package com.moparisthebest.sxf4j.impl; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; public abstract class AbstractXmlElement implements XmlElement, XmlElementFactory { public static final String implProperty = "xmlElementImpl"; // provided implementations public static final String XPP3 = "Xpp3"; public static final String XPP = "Xpp"; public static final String DOM4J = "Dom4j"; public static final String XOM = "Xom"; public static final String W3C = "W3C"; public static XmlElementFactory getFactory() { XmlElementFactory ret = null; //ret = new W3CXmlElement(); //ret = new XppXmlElement(); //ret = new Xpp3XmlElement(); //ret = new Dom4jXmlElement(); //ret = new XomXmlElement(); final String xmlDocType = System.getProperty(implProperty); //System.out.println("xmlDocType: "+xmlDocType); String implPkgClass = AbstractXmlElement.class.getPackage().getName() + "." + xmlDocType; if (ret == null && xmlDocType != null) ret = objectForName(implPkgClass + "XmlElement", null); if (ret == null && xmlDocType != null) ret = objectForName(implPkgClass, null); if (ret == null && xmlDocType != null) ret = objectForName(xmlDocType, null); // try them in a defined default order if (ret == null) { Class[] xmlDocs = new Class[]{XppXmlElement.class, Xpp3XmlElement.class, Dom4jXmlElement.class, XomXmlElement.class}; for (Class xmlDoc : xmlDocs) { ret = objectForName(null, xmlDoc); if (ret != null) break; } } // as a last resort, W3CXmlElement should ALWAYS be available if (ret == null) ret = new W3CXmlElement(); return ret; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private static E objectForName(String name, Class clazz) { try { if (clazz == null) clazz = Class.forName(name); Constructor constructor = null; try { constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(); } catch (Exception e) { // we would only reach here if there is no default no-arg constructor // we must use sun classes to get around this, unfortunately sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory rf = sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory(); constructor = rf.newConstructorForSerialization(clazz, Object.class.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[0])); } if (!constructor.isAccessible()) constructor.setAccessible(true); return (E) constructor.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Error e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } protected static String emptyForNull(String ret) { return ret == null ? "" : ret; } protected void writeHeader(OutputStreamWriter osw, boolean newLine) throws IOException { // only write the header if parent is null (top level) if (getParent() != null) return; String header = ""; if (newLine) header += "\n"; osw.write(header, 0, header.length()); } @Override public final XmlElement[] getChildren() { return getChildren(null); } @Override public void writeToFile(File file) throws Exception { writeToStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); } @Override public void writeToFile(String fileName) throws Exception { writeToFile(new File(fileName)); } @Override public String toString() { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { writeToStream(bos); return new String(bos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new String(bos.toByteArray()); } @Override public String toStringCompact() { // this removes all whitespace between tags String prettyXml = toString().replaceAll(">\\s+<", "><"); // now we have to remove all whitespace between attributes StringBuilder compactXml = new StringBuilder(prettyXml.length()); boolean inTag = false; boolean inAttribute = false; boolean appendedWhitespace = false; for (int x = 0; x < prettyXml.length(); ++x) { char c = prettyXml.charAt(x); if (c == '<') inTag = true; else if (c == '>') inTag = false; else if (c == '"') { inAttribute = !inAttribute; appendedWhitespace = false; } if (inTag && !inAttribute && Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (appendedWhitespace) continue; appendedWhitespace = true; c = ' '; } compactXml.append(c); } return compactXml.toString(); } private int byteLength(String s) { try { return s.getBytes("UTF-8").length; } catch (Exception e) { return s.getBytes().length; } } @Override public int byteLength() { return byteLength(toString()); } @Override public int byteLengthCompact() { return byteLength(toStringCompact()); } @Override public XmlElement readFromFile(File file) throws Exception { return readFromStream(new FileInputStream(file)); } @Override public XmlElement readFromFile(String file) throws Exception { return readFromFile(new File(file)); } @Override public XmlElement readFromString(String string) throws Exception { return readFromStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(string.getBytes())); } @Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class iface) { return iface != null && iface.isInstance(getInternal()); } @Override public T unwrap(Class iface) { if (!isWrapperFor(iface)) return null; return iface.cast(getInternal()); } /** * For isWrapperFor and unwrap implementation * * @return */ protected abstract Object getInternal(); protected XmlElement[] wrapArray(Object[] os) { XmlElement[] ret = new XmlElement[os.length]; for (int x = 0; x < ret.length; ++x) ret[x] = wrapObject(os[x]); return ret; } protected XmlElement wrapParent(Object parent) { return parent == null ? null : wrapObject(parent); } protected abstract XmlElement wrapObject(Object o); public XmlElement copyTo(XmlElementFactory factory) throws Exception { if (factory == null) return null; return factory.readFromString(this.toString()); } /** old way, read/write above probably better public XmlElement copyTo(XmlElementFactory factory) { if (factory == null) return null; XmlElement ret = factory.getNewChildXmlElement(this.getName()); copyXmlElement(this, ret); return ret; } private void copyXmlElement(XmlElement src, XmlElement dst) { // set the value if (src.getValue() != null) dst.setValue(src.getValue()); // set all the attributes for (String attName : src.getAttributeNames()) dst.setAttribute(attName, src.getAttribute(attName)); // recursively set all the children for (XmlElement child : src.getChildren()) copyXmlElement(child, dst.getNewChildXmlElement(child.getName())); } */ }