#!/usr/bin/perl -w package HTTPServer; use strict; use HTTP::Daemon; use HTTP::Status; use HTTP::Headers; use HTTP::Response; our @ISA=qw(HTTP::Daemon); my $VERSION = 0.01; my $CRLF = "\015\012"; # "\r\n" is not portable my $log = undef; sub run { my ($self, $urls, $synch_callback) = @_; my $initialized = 0; while (1) { if (!$initialized) { $synch_callback->(); $initialized = 1; } my $con = $self->accept(); print STDERR "Accepted a new connection\n" if $log; while (my $req = $con->get_request) { my $url_path = $req->url->path; if ($url_path =~ m{/$}) { $url_path .= 'index.html'; } if ($log) { print STDERR "Method: ", $req->method, "\n"; print STDERR "Path: ", $url_path, "\n"; print STDERR "Available URLs: ", "\n"; foreach my $key (keys %$urls) { print STDERR $key, "\n"; } } if (exists($urls->{$url_path})) { print STDERR "Serving requested URL: ", $url_path, "\n" if $log; next unless ($req->method eq "HEAD" || $req->method eq "GET"); # create response my $tmp = $urls->{$url_path}; my $resp = HTTP::Response->new ($tmp->{code}, $tmp->{msg}); print STDERR "HTTP::Response: \n", $resp->as_string if $log; #if (is_dynamic_url) { # dynamic resource #} else { # static resource # fill in headers while (my ($name, $value) = each %{$tmp->{headers}}) { # print STDERR "setting header: $name = $value\n"; $resp->header($name => $value); } print STDERR "HTTP::Response with headers: \n", $resp->as_string if $log; if ($req->method eq "GET") { if (exists($tmp->{headers}{"Content-Length"})) { # Content-Length and length($tmp->{content}) don't match # manually prepare the HTTP response $con->send_basic_header($tmp->{code}, $resp->message, $resp->protocol); print $con $resp->headers_as_string($CRLF); print $con $CRLF; print $con $tmp->{content}; next; } if ($req->header("Range")) { $req->header("Range") =~ m/bytes=(\d*)-(\d*)/; my $content_len = length($tmp->{content}); my $start = $1 ? $1 : 0; my $end = $2 ? $2 : ($content_len - 1); my $len = $2 ? ($2 - $start) : ($content_len - $start); $resp->header("Accept-Ranges" => "bytes"); $resp->header("Content-Length" => $len); $resp->header("Content-Range" => "bytes $start-$end/$content_len"); $resp->header("Keep-Alive" => "timeout=15, max=100"); $resp->header("Connection" => "Keep-Alive"); $con->send_basic_header(206, "Partial Content", $resp->protocol); print $con $resp->headers_as_string($CRLF); print $con $CRLF; print $con substr($tmp->{content}, $start, $len); next; } # fill in content $resp->content($tmp->{content}); print STDERR "HTTP::Response with content: \n", $resp->as_string if $log; } #} $con->send_response($resp); print STDERR "HTTP::Response sent: \n", $resp->as_string if $log; } else { print STDERR "Requested wrong URL: ", $url_path, "\n" if $log; $con->send_error($HTTP::Status::RC_FORBIDDEN); last; } } print STDERR "Closing connection\n" if $log; $con->close; } } 1; # vim: et ts=4 sw=4