Revived the spec by popular demand; updated namespace to use XMPP URN; defined registry process and several initial entries.
In order to learn about external services known to an XMPP server or discovery service, a requesting entity (typically a client) sends an IQ-get containing an empty <services/> element qualified by the '' namespace &NSNOTE;, typically to its own server but perhaps alternatively to a dedicated discovery service.
+In order to learn about external services known to an XMPP server or discovery service, a requesting entity (typically a client) sends an IQ-get containing an empty <services/> element qualified by the 'urn:xmpp:extdisco:0' namespace &NSNOTE;, typically to its own server but perhaps alternatively to a dedicated discovery service.
The responding entity (XMPP server or discovery service) SHOULD return the list of external services it is aware of, but MAY instead return an appropriate error, such as &unavailable; if the responding entity does not support this protocol or &forbidden; if the requesting entity does not have permission to receive the list of external services. Each service is encapsulated via a <service/> element.
Note: The processes by which a responding entity discovers external services for "proxying" to XMPP entities are out of scope for this specification.
The <service/> element MAY be empty or MAY include extended information about the service as described in the Extended Information section of this document.
@@ -150,7 +162,7 @@ from='bard@shakespeare.lit/globe' to='shakespeare.lit' id='all1'> -If a server or service needs to include extended information, it SHOULD do so by including each bit of information as the XML character data of the <value/> child of a distinct <field/> element, with the entire set of fields contained within an <x/> element of type "result" qualified by the 'jabber:x:data' namespace (see &xep0004;); this <x/> element SHOULD be a child of the <service/> element qualified by the '' namespace &NSNOTE;. Thus the IQ result SHOULD be of the following form:
+If a server or service needs to include extended information, it SHOULD do so by including each bit of information as the XML character data of the <value/> child of a distinct <field/> element, with the entire set of fields contained within an <x/> element of type "result" qualified by the 'jabber:x:data' namespace (see &xep0004;); this <x/> element SHOULD be a child of the <service/> element qualified by the 'urn:xmpp:extdisco:0' namespace &NSNOTE;. Thus the IQ result SHOULD be of the following form:
@@ -252,11 +277,11 @@
Note: A <field/> element MAY contain more than one <value/> child if appropriate.
If the data fields are to be used in the context of a protocol approved by the XMPP Standards Foundation, they SHOULD be registered in accordance with the rules defined in XEP-0068, resulting in the inclusion of a <field/> element whose 'var' attribute has a value of "FORM_TYPE" and whose 'type' attribute has a value of "hidden".
-Note: Although &xep0128; specifies that an XMPP entity MUST NOT supply extended information about associated children communicated via the '' namespace, that rule does not apply to External Service Discovery since services external to the XMPP network cannot communicate via XMPP.
+Note: Although &xep0128; specifies that an XMPP entity MUST NOT supply extended information about associated children communicated via the 'urn:xmpp:extdisco:0' namespace, that rule does not apply to External Service Discovery since services external to the XMPP network cannot communicate via XMPP.
If an entity supports the STUN Server Discovery protocol, it MUST report that fact by including a service discovery feature of "" &NSNOTE; in response to a &xep0030; information request:
+If an entity supports the STUN Server Discovery protocol, it MUST report that fact by including a service discovery feature of "urn:xmpp:extdisco:0" &NSNOTE; in response to a &xep0030; information request:
Until this specification advances to a status of Draft, its associated namespace shall be ""; upon advancement of this specification, the XMPP Registrar shall issue a permanent namespace in accordance with the process defined in Section 4 of &xep0053;.
+This specification defines the following XML namespace:
+Upon advancement of this specification from a status of Experimental to a status of Draft, the ®ISTRAR; shall add the foregoing namespace to the registry located at &NAMESPACES;, as described in Section 4 of &xep0053;.
+The XMPP Registrar shall maintain a registry of external service types and their associated transport protocol(s). Such service types will probably be derived from the &ianaports;, defined DNS SRV record types, defined DDDS records for NAPTR, S-NAPTR, and U-NAPTR, and &ianaslp;. A future version of this specification shall define the relevant actions requested of the XMPP Registrar.
+The XMPP Registrar shall maintain a registry of external service types and their associated transport protocol(s). Such service types will probably be derived from the &ianaports;, defined DNS SRV record types, defined DDDS records for NAPTR, S-NAPTR, and U-NAPTR, and &ianaslp;.
+ the XML character data of the service type
+ a natural-language description of the service type
+ the document that best defines the service type
+ ]]>
+ The registrant may register more than one service type at a time, each contained in a separate <service/> element.
+ stun
+ a server that provides Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
+ RFC 5389
+ turn
+ a server that provides Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN)
+ draft-ietf-behave-turn
+ ]]>