diff --git a/xep-0045.xml b/xep-0045.xml index 1d9f590f..0ea8892e 100644 --- a/xep-0045.xml +++ b/xep-0045.xml @@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@

Since each occupant has its own occupant JID, an occupant can send a "private message" to a selected occupant via the service by sending a message to the intended recipient's occupant JID. The message type SHOULD be "chat" and MUST NOT be "groupchat", but MAY be left unspecified (i.e., a normal message). This privilege is controlled by the "muc#roomconfig_allowpm" room configuration option.

To allow for proper synchronization of these messages to the user's other clients by &xep0280;, the sending client SHOULD add an <x/> element qualified by the 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user' namespace to the message.


Note: because this requirement was only added in revision 1.28 of this XEP, receiving clients MUST NOT rely on the existence of the <x/> element on private messages for proper processing.


Note: because this requirement was only added in revision 1.28 of this XEP, receiving entities MUST NOT rely on the existence of the <x/> element on private messages for proper processing.