2013-04-18 01:38:28 +02:00

70 lines
1.7 KiB

#TODO: remove this soon
from gen import input_constants_dict as icd
# TODO: Just combine linux_input and cinput and use locals() to set the
# variables rather than the silly hack
for k, v in icd.iteritems():
locals()[k] = v
from linux_input import *
rdict = lambda x: dict(map(lambda (k, v): (v, k), x))
events = filter(lambda (k, v): k in ["EV_SYN", "EV_KEY", "EV_REL",
"EV_ABS", "EV_MSC", "EV_SW", "EV_LED", "EV_SND", "EV_REP",
"EV_FF", "EV_PWR", "EV_FF_STATUS"], icd.iteritems())
rev_events = rdict(events)
# TODO: Get proper ``names'' like evtest:
static const char * const * const names[EV_MAX + 1] = {
[0 ... EV_MAX] = NULL,
[EV_SYN] = events, [EV_KEY] = keys,
[EV_REL] = relatives, [EV_ABS] = absolutes,
[EV_MSC] = misc, [EV_LED] = leds,
[EV_SND] = sounds, [EV_REP] = repeats,
[EV_SW] = switches,
[EV_FF] = force, [EV_FF_STATUS] = forcestatus,
keys = filter(lambda (k, v): k.startswith("KEY_") or k.startswith("BTN_"),
rev_keys = rdict(keys)
absaxes = filter(lambda (k, v): k.startswith("ABS_"),
rev_absaxes = rdict(absaxes)
rel = filter(lambda (k, v): k.startswith("REL_"),
rev_rel = rdict(rel)
syn = filter(lambda (k, v): k.startswith("SYN_"),
rev_syn = rdict(syn)
del rdict
misc = {}
leds = sounds = repeats = switches = force = forcestatus = None
event_keys = {
EV_SYN: rev_syn,
EV_KEY: rev_keys,
EV_REL: rev_rel,
EV_ABS: rev_absaxes,
EV_MSC: misc,
EV_LED: leds,
EV_SND: sounds,
EV_REP: repeats,
EV_SW: switches,
EV_FF: force,
EV_FF_STATUS: forcestatus