mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/sslh synced 2024-12-21 23:08:58 -05:00
Yves Rutschle 9bcb2cdd7a v1.12: 08MAY2012
Added support for configuration file.

	New protocol probes can be defined using regular
	expressions that match the first packet sent by the

	sslh now connects timed out connections to the first
	configured protocol instead of 'ssh' (just make sure
	ssh is the first defined protocol).

	sslh now tries protocols in the order in which they
	are defined (just make sure sslh is the last defined
2013-07-10 23:15:38 +02:00

305 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Test script for sslh
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET6;
use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
# We use ports 9000, 9001 and 9002 -- hope that won't clash
# with anything...
my $ssh_address = "ip6-localhost:9000";
my $ssl_address = "ip6-localhost:9001";
my $sslh_port = 9002;
my $no_listen = 9003; # Port on which no-one listens
my $pidfile = "/tmp/sslh_test.pid";
# Which tests do we run
my $SSL_CNX = 1;
my $SSH_SHY_CNX = 1;
my $SSH_BOLD_CNX = 1;
my $SSL_MIX_SSH = 1;
my $SSH_MIX_SSL = 1;
my $BIG_MSG = 1;
my $STALL_CNX = 1;
# Robustness tests. These are mostly to achieve full test
# coverage, but do not necessarily result in an actual test
# (e.g. some tests need to be run with valgrind to check all
# memory management code).
`lcov --directory . --zerocounters`;
my ($ssh_pid, $ssl_pid);
if (!($ssh_pid = fork)) {
exec "./echosrv --listen $ssh_address --prefix 'ssh: '";
if (!($ssl_pid = fork)) {
exec "./echosrv --listen $ssl_address --prefix 'ssl: '";
my @binaries = ('sslh-select', 'sslh-fork');
for my $binary (@binaries) {
warn "Testing $binary\n";
# Start sslh with the right plumbing
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
my $cmd = "./$binary -v -f -u $user --listen localhost:$sslh_port --ssh $ssh_address --ssl $ssl_address -P $pidfile";
warn "$cmd\n";
exec $cmd;
#exec "valgrind --leak-check=full ./sslh-select -v -f -u $user --listen localhost:$sslh_port --ssh $ssh_address -ssl $ssl_address -P $pidfile";
exit 0;
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
sleep 1; # valgrind can be heavy -- wait 5 seconds
my $test_data = "hello world\n";
# Test: SSL connection
if ($SSL_CNX) {
print "***Test: SSL connection\n";
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l $test_data;
my $data = <$cnx_l>;
is($data, "ssl: $test_data", "SSL connection");
# Test: Shy SSH connection
if ($SSH_SHY_CNX) {
print "***Test: Shy SSH connection\n";
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
sleep 3;
print $cnx_h $test_data;
my $data = <$cnx_h>;
is($data, "ssh: $test_data", "Shy SSH connection");
# Test: Bold SSH connection
if ($SSH_BOLD_CNX) {
print "***Test: Bold SSH connection\n";
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
my $td = "SSH-2.0 testsuite\t$test_data";
print $cnx_h $td;
my $data = <$cnx_h>;
is($data, "ssh: $td", "Bold SSH connection");
# Test: One SSL half-started then one SSH
if ($SSL_MIX_SSH) {
print "***Test: One SSL half-started then one SSH\n";
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l $test_data;
my $cnx_h= new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
sleep 3;
print $cnx_h $test_data;
my $data_h = <$cnx_h>;
is($data_h, "ssh: $test_data", "SSH during SSL being established");
my $data = <$cnx_l>;
is($data, "ssl: $test_data", "SSL connection interrupted by SSH");
# Test: One SSH half-started then one SSL
if ($SSH_MIX_SSL) {
print "***Test: One SSH half-started then one SSL\n";
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
sleep 3;
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l $test_data;
my $data = <$cnx_l>;
is($data, "ssl: $test_data", "SSL during SSH being established");
print $cnx_h $test_data;
my $data = <$cnx_h>;
is($data, "ssh: $test_data", "SSH connection interrupted by SSL");
# Test: Big messages (careful: don't go over echosrv's buffer limit (1M))
if ($BIG_MSG) {
print "***Test: big message\n";
my $cnx_l = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_l;
my $test_data2 = "helloworld";
my $rept = 10000;
