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synced 2025-03-02 17:41:47 -05:00
Extend the readme with new tooling and workflow
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ container. To build the template `make docker`, to run it `make testdocker`
Gardening (Issue triaging by non-editors)
For new PRs, anyone with permission may perform gardening tasks.
The [Go wiki] sumarizes "gardening" as:
@ -106,6 +106,205 @@ For all PRs, start by ensuring that the IP release has been signed and that CI
has run and no issues were detected before merging.
Triaging a PR
If the PR is not touching a XEP, this guide does not apply. If the PR touches
multiple XEPs, go through the steps for each XEP and exit at the first which
1. Is the PR a ProtoXEP?
1. Does the PR touch existing XEPs? Close as [invalid] and ask the Opener
to split the two things.
2. Add the [ProtoXEP] and [Ready to Merge] labels.
3. Stop.
1. Are the changes *for all XEPs* purely editorial?
1. Add the [Editorial Change] and [Ready to Merge] labels.
2. Stop.
2. Is the XEP **not** in Experimental state?
(Changes to Non—Experimental XEPs need approval by the approving body as
defined in the XEP file itself.)
1. Add the [Needs Council]/[Needs Board] label.
2. Put the PR in the [Council Tracking] project.
3. (Optionally, continue here with submitting the PR to Council via Trello
and move it right to the "On the agenda" column.)
4. Stop.
2. Is the XEP in Experimental state and the PR opener is not an author of the
1. If the issue has not been discussed on the standards list *or* if
the authors have not been involved in the discussion:
1. Make sure the standards@ discussion (if it exists) is linked in the
2. Add the [Needs Author] label.
3. Put the PR in the [Author Tracking] project in the
"Not explicitly pinged" bin.
4. Stop.
3. Mark the PR as [Ready to Merge].
Council Tracking
The [Council Tracking] project is used to track a PR through the Council
approval process. The following columns are used:
* On agenda: The PR has been added to the council trello and is awaiting
handling by Council.
* Voting in progress: The PR has been discussed by council, but not everyone
has voted yet. Aside from exceptional circumstances, a PR can only reside
for at most two weeks in this column.
Note that council voting is veto-based and if someone did not vote, consent
is assumed. So a PR is rejected *iff* at least one person from council
explicitly voted against it.
* Done: The PR went through voting, but has not been merged yet. The
[Needs Council] label must be removed and the [Ready to merge] label should
be added. The PR can be removed from [Council Tracking] now.
If a card awaits triaging, add it to the [Council Trello] in the first column
*under* the "Find Minutes taker". Put the PR in the "On agenda" column (in the
[Council Tracking], not the [Council Trello]).
Author Tracking
This is less formal and more a tool for the editors to keep track of at which
stage of escalation we are when getting in contact with the Authors. The
columns should be self-explaining.
Use your gut feeling on how long you wait for an authors reaction, but giving
them at least a week on each stage seems reasonable.
When an author replies and a discussion starts, move the PR to "Discussion in
progress" and remember to check back once in a while if the discussion
Technical discussions SHOULD NOT happen in the xeps repository. If you see a
discussion evolve into technical (as opposed to editorial) matters, do the
following (I haven’t tried that myself yet, so feel especially free to improve
the process):
1. Lock the conversation.
2. Copy the technical discussion parts into an email to standards@. My
preferred format for this would be something along the lines of:
Subject: XEP-1234: [insert PR subject here, or something more appropriate]
There was some discussion on the xeps repository an XEP-1234, which got
technical. I moved this discussion to standards@ so that the whole
community is aware of the issue and can participate.
@user1 wrote:
> quote user1 here ...
@user2 wrote:
> quote user2 here ...
Remove clearly editorial discussion and mark the removal with ``[…]``.
3. Add the [Needs List Discussion] label to the PR and link the standards@
thread you just created. Remove other labels (such as [Needs Author]).
4. Monitor the thread; when the discussion is resolved, the PR opener will
usually prepare an update. Unlock the conversation to allow editorial
discussion to continue, if needed. Remove the [Needs List Discussion] label
and re-triage the PR as described above.
**Note:** The locking is mostly used here as a tool to avoid a race
condition, not to exclude people from participating. (It would be
unfortunate if you had to add more comments to your already-sent email.)
Feel free to unlock at some point during the list discussion when you’re
sure that all participants have taken note of the move.
General notes on making changes
This section has some hints on the python scripts which help you doing the
more tedious tasks of sending emails and properly archiving XEPs.
*Before* you start working on merging a Pull Request:
* Ideally, you have the [xep-attic] repository cloned next to the xeps
* Before starting to prepare a merge and push, ensure that you have the XEP
metadata up-to-date locally:
$ make build/xeplist.xml
* Make a copy of the metadata:
$ cp build/xeplist.xml tools/old-xeplist.xml
(avoid putting random XML files in the xeps root directory, the build
tooling might mistake them as XEPs; so we put it somewhere else.)
*While* you’re working on a Pull Request:
* Use the lokal docker build to ensure that everything is syntactically
correct. The process is described above in "Using Docker".
When you have *merged* the Pull Request and the change went through to the
webserver (see also the [Docker Build] to track the build progress):
* Send out the emails. First ensure that the new metadata is up-to-date:
$ make build/xeplist.xml
Check that the emails which will be send are correct (the ``--dry-run``
switch prevents the tool from actually sending emails):
$ ./tools/send-updates.py --dry-run tools/old-xeplist.xml build/xeplist.xml standards@xmpp.org
(See also the ``--help`` output for more information.)
Once you’ve verified that the correct emails will be sent, actually send
them using (note the missing ``--dry-run`` flag):
$ ./tools/send-updates.py tools/old-xeplist.xml build/xeplist.xml standards@xmpp.org
A few tips:
1. You can also test-send them to your own address by replacing
``standards@xmpp.org`` with your own address.
