diff --git a/xep-0280.xml b/xep-0280.xml index eae1a3a4..d86d3035 100644 --- a/xep-0280.xml +++ b/xep-0280.xml @@ -45,6 +45,19 @@ linuxwolf@outer-planes.net linuxwolf@outer-planes.net + + 0.13.0 + 2019-04-24 + gl + +

Create more explicit and more binding copying rules under the "urn:xmpp:carbons:rules:0" namespace:

+ +
0.12.1 2019-03-14 @@ -197,6 +210,7 @@ ... + ... ]]> @@ -278,18 +292,34 @@

The focus of this specification is instant messaging applications and so those (and only those) &MESSAGE; stanzas used for instant messaging SHOULD be delivered as Carbons.


Defining precisely which messages are used for instant messaging and which are not is difficult, as future specifications may add additional payloads used for, or not used for, instant messaging; as such, the rules for which messages are eligible for carbons delivery is left as an implementation detail for servers.


The following is a suggested set of rules a server MAY use, or it MAY use its own; in either case it SHOULD follow the general intent of these rules:


The following is the set of rules that a server implementation SHOULD use to determine which messages should be carbon-copied. Future specifications MAY add or override rules, though they are generally advised to use the <private/> element.

+ +

A &MESSAGE; is eligible for carbons delivery if it does not contain a <private/> child element and if at least one the following is true:

  • A &MESSAGE; is eligible for carbons delivery if it is of type "chat".
  • -
  • A &MESSAGE; is eligible for carbons delivery if it is of type "normal" and it contains a <body> element.
  • -
  • A &MESSAGE; is eligible for carbons delivery if it is of type "error" and sent in response to a &MESSAGE; that was itself eligible for carbons delivery (Note that as this would require message tracking and correlation on the server, it is unlikely to be generally appropriate for most implementations).
  • -
  • A &MESSAGE; is not eligible for carbons delivery if it is determined to have been sent by a MUC room or service, even if it would be otherwise eligible (this also includes private messages from MUC participants).
  • -
  • A &MESSAGE; is not eligible for carbons delivery if it does not meet any of these criteria.
  • +
  • it is of type "chat".
  • +
  • it is of type "normal" and contains a <body> element.
  • +
  • it contains payload elements typically used in IM (&xep0184;, &xep0085;).
  • +
  • it is of type "error" and it was sent in response to a &MESSAGE; that was eligible for carbons delivery (Note that as this would require message tracking and correlation on the server, it is unlikely to be generally appropriate for most implementations).
  • +
  • it matches the MUC-related rules outlined below.

As this is a implementation detail of servers, clients MUST NOT rely on the server implementing a particular set of rules for which messages are eligible for Carbons delivery.


To properly handle messages exchanged with a MUC (or similar service), the server must be able to identify MUC-related messages. This can be accomplished by tracking the clients' presence in MUCs, or by checking for the <x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"> element in messages. The following rules apply to MUC-related messages: +

  • A &MESSAGE; of type "groupchat" SHOULD NOT be carbon-copied.
  • +
  • A &MESSAGE; containing a &xep0249; SHOULD be carbon-copied.
  • +
  • A &MESSAGE; containing a Mediated Invitation SHOULD be carbon-copied.
  • +
  • A private &MESSAGE; from a local user to a MUC participant (sent to a full JID) SHOULD be carbon-copiedThe server SHOULD limit carbon-copying to the clients sharing a Multi-Session Nick in that MUC, and MAY inject the <x/> element into such carbon copies. Clients can not respond to carbon-copies of MUC-PMs related to a MUC they are not joined to. Therefore, they SHOULD either ignore such carbon copies, or provide a way for the user to join the MUC before answering..
  • +
  • A private &MESSAGE; from a MUC participant (received from a full JID) to a local user SHOULD NOT be carbon-copied (these messages are already replicated by the MUC service to all joined client instances).
  • +

As the above is an implementation detail of servers, clients MUST NOT rely on the server implementing a particular set of rules for which messages are eligible for Carbons delivery.

Future specifications may have more precise requirements on which messages need to be eligible for carbons delivery; such future specifications will provide their own discovery and negotiation mechanisms, such that a client negotiating Carbons using the protocol defined in this specification will cause the server to consider messages eligible for Carbons delivery based on the requirements described herein.

Note: previous versions of this specification limited eligible messages to those of type "chat" - however, this was generally found to be inadequate due to the proliferation of type "normal" messages used in instant messaging.

+ +

A server implementation can choose to advertise full support of all the rules in ยง6.1 by including the "urn:xmpp:carbons:rules:0" feature in its service discovery information. If that feature is advertised, the rules above must be treated as REQUIRED and not merely as RECOMMENDED.


Accordingly, if this feature is advertised, a client MAY rely on the server supporting this exact set of rules.


While future versions of this specification (or other specifications) might use a different set of delivery rules, they would signify this by advertising a namespace other than "urn:xmpp:carbons:rules:0".
