<remark><p>Initial published version approved for publication by the XMPP Council.</p></remark>
<remark><p>Root element name changed to "wrapper"; xmlns fixed in the XML-schema.</p></remark>
<remark><p>Initial version.</p></remark>
<p>In certain protocols that make use of &xep0004;, it can be helpful to include XML-data (for example, when we want to insert a big amount of structured data which is hard to insert as a separate fields). This document defines a method for including XML-data in a data form.</p>
<p>The root element for XML-data is <wrapper/>. This element MUST be qualified by the "urn:xmpp:xml-element" namespace. The <wrapper/> element MUST be contained within a <field/> element qualified by the 'jabber:x:data' namespace.</p>
<p>The <wrapper/> element SHOULD contain an XML-data which needs to be represented in a form.</p>
<examplecaption='PubSub Blog Node Metadata'><![CDATA[
<p>XML-data is usually hard for manual editing and SHOULD be used only for machine level iteractions. So it's RECOMMENDED to include it in the form as a "hidden" field.</p>
<p>However, there are situations when human editing of XML-data may be useful (for example, to see XML-logs of some XMPP-service). In that case it's RECOMMENDED for a client to represent this XML in a pretty formatted form and give an instruments to make it easier to edit XML-data.</p>