[package] name = "wireguard-proxy" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["moparisthebest "] description = "Tunnel wireguard (UDP) over TCP/TLS." repository = "https://code.moparisthebest.com/moparisthebest/wireguard-proxy" keywords = ["wireguard", "tunnel", "tcp", "udp", "tls"] license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" edition = "2018" include = [ "**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml", "LICENSE-*", "*.md", ] [features] default = ["async"] tls = ["openssl"] openssl_vendored = ["openssl/vendored"] verbose = [] async = ["tokio", "tokio-rustls", "ring", "base64"] [dependencies] # only for non-async build with TLS support openssl = { version = "0.10.26", optional = true } # the rest of these are only required for async build tokio = { version = "0.2", features = [ "macros", "net", "udp", "io-std", "io-util", "rt-threaded" ], optional = true } tokio-rustls = { version = "0.14", features = ["dangerous_configuration"], optional = true } # probably should try to keep ring the exact same version as rustls, same features too ring = { version = "0.16.11", optional = true } base64 = { version = "0.12.3", optional = true }