Frederic Hemberger 81e814a354 Remove unsupported 'updated' flag from _includes/post/date.html
Jekyll does not support this value for Page or Post classes. The
capture returned an empty Sting, which was always evaluated to true
in '{% if updated %}'.
2011-10-18 17:39:19 +02:00

44 lines
1.2 KiB

layout: default
single: true
<article class="hentry" role="article">
{% include article.html %}
<p class="meta">
{% include post/author.html %}
{% include post/date.html %}{{ time }}
{% include post/categories.html %}
{% unless page.sharing == false %}
{% include post/sharing.html %}
{% endunless %}
<p class="meta">
{% if page.previous.url %}
<a class="basic-alignment left" href="{{page.previous.url}}" title="Previous Post: {{page.previous.title}}">&laquo; {{page.previous.title}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if page.next.url %}
<a class="basic-alignment right" href="{{page.next.url}}" title="next Post: {{page.next.title}}">{{page.next.title}} &raquo;</a>
{% endif %}
{% if site.disqus_short_name and page.comments == true %}
<div id="disqus_thread" aria-live="polite">{% include post/disqus_thread.html %}</div>
{% endif %}
{% unless page.sidebar == false %}
<aside class="sidebar">
{% if site.post_asides.size %}
{% include_array post_asides %}
{% else %}
{% include_array default_asides %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}