#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sys import exit from test.http_test import HTTPTest from misc.wget_file import WgetFile """ This test executed Wget in recursive mode with a rejected log outputted. """ TEST_NAME = "Rejected Log" ############# File Definitions ############################################### mainpage = """ Main Page

Recurse to a second page.

""" secondpage = """ Second Page

Recurse to a third page. Try the blacklisted main page.

""" thirdpage = """ Third Page

Try a hidden dummy file. Try to leave to another domain.

""" robots = """ User-agent: * Disallow: /dummy.txt """ log = """\ REASON U_URL U_SCHEME U_HOST U_PORT U_PATH U_PARAMS U_QUERY U_FRAGMENT P_URL P_SCHEME P_HOST P_PORT P_PATH P_PARAMS P_QUERY P_FRAGMENT BLACKLIST http%3A//{{port}}/index.html SCHEME_HTTP {{port}} index.html http%3A//{{port}}/secondpage.html SCHEME_HTTP {{port}} secondpage.html ROBOTS http%3A//{{port}}/dummy.txt SCHEME_HTTP {{port}} dummy.txt http%3A//{{port}}/thirdpage.html SCHEME_HTTP {{port}} thirdpage.html SPANNEDHOST http%3A//no.such.domain/ SCHEME_HTTP no.such.domain 80 http%3A//{{port}}/thirdpage.html SCHEME_HTTP {{port}} thirdpage.html """ dummyfile = "Don't care." index_html = WgetFile ("index.html", mainpage) secondpage_html = WgetFile ("secondpage.html", secondpage) thirdpage_html = WgetFile ("thirdpage.html", thirdpage) robots_txt = WgetFile ("robots.txt", robots) dummy_txt = WgetFile ("dummy.txt", dummyfile) log_csv = WgetFile ("log.csv", log) WGET_OPTIONS = "-nd -r --rejected-log log.csv" WGET_URLS = [["index.html"]] Files = [[index_html, secondpage_html, thirdpage_html, robots_txt, dummy_txt]] ExpectedReturnCode = 0 ExpectedDownloadedFiles = [index_html, secondpage_html, thirdpage_html, robots_txt, log_csv] # TODO: fix long line # TODO: check names ################ Pre and Post Test Hooks ##################################### pre_test = { "ServerFiles" : Files } test_options = { "WgetCommands" : WGET_OPTIONS, "Urls" : WGET_URLS } post_test = { "ExpectedFiles" : ExpectedDownloadedFiles, "ExpectedRetcode" : ExpectedReturnCode } err = HTTPTest ( name=TEST_NAME, pre_hook=pre_test, test_params=test_options, post_hook=post_test ).begin () exit (err)