2. To avoid having to enter your email account details every time, use a
configuration file. Invoke the tool with ``--help`` for more
information and ask [jonasw]/[@horazont] if things are still unclear.
If the tool misbehaves, pester [jonasw]/[@horazont] about it.
* Don’t forget to archive the new versions of the XEPs. If you have the
[xep-attic] cloned next to the xeps repository, you can simply run:
$ ./tools/archive.py tools/old-xeplist.xml build/xeplist.xml
Otherwise, you will have to explicitly give the path to the attic:
$ ./tools/archive.py --attic /path/to/xep-attic/content/ tools/old-xeplist.xml build/xeplist.xml
(note that the path must point to the ``content`` subdirectory of the
Don’t forget to commit & push the changes to [xep-attic].
New ProtoXEPs
@ -115,28 +314,27 @@ New ProtoXEPs
this or ask the author to fix it).
- You may want to build the protoxep locally and ensure the HTML and PDF look
- Merge the PR as described in "Merging a PR". Once the email has been sent,
continue here.
- Create a card for the protoxep on the [Council Trello] under "Proposed
- Attach the PR to the card, and comment on the PR with a link to the card,
thanking the author for their submission and letting them know that their XEP
will be voted on within the next two weeks.
- Merge the PR and add a link to the generated protoxep (does this happen
automatically yet?) to the card so that council can read it.
- Wait for the XEP to appear on xmpp.org and then log into the webserver, change
directories to `/home/xsf/xmpp-hg/extensions`, perform an `hg pull && hg
update` (yes, that's right) and run `inxep.py name approvingbody` (eg.
`./inxep.py pars council`).
Agendums" and add the PR to the [Council Tracking].
- Attach the PR to the card and link the generated HTML.
- Comment on the PR with a link to the card, thanking the author for their
submission and letting them know that their XEP will be voted on within the
next two weeks.
- If the council forgets and doesn't vote on the protoxep, pester them until
they do.
- If the council rejects the XEP, you're done (leave the XEP in the inbox and
inform the author of the councils decision).
Otherwise, see "Promoting a ProtoXEP".
inform the author of the councils decision). Otherwise, see
"Promoting a ProtoXEP".
Promoting a ProtoXEP
- Once the council approves a ProtoXEP, move it out of the inbox and into the
- It is easiest to start a new branch, in case you screw something up on the
- Once the council approves a ProtoXEP, *copy* it out of the inbox and into the
root, assigning it the next available number in the XEP series.
- Modify the `<number/>` element in the XML file to match.
- Set the version to `0.1` and the initials to `XEP Editor: xyz` (replacing
@ -144,10 +342,9 @@ Promoting a ProtoXEP
- Remove the `<interim/>` element from the XML file if it is included.
- Set the status to `Experimental`.
- Add a reference to the XEP in `xep.ent`.
- Archive the first version of the XEP (TODO: this process is currently
changing; add a description when the dust has settled).
- Wait for the XEP to be published then log into the webserver and run
`announce.py` (TODO: Add an example here).
- Make a commit.
- Treat your branch as you would treat a [Ready to Merge] PR in "Merging a PR".
(you don’t need to create another branch though.)
Promoting XEPs
@ -165,13 +362,64 @@ You can also refer to `xep-template.xml` for a recommended list of sections and
whether or not they are required.
For a helpful graph of how XEP promotion works, see [XEP-0001].
Merging a PR
Before Merging a PR, read the "General notes on making changes" section.
When you get to the point that the PR is [Ready to Merge], do the following:
1. Create a new branch off master called ``feature/xep-1234`` (if the PR
touches multiple XEPs, I call it ``feature/xep-0678,xep-0789``).
2. Merge all [Ready to Merge] PRs which affect the XEP(s) into that branch.
3. Resolve conflicts.
4. If the PRs introduced multiple revision blocks, squash it down to a single
revision block. Set "XEP Editor (initials)" as author of the revision block
and add the initials of the original PR authors to the changelog entries.
(If that doesn’t make sense to you, you’ll find plenty examples in the
5. Ensure that everything builds by performing a full docker build (see above).
(Once the docker build reaches the point where the XEPs are built, you can
switch branches and work on another PR.)
6. If the build passes, check that the generated files look sane by running the
docker container.
7. Merge the PR into master. If you are working on independent changes to
multiple XEPs, you can merge them all in one go.
8. If you merged multiple things into master, re-do the docker build check.
9. Push.
10. Go back to "General notes on making changes".
[XEP-0001]: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0001.html
[XEP-0053]: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0053.html
[Editor Trello]: https://trello.com/b/gwcOFnCr
[Council Trello]: https://trello.com/b/ww7zWMlI
[Needs Council]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/Needs%20Council
[Needs Board]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/Needs%20Board
[ProtoXEP]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/ProtoXEP
[Go wiki]: https://golang.org/wiki/Gardening
[`is:open is:pr no:assignee`]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen%20is%3Apr%20no%3Aassignee%20
[Needs Author]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/Needs%20Author
[Ready to Merge]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/Ready%20to%20Merge
[Council Tracking]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/projects/1
[Author Tracking]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/projects/2
[Needs List Discussion]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/Needs%20List%20Discussion
[Editorial Change]: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/Editorial%20Change
[xep-attic]: https://github.com/xsf/xep-attic
[Docker Build]: https://hub.docker.com/r/xmppxsf/xeps/builds/
[@horazont]: https://github.com/horazont/
[jonasw]: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/User:Jwi
[modeline]: # ( vim: set fenc=utf-8 ff=unix spell spl=en textwidth=80: )
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