Brandon Mathis a2ab1d4802 1. Reordered configs in Rakefile based on importance.
2. Refactored stylesheets to simplify dreictory trees.
2011-06-22 12:29:23 -04:00

141 lines
4.9 KiB

require "rubygems"
require "bundler/setup"
## -- Rsync Deploy config -- ##
# Be sure your public key is listed in your server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file
ssh_user = ""
document_root = "~/"
## -- Misc Configs, you probably have no reason to changes these -- ##
public_dir = "public" # compiled site directory
source_dir = "source" # source file directory
deploy_dir = "_deploy" # deploy directory (for Github pages deployment)
stash_dir = "_stash" # directory to stash posts for speedy generation
posts_dir = "_posts" # directory for blog files
post_format = "markdown" # file format for new posts when using the post rake task
desc "Initial setup for Octopress: copies the default theme into the path of Jekyll's generator. rake install defaults to rake install[classic] to install a different theme run rake install[some_theme_name]"
task :install, :theme do |t, args|
# copy theme into working Jekyll directories
theme = args.theme || 'classic'
puts "## Copying "+theme+" theme to Jekyll paths"
system "mkdir -p #{source_dir}; cp -R themes/"+theme+"/source/ #{source_dir}/"
system "mkdir -p sass; cp -R themes/"+theme+"/sass/ sass/"
system "mkdir -p _plugins; cp -R themes/"+theme+"/_plugins/ _plugins/"
system "mkdir -p #{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}";
puts "## Layouts, images, and javascritps from the #{theme} theme have been installed into ./#{source_dir}"
puts "## Sass stylesheet sources from the #{theme} theme have been installed into ./sass"
puts "## Plugins from the #{theme} theme have been installed into ./_plugins"
# Working with Jekyll #
desc "Watch the site and regenerate when it changes"
task :watch do
system "trap 'kill $jekyllPid $compassPid' Exit; jekyll --auto & jekyllPid=$!; compass watch & compassPid=$!; wait"
desc "preview the site in a web browser"
task :preview do
system "trap 'kill $jekyllPid $compassPid' Exit; jekyll --auto --server & jekyllPid=$!; compass watch & compassPid=$!; wait"
# usage rake post[my-new-post] or rake post['my new post'] or rake post (defaults to "new-post")
desc "Begin a new post in #{source_dir}/_posts"
task :post, :filename do |t, args|
require './_plugins/titlecase.rb'
args.with_defaults(:filename => 'new-post')
open("#{source_dir}/_posts/#{'%Y-%m-%d')}-#{args.filename.downcase.gsub(/[ _]/, '-')}.#{post_format}", 'w') do |post|
system "mkdir -p #{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}";
post.puts "---"
post.puts "title: #{args.filename.gsub(/[-_]/, ' ').titlecase}"
post.puts "date: #{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}"
post.puts "layout: post"
post.puts "---"
# usage rake isolate[my-post]
desc "Move all other posts than the one currently being worked on to a temporary stash location (stash) so regenerating the site happens much quicker."
task :isolate, :filename do |t, args|
stash_dir = "#{source_dir}/#{stash_dir}"
FileUtils.mkdir(stash_dir) unless File.exist?(stash_dir)
Dir.glob("#{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}/*.*") do |post| post, stash_dir unless post.include?(args.filename)
desc "Move all stashed posts back into the posts directory, ready for site generation."
task :integrate do Dir.glob("#{source_dir}/#{stash_dir}/*.*"), "#{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}/"
desc "Clean out caches: _code_cache, _gist_cache, .sass-cache"
task :clean do
system "rm -rf _code_cache/** _gist_cache/** .sass-cache/**"
# Deploying #
## if you're deploying with github, change the default deploy to push_github
desc "default push task"
task :push => [:push_rsync] do
desc "Generate and deploy task"
multitask :deploy => [:integrate, :generate, :push] do
desc "Generate jekyll site"
task :generate do
puts "## Generating Site with Jekyll"
system "jekyll"
def ok_failed(condition)
if (condition)
puts "OK"
puts "FAILED"
desc "Deploy website via rsync"
task :push_rsync do
puts "## Deploying website via Rsync"
ok_failed system("rsync -avz --delete #{public_dir}/ #{ssh_user}:#{document_root}")
desc "deploy public directory to github pages"
multitask :push_github do
puts "## Deploying branch to Github Pages "
(Dir["#{deploy_dir}/*"]).each { |f| rm_rf(f) }
system "cp -R #{public_dir}/ #{deploy_dir}"
puts "\n## copying #{public_dir} to #{deploy_dir}"
cd "#{deploy_dir}" do
system "git add ."
system "git add -u"
puts "\n## Commiting: Site updated at #{}"
message = "Site updated at #{}"
system "git commit -m '#{message}'"
puts "\n## Pushing generated #{deploy_dir} website"
system "git push"
puts "\n## Github Pages deploy complete"
desc "list tasks"
task :list do
puts "Tasks: #{(Rake::Task.tasks - [Rake::Task[:list]]).to_sentence}"
puts "(type rake -T for more detail)\n\n"