/* $Id: xio-unix.c,v 1.34 2007/03/06 21:25:12 gerhard Exp $ */ /* Copyright Gerhard Rieger 2001-2007 */ /* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */ /* this file contains the source for opening addresses of UNIX socket type */ #include "xiosysincludes.h" #include "xioopen.h" #include "xio-socket.h" #include "xio-listen.h" #include "xio-unix.h" #include "xio-named.h" #if WITH_UNIX static int xioopen_unix_connect(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *fd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_unix_listen(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *fd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_unix_sendto(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_unix_recvfrom(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_unix_recv(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int pf, int socktype, int ipproto); static int xioopen_unix_client(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); #if WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET static int xioopen_abstract_connect(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *fd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_abstract_listen(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *fd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_abstract_sendto(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_abstract_recvfrom(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); static int xioopen_abstract_recv(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int pf, int socktype, int ipproto); static int xioopen_abstract_client(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); #endif /* WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET */ const struct addrdesc addr_unix_connect = { "unix-connect", 3, xioopen_unix_connect, GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, 0, SOCK_STREAM, 0 HELP(":") }; #if WITH_LISTEN const struct addrdesc addr_unix_listen = { "unix-listen", 3, xioopen_unix_listen, GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_LISTEN|GROUP_CHILD|GROUP_RETRY, 0, SOCK_STREAM, 0 HELP(":") }; #endif /* WITH_LISTEN */ const struct addrdesc addr_unix_sendto = { "unix-sendto", 3, xioopen_unix_sendto, GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, 0, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 HELP(":") }; const struct addrdesc addr_unix_recvfrom= { "unix-recvfrom", 3, xioopen_unix_recvfrom, GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY|GROUP_CHILD, PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 HELP(":") }; const struct addrdesc addr_unix_recv = { "unix-recv", 1, xioopen_unix_recv, GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 HELP(":") }; const struct addrdesc addr_unix_client = { "unix-client", 3, xioopen_unix_client, GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, PF_UNIX, 0, 0 HELP(":") }; #if WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_connect = { "abstract-connect", 3, xioopen_abstract_connect, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, 0, SOCK_STREAM, 0 HELP(":") }; #if WITH_LISTEN const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_listen = { "abstract-listen", 3, xioopen_abstract_listen, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_LISTEN|GROUP_CHILD|GROUP_RETRY, 0, SOCK_STREAM, 0 HELP(":") }; #endif /* WITH_LISTEN */ const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_sendto = { "abstract-sendto", 3, xioopen_abstract_sendto, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, 0, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 HELP(":") }; const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_recvfrom= { "abstract-recvfrom", 3, xioopen_abstract_recvfrom, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY|GROUP_CHILD, PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 HELP(":") }; const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_recv = { "abstract-recv", 1, xioopen_abstract_recv, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 HELP(":") }; const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_client = { "abstract-client", 3, xioopen_abstract_client, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY, PF_UNIX, 0, 0 HELP(":") }; #endif /* WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET */ const struct optdesc opt_unix_tightsocklen = { "unix-tightsocklen", "tightsocklen", OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, GROUP_SOCK_UNIX, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_SPEC, 0, 0 }; socklen_t xiosetunix(struct sockaddr_un *saun, const char *path, bool abstract, bool tight) { size_t pathlen; socklen_t len; if (!abstract) { if ((pathlen = strlen(path)) > sizeof(saun->sun_path)) { Warn2("unix socket address "F_Zu" characters long, truncating to "F_Zu"", pathlen, sizeof(saun->sun_path)); } strncpy(saun->sun_path, path, sizeof(saun->sun_path)); if (tight) { len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)-sizeof(saun->sun_path)+ MIN(pathlen, sizeof(saun->sun_path)); } else { len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); } } else { if ((pathlen = strlen(path)) >= sizeof(saun->sun_path)) { Warn2("socket address "F_Zu" characters long, truncating to "F_Zu"", pathlen+1, sizeof(saun->sun_path)); } saun->sun_path[0] = '\0'; /* so it's abstract */ strncpy(saun->sun_path+1, path, sizeof(saun->sun_path)-1); if (tight) { len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)-sizeof(saun->sun_path)+ MIN(pathlen+1, sizeof(saun->sun_path)); } else { len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); } } return len; } #if WITH_LISTEN static int xioopen_unix_listen(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { /* we expect the form: filename */ const char *name; xiosingle_t *xfd = &xxfd->stream; struct sockaddr_un us; socklen_t uslen; bool tight = true; struct opt *opts0 = NULL; bool opt_unlink_early = false; bool opt_unlink_close = true; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } socket_un_init(&us); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; uslen = xiosetunix(&us, name, false, tight); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_EARLY, &opt_unlink_early); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_CLOSE, &opt_unlink_close); if (opt_unlink_close) { if ((xfd->unlink_close = strdup(name)) == NULL) { Error1("strdup(\"%s\"): out of memory", name); } xfd->opt_unlink_close = true; } xfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; applyopts(-1, opts, PH_EARLY); if (opt_unlink_early) { if (Unlink(name) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { Warn2("unlink(\"%s\"): %s", name, strerror(errno)); } else { Error2("unlink(\"%s\"): %s", name, strerror(errno)); } } } /* trying to set user-early, perm-early etc. here is useless because file system entry is available only past bind() call. */ applyopts_named(name, opts, PH_EARLY); /* umask! */ retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); opts0 = copyopts(opts, GROUP_ALL); if ((result = xioopen_listen(xfd, xioflags, (struct sockaddr *)&us, uslen, opts, opts0, PF_UNIX, socktype, 0)) != 0) return result; return 0; } #endif /* WITH_LISTEN */ static int xioopen_unix_connect(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { /* we expect the form: filename */ const char *name; struct single *xfd = &xxfd->stream; struct sockaddr_un them, us; socklen_t themlen, uslen; bool tight = true; bool needbind = false; bool opt_unlink_close = false; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } socket_un_init(&us); socket_un_init(&them); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; themlen = xiosetunix(&them, name, false, tight); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_CLOSE, &opt_unlink_close); if (retropt_bind(opts, AF_UNIX, socktype, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&us, &uslen, 0, 0, 0) != STAT_NOACTION) { needbind = true; } if (opt_unlink_close) { if ((xfd->unlink_close = strdup(name)) == NULL) { Error1("strdup(\"%s\"): out of memory", name); } xfd->opt_unlink_close = true; } applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; applyopts(-1, opts, PH_EARLY); if ((result = xioopen_connect(xfd, needbind?(struct sockaddr *)&us:NULL, uslen, (struct sockaddr *)&them, themlen, opts, PF_UNIX, socktype, 0, false)) != 0) { return result; } if ((result = _xio_openlate(xfd, opts)) < 0) { return result; } return 0; } static int xioopen_unix_sendto(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { const char *name; xiosingle_t *xfd = &xxfd->stream; union sockaddr_union us; socklen_t uslen; bool tight = true; int pf = PF_UNIX; bool needbind = false; bool opt_unlink_close = false; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } uslen = socket_init(pf, &us); xfd->salen = socket_init(pf, &xfd->peersa); xfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; xfd->salen = xiosetunix(&xfd->peersa.un, name, false, tight); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_CLOSE, &opt_unlink_close); xfd->dtype = XIODATA_RECVFROM; if (retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, 0, &us.soa, &uslen, 0, 0, 0) != STAT_NOACTION) { needbind = true; } if (opt_unlink_close) { if ((xfd->unlink_close = strdup(name)) == NULL) { Error1("strdup(\"%s\"): out of memory", name); } xfd->opt_unlink_close = true; } applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; return _xioopen_dgram_sendto(needbind?