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Updated Mopar Monthly #6
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@ -4,65 +4,66 @@ title: "Mopar Monthly #6"
date: 2014-02-06 00:00
comments: true
categories: [MoparScape, RSPS, RS, Mopar Monthly]
author: John, Ambokile
author: John, Ambokile, N_A
##Edition 6
This month on the Mopar Monthly:
Much helpful. Very community. So effort. Wow
This month on the Mopar Monthly: Much helpful. Very community. So effort. Wow.
Welcome to the Mopar Monthly interview! In this section, you will be able to see a MoparScape member answer a selection of interview questions about a variety of topics. Every month will see a different member interviewed which means that next month's member could be you! This month's interviewee is TabbyKiller. We hope you enjoy the read!
Welcome to the Mopar Monthly interview! In this section, you will be able to see a MoparScape member answer questions about a variety of topics. Each month will produce a different member's interview, which means that next month's interviewed member could be you! This month's interviewee is TabbyKiller. We hope you enjoy the read!
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* To start the interview, please tell us a bit about yourself. You can let us know about hobbies, aspirations, or anything else you'd like to share.
> My name is Mason McLeod-Ngatuere, I was given both my mothers and fathers surnames. I give of the impression to most people I meet that I am a genuinely quiet, shy person, though, throw a few beers on top of that I'll prove you wrong. I'm not much of a drinker to be honest. Ever since I started hitting the gym I've over looked alcohol. I've never taken drugs before and I never will, peer pressure will never get me. As for my hobbies I do love Photography. Photography is a huge thing that I want to do later on in life. Its a struggle really. I'm tossed between 4 things that I want to be. Recently a mate of mine just got back on leave from the Navy, he's pushing me towards going with him, and I want to but that means dropping university next year. Another thing I want to be is a Photographer, who would have guessed? The third thing I want to be and is probably a passion of mine is a film maker. I love films and I love editing them. I cannot get enough of putting good footage and good music together. The end result is very self rewarding. Oh yes, music... I love it to the bones, I really do. The last thing I really aspire to be is a homicide detective, or even a cop for that matter. The thing that pushes me to wanting to be a cop is for one, you're required to keep fit. Two, I hate to see people slide just because some cops are too lazy to do their job. Three, being a cop means you have to be social and outgoing. Some people say you don't need to keep fit to be a cop once you have past the tests, which is true, most cops just let go once they're past the tests but that's one thing that drives me nuts about cops. They're meant to be someone to look up to. Someone to expect to feel safe around. I really mean no offense to anyone but no one wants a lard ass lazy cop out there searching for rapists and murderers etc. It really is a bold thing to say but believe me, it does happen. I kind of lost my train of thought but basically I want to be so many things, so many greats things and I'm lucky to have a friend named Jake is helps me realize that I can be everything I want to be.
> My name is Mason McLeod-Ngatuere. I was given both my mother's and my father's surnames. I give off the impression to most people I meet that I am a genuinely quiet, shy person; although, throw a few beers on top of that, and I'll prove you wrong. However, I'm not much of a drinker to be honest. Ever since I started hitting the gym, I've overlooked the need for alcohol. I've never taken drugs before, and I never will. Peer pressure will never get to me.
As for my hobbies, I love photography. Photography is a huge thing that I want to do later on in life. It's a struggle really. I'm tossed between four things that I want to be: Recently, a mate of mine just got back on leave from the navy and he's pushing me to go with him. I want to, but that means dropping out of the university next year. Another thing that I want to be is a photographer, who would have guessed? The third thing I want to be is a filmmaker. Filmmaking is a passion of mine, I love films and I love editing them. I cannot get enough of putting good footage and good music together. The end result is very rewarding. Oh yes, music… I love it to the bones, I really do. The last thing I really aspire to be is a homicide detective, or even a cop for that matter. The things that push me into becoming a cop is for one, you're required to keep fit. Secondly, I hate seeing people's actions slide, just because some cops are too lazy to do their job. Third, being a cop means you have to be social and outgoing. Some people say you don't need to remain fit to be a cop once you have passed the tests, which is true. Most cops just let themselves go once they've passed their tests, but that's one thing that drives me nuts about cops. They're meant to be someone who you can look up to. Someone you can feel safe around. I really don't mean to offend anyone, but no one wants a lard-ass, lazy cop out there searching for rapists, murderers, etc. It really is a bold thing to say, but believe me, it does happen. I kind of lost my train of thought, but basically, I want to be so many things. So many great things, and I'm lucky to have a friend named Jake who helps me realize that I can be anything I want to be.
