diff --git a/xep-0167.xml b/xep-0167.xml
index e1362283..7eb1c1ab 100644
--- a/xep-0167.xml
+++ b/xep-0167.xml
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ delivery-method=inline; configuration=somebase16string;
When the responder receives a session-initiate message containing an <encryption/> element with the 'required' attribute set to TRUE, the responder MUST either (1) accept the offer by denoting one of the <crypto/> elements as acceptable (it does this by mirroring that <crypto/> element in its session acceptance) or (2) reject the offer by sending a session-terminate message with a Jingle reason of <security-error/> (typically with an RTP-specific condition of <invalid-crypto/>).
If the 'required' attribute is set to FALSE (this is the default), depending on personal security policies or client configuration the responder SHOULD accept the offer if possible, but MAY simply proceed without encryption.
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ Romeo Juliet