diff --git a/inbox/omemo-media-sharing.xml b/inbox/omemo-media-sharing.xml index 904a6f53..7b336dd1 100644 --- a/inbox/omemo-media-sharing.xml +++ b/inbox/omemo-media-sharing.xml @@ -82,6 +82,6 @@ data:image/jpeg,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEBLAEsAAD…]]>

A aesgcm URL MUST never be linkified and clients MUST NOT offer another direct way for users to open them in a browser as this could leak the anchor with the encryption key to the server operator. This is also the reason the aesgcm URL was choosen in the first place to prevent users from accidentally opening a HTTP URL in the browser.


The aesgcm scheme is not registered at the IANA, and it probably shouldn’t be as it is mostly a hack in order to work around the limitations of &xep0384; version 0.3.0 with regards to the extensibility, as this extension could only encrypt the <body/> of a message.


The aesgcm scheme is not registered at the IANA, and it probably shouldn’t be as it is mostly a hack in order to work around the limitations of &xep0384; version 0.3.0 with regards to the extensibility, as this extension could only encrypt the <body/> of a message.