* What originally brought you to MoparScape and what in particular, if anything, kept you here all this time?
> Most cases that bring people here is RuneScape. Naturally at the age I was I wanted to cheat RuneScape. I wanted to know what it felt holding a party hat. This didn't get me Googling though. One night I had spotted my brother playing what I thought was RuneScape, but, he was wearing a red party hat. Then he said to come over and he killed a Goblin and it dropped another red party hat. Not knowing how useless these party hats were on these private servers I joined and started filling my inventory with red party hats. I proudly walked around spawn (I think it was the barbarian village as a spawn) with red party hats. Eventually I found out we could make our own server and so I did a lot of Googling and found the MoparScape client. I was still really confused but followed tutorials to set this up. I eventually got it working with the MoparScape client and I could log in at Varrock (around the bank area between the mining place). That all the story is for getting me to MoparScape. I joined and was a pain in the ass 100% of the time, I really was. I made really bad servers and really bad models. Though I was still getting praised for it even though it was total bull.
The thing that kept me here at MoparScape was probably the fact that I knew I could learn something off of these smart people. I saw those mitb people and idolized them even though they were complete dicks, every single one of them. Though I'm not going to lie but I did have an internet crush on maminerr. Being a kid on a teenage and adult forum sucked.
> In most cases, what brings people here is RuneScape. Naturally, at the age I was when I joined, I wanted to cheat on RuneScape. I wanted to know what it felt like to hold a party hat. However, this didn't get me Googling though.
One night, I had spotted my brother playing what I thought was RuneScape, but, he was wearing a red party hat. He then said to come over, and he killed a Goblin and it dropped another red party hat! Not knowing how useless these party hats were on this private server, I joined and started filling my inventory with red party hats. I proudly walked around the spawn area (I think it was the Barbarian Village) with red party hats. Eventually, I found out we could make our own server which led me to do a lot of Googling and found the MoparScape client. I was still really confused at that point, but I followed tutorials to set it up. I eventually got it working with the MoparScape client and I could log in at Varrock (around the bank area between the mining places.) That was the story of me discovering MoparScape.
I joined, and I was a pain in the ass 100% of the time. I really was. I made really bad servers and really bad models; although, I was still getting praised for it, even though it was total bull. The thing that has kept me here at MoparScape was probably the fact that I knew I could learn something from the community. I saw those MITB people and idolized them, even though they were complete dicks: every single one of them. Although, I'm not going to lie, I did have an internet crush on maminerr. Being a kid on a teenage/adult forum sucked.
* What do you realistically see yourself doing in five years time?
> Well I like to think I'd have a nice girlfriend, I don't want to be lonely. I like to think I'd be starting on production for the film "The Last of Us" in which I will bribe the rights from Sony. I'll be continuing my Photography ambition. The only way I see myself being successful with film and photography is YouTube. Everything is starting to rely on social networking websites in my opinion and taking advantage of that by using YouTube as a start would be in my train of thought, quite successful.
> Well, I would like to think I'd have a nice girlfriend; I don't want to be lonely. I'd also like to think that I'd be starting production for the film, “The Last of Us,” in which I will bribe the rights from Sony. I'll be continuing my ambition for photography. The only way I see myself being successful with film and photography is through YouTube. Everything is starting to rely on social networking websites, in my opinion, and taking advantage of that by using YouTube as a starting point would be, I believe, quite useful.
* Has your opinion of the community changed at all since you have become a moderator? If so, how?
> I think I'm pretty chilled about the situation. I check in every night before going to bed to make sure there is nothing against the rules. Anytime I'm at home I will check every 10 minutes or so. But no. I don't think my opinion has changed at all. I do what I do and I still communicate the same way, just a little more professionally. Image is everything when given power right?
> I think I'm pretty chilled about the situation. I check in every night before going to bed to make sure that there are no posts that break the rules. Any time I'm at home, I will check every 10 minutes or so. But no, I don't think my opinion has changed at all towards the community. I do what I do, and I still communicate the same way, just a little more professionally. Image is everything when given power, right?
* Which member of MoparScape would you have to say is the most inspirational, and why?
> Easily Taharok. He's very mature, very smart and overall is just a nice guy. When I was basically a crippled young boy (metaphorically speaking) on these forums I would send him the most stupid suggestions for MoparScape and he'd reply with a nice comment. It's embarassing to show but this was one of them [here](http://gyazo.com/b2c9630d138d3ab8e3641ab399e36f2e.png).