if (defined $cnx_l) {
print $cnx_l ($test_data2 x $rept);
print $cnx_l "\n";
my $data = <$cnx_l>;
is($data, "ssl: ". ($test_data2 x $rept) . "\n", "Big message");
# Test: Stalled connection
# Create two connections, stall one, check the other one
# works, unstall first and check it works fine
if ($STALL_CNX) {
print "***Test: Stalled connection\n";
my $cnx_1 = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless defined $cnx_1;
my $cnx_2 = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless defined $cnx_2;
my $test_data2 = "helloworld";
my $rept = 10000;
if (defined $cnx_1 and defined $cnx_2) {
print $cnx_1 ($test_data2 x $rept);
print $cnx_1 "\n";
print $cnx_2 ($test_data2 x $rept);
print $cnx_2 "\n";
my $data = <$cnx_2>;
is($data, "ssl: " . ($test_data2 x $rept) . "\n", "Stalled connection (1)");
print $cnx_2 ($test_data2 x $rept);
print $cnx_2 "\n";
$data = <$cnx_2>;
is($data, "ssl: " . ($test_data2 x $rept) . "\n", "Stalled connection (2)");
$data = <$cnx_1>;
is($data, "ssl: " . ($test_data2 x $rept) . "\n", "Stalled connection (3)");
my $pid = `cat $pidfile`;
warn "killing $pid\n";
kill TERM => $pid or warn "kill process: $!\n";
sleep 1;
# Robustness: Connecting to non-existant server
print "***Test: Connecting to non-existant server\n";
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
exec "./sslh-select -v -f -u $user --listen localhost:$sslh_port --ssh localhost:$no_listen --ssl localhost:$no_listen -P $pidfile";
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
sleep 1;
my $cnx_h = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => "localhost:$sslh_port");
warn "$!\n" unless $cnx_h;
if (defined $cnx_h) {
sleep 1;
my $test_data = "hello";
print $cnx_h $test_data;
# Ideally we should check a log is emitted.
kill TERM => `cat $pidfile` or warn "kill: $!\n";
sleep 1;
# Robustness: No hostname in address
print "***Test: No hostname in address\n";
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
exec "./sslh-select -v -f -u $user --listen $sslh_port --ssh $ssh_address --ssl $ssl_address -P $pidfile";
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
waitpid $sslh_pid, 0;
my $code = $? >> 8;
warn "exited with $code\n";
is($code, 1, "Exit status on illegal option");
# Robustness: User does not exist
print "***Test: Changing to non-existant username\n";
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
exec "./sslh-select -v -f -u ${user}_doesnt_exist --listen localhost:$sslh_port --ssh $ssh_address --ssl $ssl_address -P $pidfile";
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
waitpid $sslh_pid, 0;
my $code = $? >> 8;
warn "exited with $code\n";
is($code, 2, "Exit status on non-existant username");
# Robustness: Can't open PID file
print "***Test: Can't open PID file\n";
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
exec "./sslh-select -v -f -u $user --listen localhost:$sslh_port --ssh $ssh_address --ssl $ssl_address -P /dont_exist/$pidfile";
# You don't have a /dont_exist/ directory, do you?!
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
waitpid $sslh_pid, 0;
my $code = $? >> 8;
warn "exited with $code\n";
is($code, 3, "Exit status if can't open PID file");
# Robustness: Can't bind address
print "***Test: Can't bind address\n";
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
exec "./sslh-select -v -f -u $user --listen --ssh $ssh_address --ssl $ssl_address -P $pidfile";
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
waitpid $sslh_pid, 0;
my $code = $? >> 8;
warn "exited with $code\n";
is($code, 1, "Exit status if can't bind address");
# Robustness: Can't resolve address
print "***Test: Can't resolve address\n";
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
exec "./sslh-select -v -f -u $user --listen blahblah.dontexist:9000 --ssh $ssh_address --ssl $ssl_address -P $pidfile";
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
waitpid $sslh_pid, 0;
my $code = $? >> 8;
warn "exited with $code\n";
is($code, 4, "Exit status if can't resolve address");
`lcov --directory . --capture --output-file sslh_cov.info`;
`genhtml sslh_cov.info`;
`killall echosrv`;