mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/sslh synced 2025-03-11 07:39:51 -04:00
Yves Rutschle 9bcb2cdd7a v1.12: 08MAY2012
Added support for configuration file.

	New protocol probes can be defined using regular
	expressions that match the first packet sent by the

	sslh now connects timed out connections to the first
	configured protocol instead of 'ssh' (just make sure
	ssh is the first defined protocol).

	sslh now tries protocols in the order in which they
	are defined (just make sure sslh is the last defined
2013-07-10 23:15:38 +02:00

129 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Test script for sslh -- mass communication
# This creates many clients that perform concurrent
# connections, disconnect at any time, and try to generally
# behave as badly as possible.
# It can be used to test sslh behaves properly with many
# clients, however its main use is to get an idea of how
# much load it can take on your system before things start
# to go wrong.
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET6;
use Data::Dumper;
# Do we test sslh-select or sslh-fork?
my $sslh_binary = "./sslh-select";
# How many clients to we start for each protocol?
my $NUM_CNX = 30;
# Delay between starting new processes when starting up. If
# you start 200 processes in under a second, things go wrong
# and it's not sslh's fault (typically the echosrv won't be
# forking fast enough).
my $start_time_delay = 1;
# If you test 4 protocols, you'll start $NUM_CNX * 4 clients
# (e.g. 40), starting one every $start_time_delay seconds.
# Max times we repeat the test string: allows to test for
# large messages.
my $block_rpt = 4096;
# Probability to stop a client after a message (e.g. with
# .01 a client will send an average of 100 messages before
# disconnecting).
my $stop_client_probability = .001;
# What protocols we test, and on what ports
# Just comment out protocols you don't want to use.
my %protocols = (
"ssh" => { address => "localhost:9001", client => client("ssh") },
"ssl" => { address => "localhost:9002", client => client("ssl") },
"openvpn" => {address => "localhost:9003", client => client("openvpn") },
"tinc" => {address => "localhost:9004", client => client("tinc") },
# We use ports 9000, 9001 and 9002 -- hope that won't clash
# with anything...
my $sslh_address = "localhost:9000";
my $pidfile = "/tmp/sslh_test.pid";
sub client {
my ($service) = @_;
return sub {
while (1) {
my $cnx = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerHost => $sslh_address);
my $test_data = "$service testing " x int(rand($block_rpt)+1) . "\n";
sleep 5 if $service eq "ssh";
if ($service eq "openvpn") {
syswrite $cnx, "\x00\x0F\x38\n";
my $msg;
sysread $cnx, $msg, 14; # length "openvpn: \x0\xF\x38\n" => 14
if ($service eq "tinc") {
syswrite $cnx, "0 \n";
my $msg;
sysread $cnx, $msg, 10; # length "tinc: 0 \n" => 10
while (1) {
print $cnx $test_data;
my $r = <$cnx>;
($? = 1, die "$service got [$r]\n") if ($r ne "$service: $test_data");
last if rand(1) < $stop_client_probability;
exit 0;
foreach my $p (keys %protocols) {
if (!fork) {
exec "./echosrv --listen $protocols{$p}->{address} --prefix '$p: '";
# Start sslh with the right plumbing
my $sslh_pid;
if (!($sslh_pid = fork)) {
my $user = (getpwuid $<)[0]; # Run under current username
my $prots = join " ", map "--$_ $protocols{$_}->{address}", keys %protocols;
my $cmd = "$sslh_binary -f -t 3 -u $user --listen $sslh_address $prots -P $pidfile";
print "$cmd\n";
exec $cmd;
exit 0;
warn "spawned $sslh_pid\n";
sleep 2; # valgrind can be heavy -- wait 5 seconds
for (1 .. $NUM_CNX) {
foreach my $p (keys %protocols) {
if (!fork) {
warn "starting $p\n";
# Give a little time so we don't overrun the
# listen(2) backlog.
select undef, undef, undef, $start_time_delay;
`killall echosrv`;