use std::env; use wireguard_proxy::{Args, ProxyClient, ProxyServer}; fn main() { let raw_args = env::args().collect(); let args = Args::new(&raw_args); let default_udp_host_target = ""; let default_socket_timeout = 0; let tcp_target = args.get_option(&["-tt", "--tcp-target"]); let tcp_host = args.get_option(&["-th", "--tcp-host"]); if args.flag("-h") || args.flag("--help") || // one of them must be set (tcp_target.is_none() && tcp_host.is_none()) || // but both cannot be set (tcp_target.is_some() && tcp_host.is_some()) { println!(r#"usage: wireguard-proxy [options...] Client Mode (requires --tcp-target): -tt, --tcp-target TCP target to send packets to, where wireguard-proxy server is running -uh, --udp-host UDP host to listen on, point wireguard client here, default: {} --tls use TLS when connecting to tcp-target WARNING: currently verifies nothing! Server Mode (requires --tcp-host): -th, --tcp-host TCP host to listen on -ut, --udp-target UDP target to send packets to, where wireguard server is running, default: {} -ur, --udp-bind-host-range UDP host and port range to bind to, one port per TCP connection, to listen on for UDP packets to send back over the TCP connection, default: -tk, --tls-key TLS key to listen with, requires --tls-cert also -tc, --tls-cert TLS cert to listen with, requires --tls-key also Common Options: -h, --help print this usage text -st, --socket-timeout Socket timeout (time to wait for data) before terminating, default: {} "#, default_udp_host_target, default_udp_host_target, default_socket_timeout); return; } let socket_timeout = args.get(&["-st", "--socket-timeout"], default_socket_timeout); if tcp_target.is_some() { client(tcp_target.unwrap(), socket_timeout, args); } else { server(tcp_host.unwrap(), socket_timeout, args); } } fn client(tcp_target: &str, socket_timeout: u64, args: Args) { let proxy_client = ProxyClient::new( args.get_str(&["-uh", "--udp-host"], "").to_owned(), tcp_target.to_owned(), socket_timeout, ); let tls = args.flag("--tls"); println!( "udp_host: {}, tcp_target: {}, socket_timeout: {:?}, tls: {}", proxy_client.udp_host, proxy_client.tcp_target, proxy_client.socket_timeout, tls, ); if tls { proxy_client.start_tls(tcp_target.split(":").next().expect("cannot extract hostname from --tcp-target")).expect("error running tls proxy_client"); } else { proxy_client.start().expect("error running proxy_client"); } } fn server(tcp_host: &str, socket_timeout: u64, args: Args) { let udp_bind_host_range_str = args.get_str(&["-ur", "--udp-bind-host-range"], ""); let mut udp_bind_host_range = udp_bind_host_range_str.split(":"); let udp_host = udp_bind_host_range .next() .expect("udp_bind_host_range host invalid"); let mut udp_ports = udp_bind_host_range .next() .expect("udp_bind_host_range port range invalid") .split("-"); let udp_low_port = udp_ports .next() .expect("udp_bind_host_range low port invalid") .trim() .parse::() .expect("udp_bind_host_range low port invalid"); let udp_high_port = udp_ports .next() .expect("udp_bind_host_range low port invalid") .trim() .parse::() .expect("udp_bind_host_range low port invalid"); let proxy_server = ProxyServer::new( tcp_host.to_owned(), args.get_str(&["-ut", "--udp-target"], "").to_owned(), udp_host.to_string(), udp_low_port, udp_high_port, socket_timeout, ); let tls_key = args.get_option(&["-tk", "--tls-key"]); let tls_cert = args.get_option(&["-tc", "--tls-cert"]); println!( "udp_target: {}, udp_bind_host_range: {}, socket_timeout: {:?}, tls_key: {:?}, tls_cert: {:?}", proxy_server.client_handler.udp_target, udp_bind_host_range_str, proxy_server.client_handler.socket_timeout, tls_key, tls_cert, ); if tls_key.is_some() && tls_cert.is_some() { proxy_server.start_tls(tls_key.unwrap(), tls_cert.unwrap()).expect("error running TLS proxy_server"); } else if tls_key.is_none() && tls_cert.is_none() { proxy_server.start().expect("error running proxy_server"); } else { println!("Error: if one of --tls-key or --tls-cert is specified both must be!"); } }