/* struct options. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Wget. GNU Wget is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Wget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wget; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. In addition, as a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission to link the code of its release of Wget with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ /* Needed for FDP. */ #include struct options { int verbose; /* Are we verbose? */ int quiet; /* Are we quiet? */ int ntry; /* Number of tries per URL */ int retry_connrefused; /* Treat CONNREFUSED as non-fatal. */ int background; /* Whether we should work in background. */ int kill_longer; /* Do we reject messages with *more* data than specified in content-length? */ int ignore_length; /* Do we heed content-length at all? */ int recursive; /* Are we recursive? */ int spanhost; /* Do we span across hosts in recursion? */ int relative_only; /* Follow only relative links. */ int no_parent; /* Restrict access to the parent directory. */ int reclevel; /* Maximum level of recursion */ int dirstruct; /* Do we build the directory structure as we go along? */ int no_dirstruct; /* Do we hate dirstruct? */ int cut_dirs; /* Number of directory components to cut. */ int add_hostdir; /* Do we add hostname directory? */ int noclobber; /* Disables clobbering of existing data. */ char *dir_prefix; /* The top of directory tree */ char *lfilename; /* Log filename */ char *input_filename; /* Input filename */ int force_html; /* Is the input file an HTML file? */ int spider; /* Is Wget in spider mode? */ char **accepts; /* List of patterns to accept. */ char **rejects; /* List of patterns to reject. */ char **excludes; /* List of excluded FTP directories. */ char **includes; /* List of FTP directories to follow. */ char **domains; /* See host.c */ char **exclude_domains; int dns_cache; /* whether we cache DNS lookups. */ char **follow_tags; /* List of HTML tags to recursively follow. */ char **ignore_tags; /* List of HTML tags to ignore if recursing. */ int follow_ftp; /* Are FTP URL-s followed in recursive retrieving? */ int retr_symlinks; /* Whether we retrieve symlinks in FTP. */ char *output_document; /* The output file to which the documents will be printed. */ int od_known_regular; /* whether output_document is a regular file we can manipulate, i.e. not `-' or a device file. */ FILE *dfp; /* The file pointer to the output document. */ int always_rest; /* Always use REST. */ char *ftp_acc; /* FTP username */ char *ftp_pass; /* FTP password */ int netrc; /* Whether to read .netrc. */ int ftp_glob; /* FTP globbing */ int ftp_pasv; /* Passive FTP. */ char *http_user; /* HTTP user. */ char *http_passwd; /* HTTP password. */ char *user_header; /* User-defined header(s). */ int http_keep_alive; /* whether we use keep-alive */ int use_proxy; /* Do we use proxy? */ int allow_cache; /* Do we allow server-side caching? */ char *http_proxy, *ftp_proxy, *https_proxy; char **no_proxy; char *base_href; char *progress_type; /* progress indicator type. */ char *proxy_user; /*oli*/ char *proxy_passwd; #ifdef HAVE_SELECT long timeout; /* The value of read timeout in seconds. */ #endif int random_wait; /* vary from 0 .. wait secs by random()? */ long wait; /* The wait period between retrievals. */ long waitretry; /* The wait period between retries. - HEH */ int use_robots; /* Do we heed robots.txt? */ long limit_rate; /* Limit the download rate to this many bps. */ long quota; /* Maximum number of bytes to retrieve. */ VERY_LONG_TYPE downloaded; /* How much we downloaded already. */ int downloaded_overflow; /* Whether the above overflowed. */ int numurls; /* Number of successfully downloaded URLs */ int server_response; /* Do we print server response? */ int save_headers; /* Do we save headers together with file? */ #ifdef DEBUG int debug; /* Debugging on/off */ #endif /* DEBUG */ int timestamping; /* Whether to use time-stamping. */ int backup_converted; /* Do we save pre-converted files as *.orig? */ int backups; /* Are numeric backups made? */ char *useragent; /* Naughty User-Agent, which can be set to something other than Wget. */ char *referer; /* Naughty Referer, which can be set to something other than NULL. */ int convert_links; /* Will the links be converted locally? */ int remove_listing; /* Do we remove .listing files generated by FTP? */ int htmlify; /* Do we HTML-ify the OS-dependent listings? */ char *dot_style; long dot_bytes; /* How many bytes in a printing dot. */ int dots_in_line; /* How many dots in one line. */ int dot_spacing; /* How many dots between spacings. */ int delete_after; /* Whether the files will be deleted after download. */ int html_extension; /* Use ".html" extension on all text/html? */ int page_requisites; /* Whether we need to download all files necessary to display a page properly. */ char *bind_address; /* What local IP address to bind to. */ #ifdef HAVE_SSL char *sslcadir; /* CA directory (hash files) */ char *sslcafile; /* CA File to use */ char *sslcertfile; /* external client cert to use. */ char *sslcertkey; /* the keyfile for this certificate (if not internal) included in the certfile. */ int sslcerttype; /* 0 = PEM / 1=ASN1 (DER) */ int sslcheckcert; /* 0 do not check / 1 check server cert */ char *sslegdsock; /* optional socket of the egd daemon */ int sslprotocol; /* 0 = auto / 1 = v2 / 2 = v3 / 3 = TLSv1 */ #endif /* HAVE_SSL */ int cookies; char *cookies_input; char *cookies_output; char *post_data; /* POST query string */ char *post_file_name; /* File to post */ enum { restrict_none, restrict_shell, restrict_windows } restrict_file_names; /* whether we restrict file name chars. */ }; extern struct options opt;