From 74dde17408953e3e5578559fbf325b41e1141b68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Kille The standard nodes are as follows (although note that not every channel will necessarily use each node): The Configuration node holds the configuration of the channel as a single item, named by the date-time of the last update to the configuration. A single item is stored in the node at a time, with previous configuration history accessed by MAM. Users subscribed to the configuration node will enable notification of configuration change. The configuration node is optional for a MIX channel. For example, configuration choices could be fixed and not exposed. A subset of the defined configuration options may be used and additional non-standard configuration options may be added. If configuration options to control functionality of the nature described here are provided, the options defined in this standard MUST be used. The following configuration options are provided: The Information node holds information about the channel. The information node is named by the name of the node, which must be present. Other elements of the information node are optional. Information history is stored in MAM. The name and description values MUST contain a "text" element and MAY contain additional text elements. Where multiple text elements are provided, each MUST posses an xml:lang attribute that describes the natural language of the subject. Users MAY subscribe to this node to receive information updates. The Information node has the following attributes:
+ TEMPORARY NOTE AND QUESTION: This is currently work in progress. Suggestions for other items to be included in configuration are welcome. The format of the Configuration node follows &xep0004;. This allows configuration to be updated by MIX defined commands and that the results of update commands can be directly written to the PubSub node. Updates to the Configuration may use these commands or direct writing to the PubSub node. The format of the Information node follows &xep0004;. This allows configuration to be updated by MIX defined commands and that the results of update commands can be directly written to the PubSub node.
+ The following example shows the format of a item in the information node for the example coven@mix.shakespeare.example channel.
+ The ACL node is closely related to the configuration node, and contains more information that will generally be more restricted as to who can access and modify. An anticipated configuration reflected in the defaults has ACL node configured so that it can be modified by channel owners and read only by channel owners and administrators. The default for the configuration node is update by owners or administrators and visibility to list members. Split of functionality has been made on the basis of this model. TEMPORARY NOTE AND QUESTION: The split of configuration/acl is arbitrary. It would be possible to merge them, or to split into more nodes, giving finer control granularity. Input is solicited on the split an detailed assignment of items to nodes. The ACL node holds access control related configuration of the channel as a single item, named by the date-time of the last update to the ACL. History MUST be set to 1. Previous ACL history is accessed by MAM. Users may subscribe to the ACL node if allowed using bare JID. The ACL node is optional for a MIX channel. For example, ACL choices could be fixed and not exposed. A subset of the defined ACL options may be used and additional non-standard ACL options may be added. If configuration options to control functionality of the nature described here are provided, the options defined in this standard MUST be used. The following ACL options are provided:
+ The Configuration node holds the configuration of the channel as a single item, named by the date-time of the last update to the configuration. A single item is stored in the node at a time, with previous configuration history accessed by MAM. Users MAY subscribe to the configuration node to get notification of configuration change. The configuration node is optional for a MIX channel. For example, configuration choices could be fixed and not exposed. A subset of the defined configuration options may be used and additional non-standard configuration options may be added. If configuration options to control functionality of the nature described here are provided, the options defined in this standard MUST be used. The following configuration options are provided:
+ TEMPORARY NOTE: This is currently work in progress. Suggestions for other items to be included in ACL are welcome. AUTHOR'S NOTE AND QUESTION: Detailed review of this section is solicited, and requirements for any additional configuration control. The format of the ACL node follows &xep0004;.
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+ Node Description
- Name Node Description
+ 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:messages' For publishing messages. Each item of this node will contain a message sent to the channel.
- Messages 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:messages' For publishing messages. Each item of this node will contain a message sent to the channel.
+ 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:subject' For publishing the subject of the channels
- Subject 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:subject' For publishing the subject of the channels
+ 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:participants' For publishing the list of participants (identified by anonymized bare proxy JID), and identifying the nick. This is a list of users who would receive messages (by subscription to the messages node) and/or would receive presence (by subscription to the presence node).
- Participants 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:participants' For publishing the list of participants (identified by anonymized bare proxy JID), and identifying the nick. This is a list of users who would receive messages (by subscription to the messages node) and/or would receive presence (by subscription to the presence node).
+ 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:jidmap' For publishing a list of anonymized bare JIDs from the participants node with a 1:1 mapping to the corresponding real JIDs.
- JID Map 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:jidmap' For publishing a list of anonymized bare JIDs from the participants node with a 1:1 mapping to the corresponding real JIDs.
+ 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:presence' For publishing information about the availability status of online participants, which may include multiple clients for a single participant.
- Presence 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:presence' For publishing information about the availability status of online participants, which may include multiple clients for a single participant.
+ 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:config' For storing configuration information.
- Configuration 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:config' For storing channel configuration. This information will generally be restricted to authorized users.
+ 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:acl' For storing information about access control lists (such as the list of owners and administrators). This information will generally be restricted to authorized users. Information 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:info' For storing general channel information, such as description and avatar.
- AUTHOR'S NOTE: Allow configuration by direct writes to 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:config' and ACL node. Also specify MIX XEP-0004 commands to achieve this. + AUTHOR'S NOTE: Allow configuration by direct writes to 'urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:config' . Also specify MIX XEP-0004 commands to achieve this.