/* * Spdylay - SPDY Library * * Copyright (c) 2012 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "shrpx_downstream.h" #include #include "shrpx_upstream.h" #include "shrpx_client_handler.h" #include "shrpx_config.h" #include "shrpx_error.h" #include "shrpx_downstream_connection.h" #include "util.h" using namespace spdylay; namespace shrpx { Downstream::Downstream(Upstream *upstream, int stream_id, int priority) : upstream_(upstream), dconn_(0), stream_id_(stream_id), priority_(priority), downstream_stream_id_(-1), request_state_(INITIAL), request_major_(1), request_minor_(1), chunked_request_(false), request_connection_close_(false), request_expect_100_continue_(false), request_header_key_prev_(false), response_state_(INITIAL), response_http_status_(0), response_major_(1), response_minor_(1), chunked_response_(false), response_connection_close_(false), response_header_key_prev_(false), response_body_buf_(0), recv_window_size_(0) {} Downstream::~Downstream() { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "Deleting"; } if(response_body_buf_) { // Passing NULL to evbuffer_free() causes segmentation fault. evbuffer_free(response_body_buf_); } if(dconn_) { delete dconn_; } if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "Deleted"; } } void Downstream::set_downstream_connection(DownstreamConnection *dconn) { dconn_ = dconn; } DownstreamConnection* Downstream::get_downstream_connection() { return dconn_; } void Downstream::pause_read(IOCtrlReason reason) { if(dconn_) { dconn_->pause_read(reason); } } bool Downstream::resume_read(IOCtrlReason reason) { if(dconn_) { return dconn_->resume_read(reason); } else { return false; } } void Downstream::force_resume_read() { if(dconn_) { dconn_->force_resume_read(); } } namespace { void check_header_field(bool *result, const Headers::value_type &item, const char *name, const char *value) { if(util::strieq(item.first.c_str(), name)) { if(util::strifind(item.second.c_str(), value)) { *result = true; } } } } // namespace namespace { void check_transfer_encoding_chunked(bool *chunked, const Headers::value_type &item) { return check_header_field(chunked, item, "transfer-encoding", "chunked"); } } // namespace namespace { void check_expect_100_continue(bool *res, const Headers::value_type& item) { return check_header_field(res, item, "expect", "100-continue"); } } // namespace namespace { void check_connection_close(bool *connection_close, const Headers::value_type &item) { if(util::strieq(item.first.c_str(), "connection")) { if(util::strifind(item.second.c_str(), "close")) { *connection_close = true; } else if(util::strifind(item.second.c_str(), "keep-alive")) { *connection_close = false; } } } } // namespace const Headers& Downstream::get_request_headers() const { return request_headers_; } void Downstream::add_request_header(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { request_header_key_prev_ = true; request_headers_.push_back(std::make_pair(name, value)); } void Downstream::set_last_request_header_value(const std::string& value) { request_header_key_prev_ = false; Headers::value_type &item = request_headers_.back(); item.second = value; check_transfer_encoding_chunked(&chunked_request_, item); check_expect_100_continue(&request_expect_100_continue_, item); //check_connection_close(&request_connection_close_, item); } bool Downstream::get_request_header_key_prev() const { return request_header_key_prev_; } void Downstream::append_last_request_header_key(const char *data, size_t len) { assert(request_header_key_prev_); Headers::value_type &item = request_headers_.back(); item.first.append(data, len); } void Downstream::append_last_request_header_value(const char *data, size_t len) { assert(!request_header_key_prev_); Headers::value_type &item = request_headers_.back(); item.second.append(data, len); } void Downstream::set_request_method(const std::string& method) { request_method_ = method; } const std::string& Downstream::get_request_method() const { return request_method_; } void Downstream::set_request_path(const std::string& path) { request_path_ = path; } void Downstream::append_request_path(const char *data, size_t len) { request_path_.append(data, len); } const std::string& Downstream::get_request_path() const { return request_path_; } void Downstream::set_request_major(int major) { request_major_ = major; } void Downstream::set_request_minor(int minor) { request_minor_ = minor; } int Downstream::get_request_major() const { return request_major_; } int Downstream::get_request_minor() const { return request_minor_; } Upstream* Downstream::get_upstream() const { return upstream_; } int32_t Downstream::get_stream_id() const { return stream_id_; } void Downstream::set_request_state(int