Mailing List

There are several Wget-related mailing lists.  The general discussion
list is at <>.  It is the preferred place for support
requests and suggestions, as well as for discussion of development.
You are invited to subscribe.

   To subscribe, simply send mail to <> and
follow the instructions.  Unsubscribe by mailing to
<>.  The mailing list is archived at
`' and at

   Another mailing list is at <>, and is used to
submit patches for review by Wget developers.  A "patch" is a textual
representation of change to source code, readable by both humans and
programs.  The file `PATCHES' that comes with Wget covers the creation
and submitting of patches in detail.  Please don't send general
suggestions or bug reports to `wget-patches'; use it only for patch

   Subscription is the same as above for <>, except that
you send to <>, instead.  The mailing
list is archived at `'.

   Finally, there is the <> mailing list.
This is a non-discussion list that receives commit notifications from
the source repository, and also bug report-change notifications.  This
is the highest-traffic list for Wget, and is recommended only for
people who are seriously interested in ongoing Wget development.
Subscription is through the `mailman' interface at