&us:NULL, uslen, opts, xioflags, xfd, groups, pf, socktype, 0); } static int xioopen_unix_recvfrom(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int pf, int socktype, int dummy3) { const char *name; struct sockaddr_un us; socklen_t uslen; bool tight = true; bool needbind = true; bool opt_unlink_early = false; bool opt_unlink_close = true; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } socket_un_init(&us); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; uslen = xiosetunix(&us, name, false, tight); xfd->stream.howtoend = END_NONE; retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&us, &uslen, 1, 0, 0); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_EARLY, &opt_unlink_early); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_CLOSE, &opt_unlink_close); if (opt_unlink_close) { if ((xfd->stream.unlink_close = strdup(name)) == NULL) { Error1("strdup(\"%s\"): out of memory", name); } xfd->stream.opt_unlink_close = true; } if (opt_unlink_early) { if (Unlink(name) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { Warn2("unlink(\"%s\"): %s", name, strerror(errno)); } else { Error2("unlink(\"%s\"): %s", name, strerror(errno)); } } } xfd->stream.para.socket.la.soa.sa_family = pf; xfd->stream.dtype = XIODATA_RECVFROM_ONE; return _xioopen_dgram_recvfrom(&xfd->stream, xioflags, needbind?(struct sockaddr *)&us:NULL, uslen, opts, pf, socktype, 0, E_ERROR); } static int xioopen_unix_recv(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int pf, int socktype, int ipproto) { const char *name; union sockaddr_union us; socklen_t uslen; bool tight = true; bool opt_unlink_early = false; bool opt_unlink_close = true; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); socket_un_init(&us.un); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; uslen = xiosetunix(&us.un, name, false, tight); #if 1 /*!!! why bind option? */ retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, ipproto, &us.soa, &uslen, 1, 0, 0); #endif retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_EARLY, &opt_unlink_early); if (opt_unlink_early) { if (Unlink(name) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { Warn2("unlink(\"%s\"): %s", name, strerror(errno)); } else { Error2("unlink(\"%s\"): %s", name, strerror(errno)); } } } retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_CLOSE, &opt_unlink_close); if (opt_unlink_close) { if ((xfd->stream.unlink_close = strdup(name)) == NULL) { Error1("strdup(\"%s\"): out of memory", name); } xfd->stream.opt_unlink_close = true; } xfd->stream.para.socket.la.soa.sa_family = pf; xfd->stream.dtype = XIODATA_RECV; result = _xioopen_dgram_recv(&xfd->stream, xioflags, &us.soa, uslen, opts, pf, socktype, ipproto, E_ERROR); return result; } static int xioopen_unix_client(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { const char *name; xiosingle_t *xfd = &xxfd->stream; bool tight = true; int pf = PF_UNIX; union sockaddr_union them, us; socklen_t themlen; socklen_t uslen; bool needbind = false; bool opt_unlink_close = false; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); } xfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); uslen = socket_init(pf, &us); themlen = socket_init(pf, &them); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; themlen = xiosetunix(&them.un, name, false, tight); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNLINK_CLOSE, &opt_unlink_close); if (retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, 0, &us.soa, &uslen, 0, 0, 0) != STAT_NOACTION) { needbind = true; } if (opt_unlink_close) { if ((xfd->unlink_close = strdup(name)) == NULL) { Error1("strdup(\"%s\"): out of memory", name); } xfd->opt_unlink_close = true; } /* xfd->dtype = DATA_STREAM; // is default */ if ((result = xioopen_connect(xfd, needbind?(struct sockaddr *)&us:NULL, uslen, (struct sockaddr *)&them, themlen, opts, PF_UNIX, socktype?socktype:SOCK_STREAM, 0, false)) != 0) { if (errno == EPROTOTYPE) { if (needbind) { Unlink(us.un.sun_path); } applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; xfd->peersa = them; xfd->salen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); if ((result = _xioopen_dgram_sendto(needbind?&us:NULL, uslen, opts, xioflags, xfd, groups, pf, socktype?socktype:SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) != 0) { return result; } xfd->dtype = XIODATA_RECVFROM; } } if ((result = _xio_openlate(xfd, opts)) < 0) { return result; } return 0; } #if WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET #if WITH_LISTEN static int xioopen_abstract_listen(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { /* we expect the form: filename */ const char *name; xiosingle_t *xfd = &xxfd->stream; bool tight = true; struct sockaddr_un us; socklen_t uslen; struct opt *opts0 = NULL; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } socket_un_init(&us); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; uslen = xiosetunix(&us, name, true, tight); xfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; applyopts(-1, opts, PH_EARLY); /* trying to set user-early, perm-early etc. here is useless because file system entry is available only past bind() call. */ retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); opts0 = copyopts(opts, GROUP_ALL); if ((result = xioopen_listen(xfd, xioflags, (struct sockaddr *)&us, uslen, opts, opts0, PF_UNIX, socktype, 0)) != 0) return result; return 0; } #endif /* WITH_LISTEN */ static