> Easily Taharok: He's very mature, smart, and overall, just a nice guy. When I was basically a crippled young boy, (figuratively speaking,) on these forums, I would send him the most stupid suggestions for MoparScape, and he'd reply with a nice comment. It's embarrassing to show, but this was one of them [here](/images/2014-02-06-mopar-monthly-6-1.png).
* What advice would you give to someone wishing to become more involved in the community?
> Just get in there. You learn from failure, so don't be afraid to try anything and think you're going to fail.
> Just get in there. You learn from failure, so don't be afraid to try anything just because you think you're going to fail.
* What attracted you to photography, and why do you pursue it as a hobby?
> I just absolutely love being able to take a photo. You can capture a split second of beauty and look over it as many times as you want. You can turn something really dull into something beauty with photography. It really is amazing.
> I just absolutely love taking photos. You can capture a split second of beauty, and look over it as many times as you want. You can turn something really dull into something beautiful with photography. It is really amazing.
* What would be your main tip to anyone interesting in starting photography?
* What tip would you give to someone interested in photography?
> A nice camera isn't everything. Photography is all about meaning. Whether its a self portrait or a memorable photo with friends, as long as it has meaning, it is beautiful.
> A nice camera isn't everything. Photography is all about meaning. Whether it's a self-portrait, or a memorable photo with friends, as long as it has meaning, it is beautiful.
* Which user in the community would you describe as "most likely to be successful"?
> Its really a toss between Yz85Racer and Ruby. Both people are enjoying life and still save time to play games or browse these forums. Yz85Racer is fit and is actually quite educated in health and fitness, personally I see these is a huge trait of success. Ruby has a sexy Scottish accent and what better way to be successful than with a sexy accent. But bother than that he enjoys himself in life.
> It's really a toss-up between Yz85Racer and Ruby. Both people are enjoying life, yet still have time to play games or browse these forums. Yz85Racer is physically fit, and is quite educated in the health and fitness field. Personally, I see these as major traits of success. Ruby has a sexy Scottish accent, and what better way to be successful than with a sexy accent? But, other than that, he enjoys himself in life.
* If you had to liken MoparScape to any video game, which one would you choose, and why?
* If you had to compare MoparScape to any video game, which one would you choose, and why?
> I'm not to knowledgeable with classic video games but if I were to choose one I'd choose Zelda. Just like Zelda, MoparScape has history. Its nostalgic and built a lot of respect for being simple and smart.
> I'm not too knowledgeable with classic video games, but if I were to choose one, I'd choose Zelda. Just like Zelda, MoparScape has history. It brings a sense of nostalgia and has built a reputation of being simple and smart.
* What made you choose your username?
> It's going to sound a little nerdy haha. But before I joined MoparScape I had an account called Tabby106 I think it was on RuneScape. Being 12ish I was not very educated and my account was scammed off me. From that day on I vowed to hunt my old account Tabby106 and created another account called TabbyKiller which was later banned for botting, haha. So no guys, I do not literally kill cats :)
> It's going to sound a little nerd-y [ha ha], but before I joined MoparScape, I had an account called Tabby106 (I think it was on RuneScape.) Being twelve-ish, I was not very educated and my account was scammed off me. From that day on, I vowed to hunt down my old account Tabby106, and created another account called TabbyKiller (which was later banned for botting.) So, no guys, I do not literally kill cats. :)
* To close the interview, do you have any final words?
> Thank you for actually taking the time to read through the whole thing. Though its likely you just skipped the long paragraphs right? Everything I say about MoparScape is true. It, we and they can really help you learn. Whether its programming, 3D modelling, photography, graphics. MoparScape really is a place where people can start to learn and share their skills.
> Thank you for actually taking the time to read through the whole thing; although, it's likely you just skipped the long paragraphs, right? Everything I say about MoparScape is true. It can really help you learn. Whether it's programming; 3D-modelling; photography; and graphics, MoparScape really is a place where people can start to learn and share their skills.
#####This edition of the [Mopar Monthly](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php/topic,638049.0.html) was published by [~~Flame_~~ John](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=600800) and [~~Ranger Squad~~ Ambokile](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=576712). Interested in becoming an editor/writer? Contact [John](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=600800) or [Ambokile](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=576712)!
#####This edition of the [Mopar Monthly](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php/topic,638049.0.html) was published by [~~Flame_~~ John](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=600800), [~~Ranger Squad~~ Ambokile](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=576712), and [~~Null Amount~~ N_A](//www.moparscape.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=567674). Interested in becoming an editor/writer? Contact any of the above mentioned writers!
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