Traditionally, instant messaging is thought to consist of one-to-one chat rather than many-to-many chat, which is called variously "groupchat" or "text conferencing". Groupchat functionality is familiar from systems such as Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and the chatroom functionality offered by popular consumer IM services. The Jabber community developed and implemented a basic groupchat protocol as long ago as 1999. This "groupchat 1.0" protocol provided a minimal feature set for chat rooms but was rather limited in scope. This specification (Multi-User Chat or MUC) builds on the older "groupchat 1.0" protocol in a backwards-compatible manner but provides advanced features such as invitations, room moderation and administration, and specialized room types.
+Traditionally, instant messaging is thought to consist of one-to-one chat rather than many-to-many chat, which is called variously "groupchat" or "text conferencing". Groupchat functionality is familiar from systems such as Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and the chatroom functionality offered by popular consumer IM services. The Jabber/XMPP community developed and implemented a basic groupchat protocol as long ago as 1999. That "groupchat 1.0" protocol provided a minimal feature set for chat rooms but was rather limited in scope. This specification (Multi-User Chat or MUC) builds on the older "groupchat 1.0" protocol in a backwards-compatible manner but provides advanced features such as invitations, room moderation and administration, and specialized room types.
This document addresses common requirements related to configuration of, participation in, and administration of individual text-based conference rooms. All of the requirements addressed herein apply at the level of the individual room and are "common" in the sense that they have been widely discussed within the Jabber community or are familiar from existing text-based conference environments outside of Jabber (e.g., Internet Relay Chat as defined in &rfc1459; and its successors: &rfc2810;, &rfc2811;, &rfc2812;, &rfc2813;).
+This document addresses common requirements related to configuration of, participation in, and administration of individual text-based conference rooms. All of the requirements addressed herein apply at the level of the individual room and are "common" in the sense that they have been widely discussed within the Jabber community or are familiar from existing text-based conference environments (e.g., Internet Relay Chat as defined in &rfc1459; and its successors: &rfc2810;, &rfc2811;, &rfc2812;, &rfc2813;).
This document explicitly does not address the following:
This limited scope is not meant to disparage such topics, which are of inherent interest; however, it is meant to focus the discussion in this document and to present a comprehensible protocol that can be implemented by Jabber client and component developers alike. Future specifications may of course address the topics mentioned above.
+This limited scope is not meant to disparage such topics, which are of inherent interest; however, it is meant to focus the discussion in this document and to present a comprehensible protocol that can be implemented by client and component developers alike. Future specifications might address the topics mentioned above.
This document addresses the minimal functionality provided by existing multi-user chat services in Jabber. For the sake of backwards-compatibility, this document uses the original "groupchat 1.0" protocol for this baseline functionality, with the result that:
+This document addresses the minimal functionality provided by Jabber-based multi-user chat services that existed in 2002 when development of MUC began. For the sake of backwards-compatibility, this document uses the original "groupchat 1.0" protocol for this baseline functionality, with the result that:
The additional features and functionality addressed in this document include the following:
+The additional features and functionality addressed in MUC include the following:
In addition, this document provides protocol elements for supporting the following room types:
The extensions needed to implement these requirements are qualified by the '' namespace (and the #owner, #admin, and #user fragments on the main namespace URI).
There are two dimensions along which we can measure a user's connection with or position in a room. One is the user's long-lived affiliation with a room -- e.g., a user's status as an owner or an outcast. The other is a user's role while an occupant of a room -- e.g., an occupant's position as a moderator with the ability to kick visitors and participants. These two dimensions are distinct from each other, since an affiliation lasts across visits, while a role lasts only for the duration of a visit. In addition, there is no one-to-one correspondence between roles and affiliations; for example, someone who is not affiliated with a room may be a (temporary) moderator, and a member may be a participant or a visitor in a moderated room. These concepts are explained more fully below.
+A user might be allowed to perform any number of actions in a room, from joining or sending a message to changing configuration options or destroying the room altogether. We call each permitted action a "privilege". There are two ways we might structure privileges:
+Define each privilege atomically and explicitly define each user's particular privileges; this is flexible but can be confusing to manage.
