
96 lines
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# Configuration file for xAuth
# How should xAuth store data (Accounts, sessions, etc.)?
# Possible values: default (H2), mysql
datasource: [datasource]
# If set to true, xAuth will disable itself if the server is in online-mode
auto-disable: [autoDisable]
# When set to true, if a player connects with the same name as someone who is
# already online, the player connecting will be kicked instead of the online player
reverse-enforce-single-session: true
# Location of the MySQL server. Can be either a host name or IP address
host: [mysqlHost]
# Port used by MySQL. Default is 3306
port: [mysqlPort]
# User name used to connect to the MySQL server
username: [mysqlUser]
# Password used to connect to the MySQL server
password: [mysqlPass]
# Name of the database that will be used by xAuth
database: [mysqlDb]
# Names of the tables xAuth will use to store data
account: [tblAccount]
session: [tblSession]
strike: [tblStrike]
location: [tblLocation]
# Enable/disable new registrations
enabled: [regEnabled]
# If set to true, everyone must register
forced: [regForced]
# Setting this to true requires a player to enter an email address when they register
require-email: [requireEmail]
# If set to true, a valid email address is required
validate-email: [validateEmail]
# Setting this to false will impose a limit of one account per IP address
allow-multiple: [allowMultiple]
# Used with web registrations that require account activation
activation: [activation]
# Amount of times a player can enter an incorrect password before action is taken
# Set as 0 to disable
amount: [maxStrikes]
# What action to take when the strike threshold is reached
# Possible values: kick, banip
action: [strikeAction]
# Length, in seconds, of a ban given by the strike system
# Set as 0 for a permanent ban
length: [banLength]
# Minimum length a password may be
min-length: [pwMinLength]
# Enable/disable password changes
allow-change: [pwAllowChange]
# Require at least one of the character types below that are set to true
lowercase: [pwCompLower]
uppercase: [pwCompUpper]
number: [pwCompNumber]
symbol: [pwCompSymbol]
# Amount of time, in seconds, that a player has to log in before they are kicked
# Set as 0 to disable
timeout: [guestTimeout]
# Amount of time, in seconds, between "You must be logged in.." messages
notify-cooldown: [notifyCooldown]
# Amount of time, in seconds, that a session will remain valid
length: [sessionLength]
# Verify a player's IP address when resuming a session
verifyip: [verifyIp]
# Length of time, in seconds, that a player will have godmode upon logging in
# set as 0 to disable
godmode-length: [godmodeLength]
# Minimum length a players name can be
min-length: [filterMinLength]
# Characters that may be present in a players name. Use an asterisk (*) to allow all
allowed: '[filterAllowed]'
# If set to false, players with blank names can connect
blankname: [filterBlank]
version: [version]