mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/sslh synced 2025-03-11 07:39:51 -04:00
Yves Rutschle 80f76c6fc5 v1.8:
Changed log format to make it possible to link
	connections to subsequent logs from other services.

	Updated CentOS init.d script (Andre Krajnik).

	Fixed zombie issue with OpenBSD (The SA_NOCLDWAIT flag is not
	propagated to the child process, so we set up signals after
	the fork.) (François FRITZ)

	Added -o "OpenVPN" and OpenVPN probing and support.

	Added single-threaded, select(2)-based version.

	Added support for "Bold" SSH clients (clients that speak first)
	Thanks to Guillaume Ricaud for spotting a regression

	Added -f "foreground" option.

	Added test suite. (only tests connexions. No test for libwrap,
	setsid, setuid and so on) and corresponding 'make
	test' target.

	Added README.MacOSX (thanks Aaron Madlon-Kay)

	Documented use with proxytunnel and corkscrew in
2013-07-10 23:12:42 +02:00

230 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Test script for sslh
# The principle is to create two listening sockets which
# will act as the ssh and ssl servers, and then perform a
# number of connections in various combinations to check
# that the server behaves properly.
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
# We use ports 9000, 9001 and 9002 -- hope that won't clash
# with anything...
my $ssh_port = 9000;
my $ssl_port = 9001;
my $sslh_port = 9002;
my $pidfile = "/tmp/sslh.pid";
# How many connections will be created during the last test
my $NUM_SSL_CNX = 20;
my $NUM_SSH_CNX = 20;
# Which tests do we run
my $SSL_CNX = 1;
my $SSH_SHY_CNX = 1;
my $SSH_BOLD_CNX = 1;
my $SSL_MIX_SSH = 1;
my $SSH_MIX_SSL = 1;
my $BIG_MSG = 1;
my $MANY_CNX = 1;
# the Listen parameter needs to be bigger than the max number of connexions
# we'll make during the last test (we open a bunch of SSH connexions, and
# accept them all at once afterwards)
my $ssh_listen = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalHost=> "localhost:$ssh_port", Blocking => 1, Reuse => 1, Listen => $NUM_SSH_CNX + 1);
die "error1: $!\n" unless $ssh_listen;
my $ssl_listen = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalHost=> "localhost:$ssl_port", Blocking => 1, Reuse => 1, Listen => $NUM_SSL_CNX + 1);
die "error2: $!\n" unless $ssl_listen;
# Start sslh with the right plumbing
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
exec "./sslh-fork -v -u $user -p localhost:$sslh_port -s localhost:$ssh_port -l localhost:$ssl_port -P $pidfile";
#exec "./sslh-select -v -f -u $user -p localhost:$sslh_port -s localhost:$ssh_port -l localhost:$ssl_port -P $pidfile";
#exec "valgrind --leak-check=full ./sslh-select -v -f -u $user -p localhost:$sslh_port -s localhost:$ssh_port -l localhost:$ssl_port -P $pidfile";
exit 0;
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
sleep 1;
my $test_data = "hello world\n";
# Test: SSL connection
if ($SSL_CNX) {
print "***Test: SSL connection\n";
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l $test_data;
my $ssl_data = $ssl_listen->accept;
my $data = <$ssl_data>;
is($data, $test_data, "SSL connection");
# Test: Shy SSH connection
if ($SSH_SHY_CNX) {
print "***Test: Shy SSH connection\n";
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
sleep 3;
my $ssh_data = $ssh_listen->accept;
print $cnx_h $test_data;
my $data = <$ssh_data>;
is($data, $test_data, "Shy SSH connection");
# Test: Bold SSH connection
if ($SSH_BOLD_CNX) {
print "***Test: Bold SSH connection\n";
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
my $td = "SSH-2.0 testsuite\n$test_data";
print $cnx_h $td;
my $ssh_data = $ssh_listen->accept;
my $data = <$ssh_data>;
$data .= <$ssh_data>;
is($data, $td, "Bold SSH connection");
# Test: One SSL half-started then one SSH
if ($SSL_MIX_SSH) {
print "***Test: One SSL half-started then one SSH\n";
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l $test_data;
my $cnx_h= new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
sleep 3;
my $ssh_data = $ssh_listen->accept;
print $cnx_h $test_data;
my $data_h = <$ssh_data>;
is($data_h, $test_data, "SSH during SSL being established");
my $ssl_data = $ssl_listen->accept;
my $data = <$ssl_data>;
is($data, $test_data, "SSL connection interrupted by SSH");
# Test: One SSH half-started then one SSL
if ($SSH_MIX_SSL) {
print "***Test: One SSH half-started then one SSL\n";
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
sleep 3;
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l $test_data;
my $ssl_data = $ssl_listen->accept;
my $data = <$ssl_data>;
is($data, $test_data, "SSL during SSH being established");
my $ssh_data = $ssh_listen->accept;
print $cnx_h $test_data;
my $data = <$ssh_data>;
is($data, $test_data, "SSH connection interrupted by SSL");
# Test: Big messages
if ($BIG_MSG) {
print "***Test: big message\n";
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
my $test_data2 = "helloworld";
my $rept = 10000;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l ($test_data2 x $rept);
print $cnx_l "\n";
my $ssl_data = $ssl_listen->accept;
my $data = <$ssl_data>;
is($data, $test_data2 x $rept . "\n", "Big message");
# Test: several connections active at once
# We start 50 SSH connexions, then open 50 SSL connexion, then accept the 50
# SSH connexions, then we randomize the order of connexions and write 1000
# messages on each connexion and check we get it on the other end.
if ($MANY_CNX) {
print "***Test: several connexions active at once\n";
my (@cnx_h, @ssh_data);
for (1..$NUM_SSH_CNX) {
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "----> $!\n" unless defined $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
push @cnx_h, $cnx_h;
my (@cnx_l, @ssl_data);
for (1..$NUM_SSL_CNX) {
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "----> $!\n" unless defined $cnx_l;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
push @cnx_l, $cnx_l;
print $cnx_l " ";
push @ssl_data, ($ssl_listen->accept)[0];
# give time to the connections to turn to SSH
sleep 4;
# and accept all SSH connections...
for (1..$NUM_SSH_CNX) {
push @ssh_data, $ssh_listen->accept;
# Make up a random order so we don't always hit the
# connexions in the same order
# fisher_yates_shuffle( \@array ) : generate a random permutation
# of @array in place (from
# http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch04_18.htm,
# modified to shuffle two arrays in the same way)
sub fisher_yates_shuffle {
my ($array1, $array2) = @_;
my $i;
for ($i = @$array1; --$i; ) {
my $j = int rand ($i+1);
next if $i == $j;
@$array1[$i,$j] = @$array1[$j,$i];
@$array2[$i,$j] = @$array2[$j,$i];
my @cnx = (@cnx_l, @cnx_l);
my @rcv = (@ssl_data, @ssl_data);
fisher_yates_shuffle(\@rcv, \@cnx);
# Send a bunch of messages
for my $cnt (1..1000) {
foreach (@cnx) {
print $_ "$cnt$test_data";
foreach (@rcv) {
my $data = <$_>;
like($data, qr/ ?$cnt$test_data/, "Multiple messages [$cnt]");
kill 15, `cat $pidfile` or warn "kill: $!\n";