Define bundles of privileges that are generally applicable and assign a user-friendly "shortcut" to each bundle (e.g., "moderator" or "admin").
MUC takes the second approach.
+MUC also defines two different associations: long-lived affiliations and session-specific roles. These two association types are distinct from each other in MUC, since an affiliation lasts across visits, while a role lasts only for the duration of a visit. In addition, there is no one-to-one correspondence between roles and affiliations; for example, someone who is not affiliated with a room may be a (temporary) moderator, and a member may be a participant or a visitor in a moderated room. These concepts are explained more fully below.
The following roles are defined:
Roles are temporary in that they do not necessarily persist across a user's visits to the room and MAY change during the course of an occupant's visit to the room. An implementation MAY persist roles across visits and SHOULD do so for moderated rooms (since the distinction between visitor and participant is critical to the functioning of a moderated room).
There is no one-to-one mapping between roles and affiliations (e.g., a member could be a participant or a visitor).
-A moderator is the most powerful occupant within the context of the room, and can to some extent manage other occupants' roles in the room. A participant has fewer privileges than a moderator, although he or she always has the right to speak. A visitor is a more restricted role within the context of a moderated room, since visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants.
+A moderator is the most powerful occupant within the context of the room, and can to some extent manage other occupants' roles in the room. A participant has fewer privileges than a moderator, although he or she always has the right to speak. A visitor is a more restricted role within the context of a moderated room, since visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants (depending on room configuration, it is even possible that visitors' presence will not be broadcast to the room).
Roles are granted, revoked, and maintained based on the occupant's room nickname or full JID rather than bare JID. The privileges associated with these roles, as well as the actions that trigger changes in roles, are defined below.
-Information about roles MUST be sent in all presence stanzas generated or reflected by the room and thus sent to occupants.
+Information about roles MUST be sent in all presence stanzas generated or reflected by the room and thus sent to occupants (if the room is configured to broadcast presence for a given role).
For the most part, roles exist in a hierarchy. For instance, a participant can do anything a visitor can do, and a moderator can do anything a participant can do. Each role has privileges not possessed by the next-lowest role; these privileges are specified in the following table as defaults (an implementation MAY provide configuration options that override these defaults).
Yes | |||||||
Presence Broadcasted to Room | +Broadcast Presence to All Occupants | No | Yes* | Yes | @@ -621,7 +640,7 @@|||
Change Availability Status | No | -Yes | +Yes* | Yes | Yes |
> | @@ -719,14 +738,14 @@|||||
Moderator | -Exit room | +Exit room or be kicked by an admin or owner | Admin or owner changes role to visitor * | Admin or owner changes role to participant or revokes moderator privileges * | -- |
* A moderator MUST NOT be able to revoke moderator privileges from an occupant who is equal to or above the moderator in the hierarchy of affiliations.
-Note: Certain roles are typically implicit in certain privileges. For example, an admin or owner is automatically a moderator, so if an occupant is granted admin status then the occupant will by that fact be granted moderator privileges; similarly, when an occupant is made a member in a moderated room, the occupant automatically has a role of participant. However, the loss of admin status does not necessarily mean that the occupant is no longer a moderator (since a "mere" participant can be a moderator). Therefore, the roles that are gained when an occupant is granted a certain affiliation are stable, whereas the roles that are lost when an occupant loses a certain affilitation are no hardcoded and are left up to the implementation. Since a client cannot predict what the role will be after revoking a certain affiliation, if it wants to remove both admin/owner privileges and the moderator role at the same time then it must specifically request the role change in addition to the affiliation change.
+Note: Certain roles are typically implicit in certain affiliations. For example, an admin or owner is automatically a moderator, so if an occupant is granted an affiliation of admin then the occupant will by that fact be granted a role of moderator; similarly, when an occupant is granted an affiliation of member in a moderated room, the occupant automatically has a role of participant. However, the loss of the admin affiliation does not necessarily mean that the occupant no longer has a role of moderator (since a "mere" participant can be a moderator). Therefore, the role that is gained when an occupant is granted a certain affiliation is stable, whereas the role that is lost when an occupant loses a certain affilitation is not hardcoded and is left up to the implementation. Since a client cannot predict what the role will be after revoking a certain affiliation, if it wants to remove both the admin/owner affiliation and the moderator role at the same time then it must specifically request the role change in addition to the affiliation change by including both the 'role' attribute and the 'affiliation' attribute.
