-*- text -*- WGET-RELATED MAILING LISTS There are several mailing lists related to GNU Wget, all of them hosted by dotsrc.org, previously known as SunSITE.dk. wget@sunsite.dk: The mailing list for users and developers. This is the preferred place to post bug reports and suggestions, as well as discuss development-related matters. To post to the list, send mail to <wget@sunsite.dk>. To subscribe, send mail to <wget-subscribe@sunsite.dk>. NOTE: The list allows posts from non-subscribers. This is intentional; I hate having to subscribe to a list only to ask a single question. However, to protect the list members from spam, non-subscribers must confirm messages they send to the list. If you're not subscribed to the list and ask something, don't forget to request that the responses be Cc'ed to you. The list is archived at: http://www.mail-archive.com/wget%40sunsite.dk/ http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wget.general wget-patches@sunsite.dk: The mailing list for patch submission. Please see the PATCHES file for a detailed description of how to send patches to this list. This is list is also open to non-subscribers, but it is *not* a discussion list. It only ever distribute patches and immediate responses to a patch. If you wish to take very active part in development, you might wish to subscribe to it anyway, and receive the new patches. To do that, send mail to <wget-patches-subscribe@sunsite.dk>. The list is archived at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wget.patches As of this writing, the mail alias <bug-wget@gnu.org> is an alias for <wget@sunsite.dk>.