state) { request_state_ = state; } int Downstream::get_request_state() const { return request_state_; } bool Downstream::get_chunked_request() const { return chunked_request_; } bool Downstream::get_request_connection_close() const { return request_connection_close_; } void Downstream::set_request_connection_close(bool f) { request_connection_close_ = f; } bool Downstream::get_expect_100_continue() const { return request_expect_100_continue_; } bool Downstream::get_output_buffer_full() { if(dconn_) { return dconn_->get_output_buffer_full(); } else { return false; } } // Call this function after this object is attached to // Downstream. Otherwise, the program will crash. int Downstream::push_request_headers() { return dconn_->push_request_headers(); } int Downstream::push_upload_data_chunk(const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) { // Assumes that request headers have already been pushed to output // buffer using push_request_headers(). if(!dconn_) { DLOG(WARNING, this) << "dconn_ is NULL"; return 0; } return dconn_->push_upload_data_chunk(data, datalen); } int Downstream::end_upload_data() { return dconn_->end_upload_data(); } const Headers& Downstream::get_response_headers() const { return response_headers_; } void Downstream::add_response_header(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { response_header_key_prev_ = true; response_headers_.push_back(std::make_pair(name, value)); check_transfer_encoding_chunked(&chunked_response_, response_headers_.back()); } void Downstream::set_last_response_header_value(const std::string& value) { response_header_key_prev_ = false; Headers::value_type &item = response_headers_.back(); item.second = value; check_transfer_encoding_chunked(&chunked_response_, item); //check_connection_close(&response_connection_close_, item); } bool Downstream::get_response_header_key_prev() const { return response_header_key_prev_; } void Downstream::append_last_response_header_key(const char *data, size_t len) { assert(response_header_key_prev_); Headers::value_type &item = response_headers_.back(); item.first.append(data, len); } void Downstream::append_last_response_header_value(const char *data, size_t len) { assert(!response_header_key_prev_); Headers::value_type &item = response_headers_.back(); item.second.append(data, len); } unsigned int Downstream::get_response_http_status() const { return response_http_status_; } void Downstream::set_response_http_status(unsigned int status) { response_http_status_ = status; } void Downstream::set_response_major(int major) { response_major_ = major; } void Downstream::set_response_minor(int minor) { response_minor_ = minor; } int Downstream::get_response_major() const { return response_major_; } int Downstream::get_response_minor() const { return response_minor_; } int Downstream::get_response_version() const { return response_major_*100+response_minor_; } bool Downstream::get_chunked_response() const { return chunked_response_; } void Downstream::set_chunked_response(bool f) { chunked_response_ = f; } bool Downstream::get_response_connection_close() const { return response_connection_close_; } void Downstream::set_response_connection_close(bool f) { response_connection_close_ = f; } int Downstream::on_read() { return dconn_->on_read(); } void Downstream::set_response_state(int state) { response_state_ = state; } int Downstream::get_response_state() const { return response_state_; } namespace { void body_buf_cb(evbuffer *body, size_t oldlen, size_t newlen, void *arg) { Downstream *downstream = reinterpret_cast(arg); if(newlen == 0) { downstream->resume_read(SHRPX_NO_BUFFER); } } } // namespace int Downstream::init_response_body_buf() { if(!response_body_buf_) { response_body_buf_ = evbuffer_new(); if(response_body_buf_ == 0) { DIE(); } evbuffer_setcb(response_body_buf_, body_buf_cb, this); } return 0; } evbuffer* Downstream::get_response_body_buf() { return response_body_buf_; } void Downstream::set_priority(int pri) { priority_ = pri; } int32_t Downstream::get_recv_window_size() const { return recv_window_size_; } void Downstream::inc_recv_window_size(int32_t amount) { recv_window_size_ += amount; } void Downstream::set_recv_window_size(int32_t new_size) { recv_window_size_ = new_size; } bool Downstream::tunnel_established() const { return request_method_ == "CONNECT" && 200 <= response_http_status_ && response_http_status_ < 300; } void Downstream::set_downstream_stream_id(int32_t stream_id) { downstream_stream_id_ = stream_id; } int32_t Downstream::get_downstream_stream_id() const { return downstream_stream_id_; } int Downstream::on_upstream_write() { if(dconn_) { return dconn_->on_upstream_write(); } else { return 0; } } } // namespace shrpx