Support for the Owner affiliation is REQUIRED. Support for the Admin, Member, and Outcast affiliations is RECOMMENDED. (The "None" affiliation is the absence of an affiliation.)
-These affiliations are long-lived in that they persist across a user's visits to the room and are not affected by happenings in the room. In addition, there is no one-to-one mapping between these affiliations and an occupant's role within the room. Affiliations are granted, revoked, and maintained based on the user's bare JID.
+Support for the owner affiliation is REQUIRED. Support for the admin, member, and outcast affiliations is RECOMMENDED. (The "None" affiliation is the absence of an affiliation.)
+These affiliations are long-lived in that they persist across a user's visits to the room and are not affected by happenings in the room. In addition, there is no one-to-one mapping between these affiliations and an occupant's role within the room. Affiliations are granted, revoked, and maintained based on the user's bare JID (not the full JID as with roles).
If a user without a defined affiliation enters a room, the user's affiliation is defined as "none"; however, this affiliation does not persist across visits (i.e., a service does not maintain a "none list" across visits).
The member affiliation provides a way for a room owner or admin to specify a "whitelist" of users who are allowed to enter a members-only room. When a member enters a members-only room, his or her affiliation does not change, no matter what his or her role is. The member affiliation also provides a way for users to effectively register with an open room and thus be lastingly associated with that room in some way (one result may be that the user's nickname is reserved in the room).
An outcast is a user who has been banned from a room and who is not allowed to enter the room.
-Information about affiliations MUST be sent in all presence stanzas generated or reflected by the room and sent to occupants.
+Information about affiliations MUST be sent in all presence stanzas generated or reflected by the room and sent to occupants (if the room is configured to broadcast presence for a given role).
For the most part, affiliations exist in a hierarchy. For instance, an owner can do anything an admin can do, and an admin can do anything a member can do. Each affiliation has privileges not possessed by the next-lowest affiliation; these privileges are specified in the following table.
Retrieve Member List | No | -No** | +No | Yes | Yes | Yes | @@ -828,7 +847,7 @@Yes |
Change Room Definition | +Change Room Configuration | No | No | No | @@ -848,7 +867,7 @@
> | @@ -903,39 +922,38 @@
Command | @@ -5311,8 +5335,8 @@ xmpp:darkcave@chat.shakespeare.lit?invite;jid=hecate@shakespeare.lit;password=ca ]]>
Note: Because MUC roomnicks follow the Resourceprep profile of stringprep, they are allowed to contain a space character, whereas IRC nicknames do not. Although a given client MAY support quotation characters for this purpose (resulting in commands such as '/ban "king lear" insanity is no defense'), most common quotation characters (such as " and ') are also allowed by Resourceprep, thus leading to added complexity and potential problems with quotation of roomnicks that contain both spaces and quotation characters. Therefore it is NOT RECOMMENDED for Jabber clients to support IRC-style shortcut commands with roomnicks that contain space characters.
-Note: Many Jabber clients also implement a '/me ' command as described in &xep0245;. This command does not result in any MUC or IRC protocol action and is therefore not shown in the foregoing table.
+Note: Because MUC roomnicks follow the Resourceprep profile of stringprep, they are allowed to contain a space character, whereas IRC nicknames do not. Although a given client MAY support quotation characters for this purpose (resulting in commands such as '/ban "king lear" insanity is no defense'), most common quotation characters (such as " and ') are also allowed by Resourceprep, thus leading to added complexity and potential problems with quotation of roomnicks that contain both spaces and quotation characters. Therefore it is NOT RECOMMENDED for XMPP clients to support IRC-style shortcut commands with roomnicks that contain space characters.
+Note: Many XMPP clients also implement a '/me ' command as described in &xep0245;. This command does not result in any MUC or IRC protocol action and is therefore not shown in the foregoing table.