# NOTE: If testing this configuration yields bad results, including junk text like "Try BostonGlobe.com today" and "THIS STORY APPEARED IN", please replace the Test URL with a current-day headline link from bostonglobe.com. title: //div[@class="header"]/h1 author: substring-after(//div[@class="byline"]/h2[@class="author"],"By ") date: //div[@class="byline"]/p[last()] body: //div[@class="article-body"] strip_id_or_class: aside strip_id_or_class: promo strip_id_or_class: skip-nav strip_id_or_class: article-more strip_id_or_class: article-bar # This removes image captions. If the parser starts saving images from bostonglobe.com (currently, it does not), then this directive should be removed. strip_id_or_class: figure test_url: http://bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2012/03/17/illinois-primary-could-pivotal/PsDzFZqvhEYyXbOcF9FOkO/story.html