From 223c6a5ea08cc5a78fef688b66a8cf23eeb3e8d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Melvin Keskin
Joining a conference is done in two stages. The first step is to
- declare that preparations are being done to either join or start a muji
+ declare that preparations are being done to either join or start a Muji
session inside the MUC. This is indicated by the client sending a presence
- stanza to the MUC with a preparing element in muji section.
+ stanza to the MUC with a preparing element in the Muji section.
- Adding a stream follows a process similar to the joining a conference. As a - first step an updated presence stanza MUST be send which contains a + Adding a stream follows a process similar to the joining of a conference. As a + first step, an updated presence stanza MUST be sent which contains a preparing element as part of the Muji section.
@@ -218,7 +224,7 @@- Afterwards the client should add the new content to the muji section of its + Afterwards the client should add the new content to the Muji section of its presence and add the content to all the Jingle sessions it had with participants it shared the content with.
@@ -231,7 +237,7 @@ ver="48QdBuXRCJFb8qIzgy1FOHSGO0U=" hash="sha-1" />- To remove a content type the participant SHOULD first sent an updated presence - without the content in its muji section. Afterwards it MUST the content from + To remove a content type, the participant SHOULD first send an updated presence + without the content in its Muji section. Afterwards, it MUST remove the content from all the Jingle sessions it has open.