int xioopen_abstract_connect(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { /* we expect the form: filename */ const char *name; struct single *xfd = &xxfd->stream; bool tight = true; struct sockaddr_un them, us; socklen_t themlen, uslen; bool needbind = false; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } socket_un_init(&us); socket_un_init(&them); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; themlen = xiosetunix(&them, name, true, tight); if (retropt_bind(opts, AF_UNIX, socktype, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&us, &uslen, 0, 0, 0) != STAT_NOACTION) { needbind = true; } applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; applyopts(-1, opts, PH_EARLY); if ((result = xioopen_connect(xfd, needbind?(struct sockaddr *)&us:NULL, uslen, (struct sockaddr *)&them, themlen, opts, PF_UNIX, socktype, 0, false)) != 0) { return result; } if ((result = _xio_openlate(xfd, opts)) < 0) { return result; } return 0; } static int xioopen_abstract_sendto(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { const char *name; xiosingle_t *xfd = &xxfd->stream; union sockaddr_union us; socklen_t uslen; bool tight = true; int pf = PF_UNIX; bool needbind = false; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } uslen = socket_init(pf, &us); xfd->salen = socket_init(pf, &xfd->peersa); xfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; xfd->salen = xiosetunix(&xfd->peersa.un, name, true, tight); xfd->dtype = XIODATA_RECVFROM; if (retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, 0, &us.soa, &uslen, 0, 0, 0) != STAT_NOACTION) { needbind = true; } applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; return _xioopen_dgram_sendto(needbind?&us:NULL, uslen, opts, xioflags, xfd, groups, pf, socktype, 0); } static int xioopen_abstract_recvfrom(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int pf, int socktype, int dummy3) { const char *name; struct sockaddr_un us; socklen_t uslen; bool tight = true; bool needbind = true; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } socket_un_init(&us); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; uslen = xiosetunix(&us, name, true, tight); xfd->stream.howtoend = END_NONE; retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&us, &uslen, 1, 0, 0); xfd->stream.para.socket.la.soa.sa_family = pf; xfd->stream.dtype = XIODATA_RECVFROM_ONE; return _xioopen_dgram_recvfrom(&xfd->stream, xioflags, needbind?(struct sockaddr *)&us:NULL, uslen, opts, pf, socktype, 0, E_ERROR); } static int xioopen_abstract_recv(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int pf, int socktype, int ipproto) { const char *name; union sockaddr_union us; socklen_t uslen; bool tight = true; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); return STAT_NORETRY; } retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); socket_un_init(&us.un); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; uslen = xiosetunix(&us.un, name, true, tight); #if 1 /*!!! why bind option? */ retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, ipproto, &us.soa, &uslen, 1, 0, 0); #endif xfd->stream.para.socket.la.soa.sa_family = pf; xfd->stream.dtype = XIODATA_RECV; result = _xioopen_dgram_recv(&xfd->stream, xioflags, &us.soa, uslen, opts, pf, socktype, ipproto, E_ERROR); return result; } static int xioopen_abstract_client(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int socktype, int dummy3) { const char *name; xiosingle_t *xfd = &xxfd->stream; bool tight = true; int pf = PF_UNIX; union sockaddr_union them, us; socklen_t themlen; socklen_t uslen; bool needbind = false; int result; if (argc != 2) { Error2("%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argc-1); } xfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); uslen = socket_init(pf, &us); themlen = socket_init(pf, &them); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN, &tight); name = argv[1]; themlen = xiosetunix(&them.un, name, true, tight); if (retropt_bind(opts, pf, socktype, 0, &us.soa, &uslen, 0, 0, 0) != STAT_NOACTION) { needbind = true; } /* xfd->dtype = DATA_STREAM; // is default */ if ((result = xioopen_connect(xfd, needbind?(struct sockaddr *)&us:NULL, uslen, (struct sockaddr *)&them, themlen, opts, PF_UNIX, socktype?socktype:SOCK_STREAM, 0, false)) != 0) { if (errno == EPROTOTYPE) { if (needbind) { Unlink(us.un.sun_path); } /* ...res_opts[] */ applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); if (applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; xfd->peersa = them; xfd->salen = themlen; if ((result = _xioopen_dgram_sendto(needbind?&us:NULL, uslen, opts, xioflags, xfd, groups, pf, socktype?socktype:SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) != 0) { return result; } xfd->dtype = XIODATA_RECVFROM; } } if ((result = _xio_openlate(xfd, opts)) < 0) { return result; } return 0; } #endif /* WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET */ #endif /* WITH_UNIX */