import ctypes import struct from uinput_gen import input_constants_dict as icd for k, v in icd.iteritems(): locals()[k] = v rdict = lambda x: dict(map(lambda (k, v): (v, k), x.iteritems())) events = dict(filter(lambda (k, v): k in ["EV_SYN", "EV_KEY", "EV_REL", "EV_ABS", "EV_MSC", "EV_SW", "EV_LED", "EV_SND", "EV_REP", "EV_FF", "EV_PWR", "EV_FF_STATUS"], icd.iteritems())) rev_events = rdict(events) filter_event = lambda c: dict(filter(lambda (k, v): c(k), icd.iteritems())) keys = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("KEY_") or x.startswith("BTN_")) rev_keys = rdict(keys) absaxes = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("ABS_")) rev_absaxes = rdict(absaxes) rel = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("REL_")) rev_rel = rdict(rel) syn = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("SYN_")) rev_syn = rdict(syn) misc = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("MSC_")) rev_misc = rdict(misc) leds = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("LED_")) rev_leds = rdict(leds) sounds = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("SND_")) rev_sounds = rdict(sounds) repeats = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("REP_")) rev_repeats = rdict(repeats) switches = filter_event(lambda x: x.startswith("SW_")) rev_switches = rdict(switches) force, forcestatus = {}, {} rev_force = rdict(force) rev_forcestatus = rdict(forcestatus) del rdict event_keys = { EV_SYN: syn, EV_KEY: keys, EV_REL: rel, EV_ABS: absaxes, EV_MSC: misc, EV_LED: leds, EV_SND: sounds, EV_REP: repeats, EV_SW: switches, EV_FF: force, EV_FF_STATUS: forcestatus } rev_event_keys = { EV_SYN: rev_syn, EV_KEY: rev_keys, EV_REL: rev_rel, EV_ABS: rev_absaxes, EV_MSC: rev_misc, EV_LED: rev_leds, EV_SND: rev_sounds, EV_REP: rev_repeats, EV_SW: rev_switches, EV_FF: rev_force, EV_FF_STATUS: rev_forcestatus } class timeval(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("tv_sec", ctypes.c_long), ("tv_usec", ctypes.c_long)] class input_event(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("time", timeval), ("type", ctypes.c_uint16), ("code", ctypes.c_uint16), ("value", ctypes.c_int32) ] class input_id(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bustype", ctypes.c_uint16), ("vendor", ctypes.c_uint16), ("product", ctypes.c_uint16), ("version", ctypes.c_uint16), ] class input_absinfo(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("value", ctypes.c_int32), ("minimum", ctypes.c_int32), ("maximum", ctypes.c_int32), ("fuzz", ctypes.c_int32), ("flat", ctypes.c_int32), ("resolution", ctypes.c_int32) ] from ioctlhelp import IOR, IOW, IOC, IO, _IOC_READ # Get driver version EVIOCGVERSION = IOR(ord('E'), 0x01, '@i') # Get device ID #EVIOCGID = IOR(ord('E'), 0x02, struct input_id) # Get repeat settings EVIOCGREP = IOR(ord('E'), 0x03, '@ii') # Set repeat settings EVIOCSREP = IOW(ord('E'), 0x03, '@ii') # Get keycode EVIOCGKEYCODE = IOR(ord('E'), 0x04, '@ii') # EVIOCGKEYCODE_V2 _IOR('E', 0x04, struct input_keymap_entry) # Set keycode EVIOCSKEYCODE = IOW(ord('E'), 0x04, '@ii') #EVIOCSKEYCODE_V2 _IOW('E', 0x04, struct input_keymap_entry) # Get device name EVIOCGNAME = lambda _len: IOC(_IOC_READ, ord('E'), 0x06, struct.calcsize('%ds' % _len)) # Get physical location EVIOCGPHYS= lambda _len: IOC(_IOC_READ, ord('E'), 0x07, struct.calcsize('%ds' % _len)) # Get unique identifier EVIOCGUNIQ = lambda _len: IOC(_IOC_READ, ord('E'), 0x08, struct.calcsize('%ds' % _len)) # Get device properties EVIOCGPROP = lambda _len: IOC(_IOC_READ, ord('E'), 0x09, struct.calcsize('%ds' % _len)) #EVIOCGMTSLOTS(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x0a, len) # #EVIOCGKEY(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x18, len) /* get global key state */ #EVIOCGLED(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x19, len) /* get all LEDs */ #EVIOCGSND(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x1a, len) /* get all sounds status */ #EVIOCGSW(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x1b, len) /* get all switch states */ # Get event bits EVIOCGBIT = lambda ev, _len: IOC(_IOC_READ, ord('E'), 0x20 + ev, _len) EVIOCGABS = lambda _abs: IOR(ord('E'), 0x40 + _abs, ctypes.sizeof(input_absinfo)) #EVIOCGABS(abs) _IOR('E', 0x40 + (abs), struct input_absinfo) /* get abs value/limits */ #EVIOCSABS(abs) _IOW('E', 0xc0 + (abs), struct input_absinfo) /* set abs value/limits */ # #EVIOCSFF _IOC(_IOC_WRITE, 'E', 0x80, sizeof(struct ff_effect)) /* send a force effect to a force feedback device */ #EVIOCRMFF _IOW('E', 0x81, int) /* Erase a force effect */ #EVIOCGEFFECTS _IOR('E', 0x84, int) /* Report number of effects playable at the same time */ # #EVIOCGRAB _IOW('E', 0x90, int) /* Grab/Release device */ # #EVIOCSCLOCKID _IOW('E', 0xa0, int) /* Set clockid to be used for timestamps */