\n",key)) return function() return "" end end setmetatable(_G, meta)